I am unable to get this call to project a point to complete.
I am connecting to an enterprise portal from an arcgis install at home through Jupiter labs. I have been successfully connecting using a client Id I created through the enterprise portal web interface. See below. I am unable to project any data (other calls to get featureLayer etc all have worked so far). Exceptions attached. It appears that the code is trying to guess my connection, but should already have this information in the gis I create.
Would anyone have any idea what is going wrong?
from arcgis import geometry
from arcgis.geometry import Point, project, find_transformation
from arcgis.gis import GIS
gis = GIS("https://myurl.com/portal",client_id="xyz")
ptwebm = Point({"x" : 17041106.13569748, "y" : -3183137.706970891})
result = project(geometries=[ptwebm],in_sr = 3857,out_sr = 4326,gis=gis)
Hi Ian, Your attached image is unfortunately unreadable (for me at-least).
I don't why you're getting this error as the attached screenshot is small and blurry.
You could also try the normal log into Portal and see if it works out the projection:
gis = GIS("https://myurl.com/portal", "username", "password", verify_cert=False)
Sorry about the log.
Thanks for your help. I have tried using my username and password but there is 2 factor authentication to contend with - from home I am not getting a code. So I used the client id method instead.
I guess this is a bug, otherwise why would I be able to connect and access feature services etc but no be able to use some of the API
here us the text
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exception Traceback (most recent call last) ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/arcgis/_impl/tools.py in __init__(self, url, gis) 329 try: --> 330 self._token = self._con.generate_portal_server_token(url) 331 except Exception as e: # GUESSED Auth Wrong, try anonymously ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/arcgis/gis/_impl/_con/_connection.py in generate_portal_server_token(self, serverUrl, expiration) 1738 else: -> 1739 resp = self.post( 1740 path=self._token_url, postdata=postdata, ssl=True, add_token=False ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/arcgis/gis/_impl/_con/_connection.py in post(self, path, params, files, **kwargs) 1040 retry_count = 0 -> 1041 return self._handle_response( 1042 resp=resp, ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/arcgis/gis/_impl/_con/_connection.py in _handle_response(self, resp, file_name, out_path, try_json, force_bytes) 594 errorcode = data["error"]["code"] if "code" in data["error"] else 0 --> 595 self._handle_json_error(data["error"], errorcode) 596 return data ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/arcgis/gis/_impl/_con/_connection.py in _handle_json_error(self, error, errorcode) 617 errormessage = errormessage + "\n(Error Code: " + str(errorcode) + ")" --> 618 raise Exception(errormessage) 619 Exception: client_id not specified (Error Code: 400) During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: RequestException Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-6-63ef118dd7a8> in <module> 1 ptwebm = Point({"x" : 17041106.13569748, "y" : -3183137.706970891}) ----> 2 result = project(geometries=[ptwebm],in_sr = 3857,out_sr = 4326,gis=gis) ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/arcgis/geometry/functions.py in project(geometries, in_sr, out_sr, transformation, transform_forward, gis, future) 947 if gis is None: 948 gis = arcgis.env.active_gis --> 949 return gis._tools.geometry.project( 950 geometries, in_sr, out_sr, transformation, transform_forward, future=future 951 ) ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/arcgis/_impl/tools.py in geometry(self) 17106 else: 17107 svcurl = self._gis.properties["helperServices"]["geometry"]["url"] > 17108 self._geometry = _GeometryService(svcurl, self._gis) 17109 return self._geometry 17110 except KeyError: ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/arcgis/_impl/tools.py in __init__(self, url, gis) 15420 15421 def __init__(self, url, gis=None): > 15422 super(_GeometryService, self).__init__(url, gis) 15423 15424 @classmethod ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/arcgis/_impl/tools.py in __init__(self, url, gis) 352 from requests.exceptions import RequestException 353 --> 354 raise RequestException(str(e)) 355 else: 356 self._token = self._con.token RequestException: client_id not specified (Error Code: 400)
My apologies. The call with user name and password does not work for me as there is 2 factor identification at work and I am trying to connect from home.
