Hello! So we have been using the ArcGIS Dashboard for some time and we are now making use of the recently added submodule arcgis.apps.dashboard.
One of the issuess we are facing is creating a dashboard elements(charts,gauge etc) with GeoJSON related data. When the Python API tries to create a Dashboard chart element, it usually looks after table data. But since we are dealing with GeoJSON, the data it is stored in propertie objects and not tables.
File "D:\Anaconda\envs\agol_env\lib\site-packages\arcgis\apps\dashboard\_gauge\_gauge.py", line 507, in objectid_field
return self._item.tables[0].properties["objectIdField"]
IndexError: list index out of range
Creating dashboard elements with GeoJSON related object works fine manually on the ArcGIS Online website.
All 3 elements are taking advantage of the same feature layer. The difference is that element 3 is requiring it through a webmap widget.
Here is the script:
item_name= 'Faerder Cable Network As Found'
item_geojson_related = gis.content.search(query='title: "{0}"'.format(item_name), max_items=1, item_type='Feature Layer')[0]
webmap_name = 'Faerder Windmill Park Static View'
webmap_item = gis.content.search(query='title: "{0}"'.format(webmap_name), max_items=1, item_type='Web Map')[0]
webmap = WebMap(webmap_item)
# Element 1 - Cable Capacitance
capacitance_chart = SerialChart(item_geojson_related, name='Cable Capacitance', categories_from='features', description='Cable Capacitance')
capacitance_chart.data.category_field = 'CableID'
capacitance_chart.data.add_value_field('Measureed Capacitance (pF/m)')
# Element 2 - Cable Inductance
inductance_chart = SerialChart(item_geojson_related, name='Cable Inductance', categories_from='features', description='Cable Inductance')
inductance_chart.data.category_field = 'CableID'
inductance_chart.data.add_value_field('Measured Inductance (micro Henry/m)')
# Element 3 - Gauge
gauge = Gauge(webmap, name='Average Delta G in Visible Cable Network', layer=0, description='Average Delta G in Visible Cable Network')
gauge.data.value_type = 'statistic'
gauge.data.statistics = 'Average'
gauge.data.statistics_field = 'Delta_G'
gauge.gauge_options.shape = 'horseshoe'
Element 1&2 returns this error:
File "C:/Users/Henrik/AppData/Roaming/JetBrains/PyCharmCE2020.2/scratches/scratch_4.py", line 23, in <module>
capacitance_chart.data.category_field = 'CableID'
File "D:\Anaconda\envs\agol_env\lib\site-packages\arcgis\apps\dashboard\_serialchart\_serial_chart.py", line 916, in category_field
if self._field_type(value) == '<M8[ns]':
File "D:\Anaconda\envs\agol_env\lib\site-packages\arcgis\apps\dashboard\_serialchart\_serial_chart.py", line 1048, in _field_type
f_type = self._item.tables[0].query().sdf[field_name].dtype
IndexError: list index out of range
I also have the same issue like @Wirescan. When will this bug be fixed?