Need help! I am trying to get zoning by-law information as geojson or shapefile from this ArcGIS web map site. Usually, the esri2geojson method would work fine 90% of the time even when there's a token involved. However, this web map seems to generate the token internally, thus no token could be found in the dev tools. I tried to generate my own token in order to access the rest service too, but it didn't work either. I was wondering if anyone would have any insights to any other methods where I can extract the information? Much thanks and appreciation in advance!
I took at look at one of the REST endpoints behind one of the layers ('Registered Two Unit Dwellings') and it did not have the EXTRACT capability enabled. I suspect this is why it is not working for your.
I was curious to take a look, and just noticed that the splash screen states: "Data for the Brampton Planning Viewer can be downloaded from Brampton's Open Data portal, the GeoHub.", linking to
Not sure of the exact dataset that you're after, but shouldn't give you any token difficulties - looks like the datasets are offered in various formats including geojson.