here is the log
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exception Traceback (most recent call last) ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/arcgis/_impl/tools.py in __init__(self, url, gis) 329 try: --> 330 self._token = self._con.generate_portal_server_token(url) 331 except Exception as e: # GUESSED Auth Wrong, try anonymously ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/arcgis/gis/_impl/_con/_connection.py in generate_portal_server_token(self, serverUrl, expiration) 1738 else: -> 1739 resp = self.post( 1740 path=self._token_url, postdata=postdata, ssl=True, add_token=False ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/arcgis/gis/_impl/_con/_connection.py in post(self, path, params, files, **kwargs) 1040 retry_count = 0 -> 1041 return self._handle_response( 1042 resp=resp, ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/arcgis/gis/_impl/_con/_connection.py in _handle_response(self, resp, file_name, out_path, try_json, force_bytes) 594 errorcode = data["error"]["code"] if "code" in data["error"] else 0 --> 595 self._handle_json_error(data["error"], errorcode) 596 return data ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/arcgis/gis/_impl/_con/_connection.py in _handle_json_error(self, error, errorcode) 617 errormessage = errormessage + "\n(Error Code: " + str(errorcode) + ")" --> 618 raise Exception(errormessage) 619 Exception: client_id not specified (Error Code: 400) During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: RequestException Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-6-63ef118dd7a8> in <module> 1 ptwebm = Point({"x" : 17041106.13569748, "y" : -3183137.706970891}) ----> 2 result = project(geometries=[ptwebm],in_sr = 3857,out_sr = 4326,gis=gis) ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/arcgis/geometry/functions.py in project(geometries, in_sr, out_sr, transformation, transform_forward, gis, future) 947 if gis is None: 948 gis = arcgis.env.active_gis --> 949 return gis._tools.geometry.project( 950 geometries, in_sr, out_sr, transformation, transform_forward, future=future 951 ) ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/arcgis/_impl/tools.py in geometry(self) 17106 else: 17107 svcurl = self._gis.properties["helperServices"]["geometry"]["url"] > 17108 self._geometry = _GeometryService(svcurl, self._gis) 17109 return self._geometry 17110 except KeyError: ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/arcgis/_impl/tools.py in __init__(self, url, gis) 15420 15421 def __init__(self, url, gis=None): > 15422 super(_GeometryService, self).__init__(url, gis) 15423 15424 @classmethod ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/arcgis/_impl/tools.py in __init__(self, url, gis) 352 from requests.exceptions import RequestException 353 --> 354 raise RequestException(str(e)) 355 else: 356 self._token = self._con.token RequestException: client_id not specified (Error Code: 400)
Sorry about the log.
Thanks for your help. I have tried using my username and password but there is 2 factor authentication to contend with - from home I am not getting a code. So I used the client id method instead.
I guess this is a bug, otherwise why would I be able to connect and access feature services etc but no be able to use some of the API
here us the text
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exception Traceback (most recent call last) ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/arcgis/_impl/tools.py in __init__(self, url, gis) 329 try: --> 330 self._token = self._con.generate_portal_server_token(url) 331 except Exception as e: # GUESSED Auth Wrong, try anonymously ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/arcgis/gis/_impl/_con/_connection.py in generate_portal_server_token(self, serverUrl, expiration) 1738 else: -> 1739 resp = self.post( 1740 path=self._token_url, postdata=postdata, ssl=True, add_token=False ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/arcgis/gis/_impl/_con/_connection.py in post(self, path, params, files, **kwargs) 1040 retry_count = 0 -> 1041 return self._handle_response( 1042 resp=resp, ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/arcgis/gis/_impl/_con/_connection.py in _handle_response(self, resp, file_name, out_path, try_json, force_bytes) 594 errorcode = data["error"]["code"] if "code" in data["error"] else 0 --> 595 self._handle_json_error(data["error"], errorcode) 596 return data ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/arcgis/gis/_impl/_con/_connection.py in _handle_json_error(self, error, errorcode) 617 errormessage = errormessage + "\n(Error Code: " + str(errorcode) + ")" --> 618 raise Exception(errormessage) 619 Exception: client_id not specified (Error Code: 400) During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: RequestException Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-6-63ef118dd7a8> in <module> 1 ptwebm = Point({"x" : 17041106.13569748, "y" : -3183137.706970891}) ----> 2 result = project(geometries=[ptwebm],in_sr = 3857,out_sr = 4326,gis=gis) ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/arcgis/geometry/functions.py in project(geometries, in_sr, out_sr, transformation, transform_forward, gis, future) 947 if gis is None: 948 gis = arcgis.env.active_gis --> 949 return gis._tools.geometry.project( 950 geometries, in_sr, out_sr, transformation, transform_forward, future=future 951 ) ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/arcgis/_impl/tools.py in geometry(self) 17106 else: 17107 svcurl = self._gis.properties["helperServices"]["geometry"]["url"] > 17108 self._geometry = _GeometryService(svcurl, self._gis) 17109 return self._geometry 17110 except KeyError: ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/arcgis/_impl/tools.py in __init__(self, url, gis) 15420 15421 def __init__(self, url, gis=None): > 15422 super(_GeometryService, self).__init__(url, gis) 15423 15424 @classmethod ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/arcgis/_impl/tools.py in __init__(self, url, gis) 352 from requests.exceptions import RequestException 353 --> 354 raise RequestException(str(e)) 355 else: 356 self._token = self._con.token RequestException: client_id not specified (Error Code: 400)