I am trying to classify some points based off of their wildfire risk.
I am using the ImageryLayer provided by the US Forest Service (https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=9274dfe5318540d7a09f0117c0be0730) which appears to have a Raster Function applied that classifies the pixel values into different categories.
Is there a way to access this categorization or the fields that are generated by the Raster Function using get_samples?
See this snippet from a web map for the fields I am after.

The following code outputs a dictionary response:
wf_risk_item = gis.content.get(9274dfe5318540d7a09f0117c0be0730)
wf_risk_layer = wf_risk_item.layers[0]
wf_risk_layer.get_samples(test_geom, out_fields = '*')
[{'location': {'x': -81.46579,
'y': 31.251772,
'spatialReference': {wkid': 4326, latestWkid': 4326}},
'locationId': 0,
'value': '132',
'rasterId': 1,
'resolution': 30,
'attributes': {'Name': 'WHP_CONUS_reclassed',
'MinPS': 0,
'MaxPS': 19200,
'LowPS': 30,
'HighPS': 1920,
'Category': 1,
'GroupName': '',
'ProductName': '',
'CenterX': -10746853.616312053,
'CenterY': 4796876.014940174,
'ZOrder': None,
'Shape_Length': 19418521.666981366,
'Shape Area': 22477410469388.316},
'values': [132.01]}]
However, none of the attributes or the values returned match with the Raster.Fields. Is there a way to access these?