How can I test if there was a rollback?
Where do I find the documentation for Feature Layer's edit_feature method's response?
It's not documented here:
result = layer.edit_features(updates=records, rollback_on_failure=True)
# looking for something like
if result["rollback"]:
# do something
Unfortunately, the API documentation is incomplete. The official documentation only specifies: "Output: dictionary".
After some try and error I got this response:
{'addResults': [{'objectId': 1, 'uniqueId': 1, 'globalId': None, 'success': False, 'error': {'code': 1003, 'description': 'Operation rolled back.'}}, {'objectId': None, 'uniqueId': None, 'globalId': None, 'success': False, 'error': {'code': 1000, 'description': 'String or binary data would be truncated.\r\nThe statement has been terminated.'}}], 'updateResults': [], 'deleteResults': []}
One of the Google result for "1003 Operation rolled back." is:
Seems like the REST API returns 1003 for rollbacks.
Based on above response, I could do something like this:
def is_rolled_back(result):
for element in result["addResults"]:
if "error" in element and element["error"]["code"] == 1003:
return False
return True
# example with adding records
result = layer.edit_features(add=records, rollback_on_failure=True)
if is_rolled_back(result):
# do something
However, this is everything else than a satisfying solution. It's solely based on assumptions due to non-existing documentation.
I don't know if the error code 1003 would always be the first element. As I said, all based on assumptions. If it is always the first element, above code can be simplified!
Other ideas and inputs are very welcome and appreciated!