I experienced a similar issue using the Export Data capability to export an ArcGIS Online hosted feature layer: missing attributes in the Output Fields parameter. I was successful exporting all attributes in an ArcGIS Online hosted feature layer using the Feature To Line (Data Management) geoprocessing tool in ArcGIS Pro 3.0.0. Good luck!
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10:47 AM
I am configuring the Self Service facilities web map from the ArcGIS Solutions My Trash Services 2.0 solution, specifically the popup for the Self Service Facilities layer. The popup includes an Arcade element to display which amenity is available based on a Yes/No attribute. The popup is not displaying the amenities that should be displaying. Is there a solution to this? //Definie the fields in the layer that contain a Yes/No signifying if the amenity is available var amenity_fields = ['appliances','batteries','constructdebris','electronics','landscaping','automotive'] /*DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var amenity_lookup = {}; var layer_fields = Schema($layer)['fields']; for (var f in layer_fields) { var field = layer_fields[f]; if (IndexOf(amenity_fields, field['name']) > -1) { amenity_lookup[field['name']] = field['alias']; } } var text_ = ""; for(var k in amenity_lookup) { if ($feature[k] == 'Yes') { text_ += '✓ ' +Replace(amenity_lookup[k], ' ', ' ') + ' '; } } return { type : 'text', text : '<strong>Accepts </strong> </br>' + text_ //this property supports html tags }
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07:27 AM
I also have this question, with a follow up question. What can be done to display all of the days in a month that are missing, such as in the following screenshot where March 29-31 are missing?
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12:40 PM
Hi Bill, The resource you provided is part of the answer to the question, and thank you. Apart from supported geometry types for ArcGIS Online hosted feature layers, there seems to be an issue with how the ArcGIS Pro Traverse and Update COGO tools work with saving the attributes in hosted feature layers. I'm considering working with Support to try and replicate the issue and determine if it is an issue or a limitation.
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06:32 AM
To provide an additional use case, our organization configures Survey123 forms that include Select Multiple question types. When a mobile user selects multiple choices for these questions, the choice values are stored in a single attribute field, are concatenated, and delimited with a comma, ",". Supervisors consume the submitted data using ArcGIS Dashboards, and often need to filter the data based on if the attribute value contains any variety of the Survey123 form's Select Multiple choices. Example: A mobile user completes a Survey123 form where the form includes Select Multiple questions, such as, "What follow up tasks are required?", and choice options include "Repair post," "Repair sign", "Replace barcode sticker", "Trim vegetation", etc. The mobile user selects "Replace barcode sticker" and "Trim vegetation". In the office, a supervisor uses the submitted data to plan maintenance activities and ensure field technicians have the correct amount of resources to perform maintenance activities. The supervisor often asks questions of the data such as: "How many new barcode stickers to we need to create and where do they need to go?" "How much vegetation trimming or grass cutting needs to take place and where?" Supervisors use ArcGIS Dashboards to monitor and understand inspection related activities, and then use the application's capabilities to support decision making and planning. Supporting the supervisor's ability to query and filter their department's data in ways that enable them to query and filter multiple combinations of the data values is very important to their workflow and ability to plan operations efficiently. We have implemented a workaround as described in this Blog (, where we have normalized the data by leveraging Survey123's configuration options to store the mobile users' Select Multiple selections in multiple attribute fields that are configured as hidden questions. While this can be an effective way to store the data such that ArcGIS Dashboards supports querying and filtering it using any combination of survey results, this has not been an effective use of space for the Dashboard users, and the use of multiple selectors has not been efficient to use or configure. Our main objectives are to: UI/UX - Effectively use the space provided in ArcGIS Dashboards applications to support intuitive use of data filtering and querying actions. Streamline Configuration - Minimize the amount of configuration required by the content creator to support user workflows. Simplify Data Management - Remove or reduce the amount of data required to support queries and filters, and consequently reduce the amount of any manual post-processing tasks on the data that a data technician is required to perform in order to support simplified UI/UX. Once this becomes a supported configuration, the creators of ArcGIS Dashboards will need the ability to manually enter the string values that will be used by Dashboard users to query if an attribute value contains one or more of the string values configured in the Selector. Hoping for and looking forward to seeing a Data Contains String configuration option in ArcGIS Dashboards.
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08:09 AM
Hi Josh. We have run the Enable COGO GP tool on the layer prior to publishing as a Hosted Feature Layer. I've reviewed the HFL's JSON and was not able to locate a COGO-related setting. I'm suspecting that it may have to do with that, which may explain why the Pro Traverse tool will draw the geometry using COGO but not save the values into the attributes. Thank you for the suggestion to use Parcel Drafter from ArcGIS Solutions. It is one I'm very familiar with and we explored this option, but unfortunately it will not meet all of the user requirements. I'm open to other thoughts and ideas if you have them. My instinct is telling me this may be a limitation based on the nature of the issue and the content involved. I will plan to verify with the ArcGIS Online Product Team at Esri just to make sure since I wasn't able to find any online documentation related to this topic. Much appreciated!
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01:52 PM
Hi @jcarlson , thank you for responding. I hear you saying that it is possible to COGO-enable a Hosted Feature Layer (HFL) in ArcGIS Online. If so, can you provide information on how you COGO-enabled the HFL? I am unable to find documentation describing this, and publishing a COGO-enabled line feature class to AGO as an HFL was not successful for populating COGO attributes with the Traverse tool in ArcGIS Pro. Much appreciated!
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12:22 PM
Is it possible to use the ArcGIS Pro Traverse tool to edit and store COGO attributes in a Hosted Feature Layer dataset that resides in ArcGIS Online? This does not appear to be the case when I have tested this when creating feature data when connected directly to the Hosted Feature Layer or when downloading the map and creating features with the Traverse tool.
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12:03 PM
After furthering exploring this issue and relying on the configuration of the Address hub provided in the Address Data Management ArcGIS Solution, I was able to determine that the CSS style to overwrite the Row Class is in the site Footer HTML. I copied and pasted the <style>...</style> configuration from the Address hub Footer HTML section and pasted it into my own Hub site's Footer HTML and the Row CSS Class was successfully updated. Below is the <style>...</style> that I used. <style> /* Theme Color Variable */ :root { --theme-color-dark:#292929; } .btn { text-decoration: none !important; } .steps-wrapper a { text-decoration: none !important } * Button and Text Styling */ .primary-color { color: var(--theme-color-dark); } .primary-fill { fill: var(--theme-color-dark); } /* Steps 1234 */ .steps-wrapper li::before { color: var(--theme-color-dark); border-color: var(--theme-color-dark); } .steps-wrapper li::after { background-color: var(--theme-color-dark); } .steps-wrapper { list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; } .steps-wrapper li { counter-increment: pledge-counter; position: relative; flex-basis: 25%; width: 25%; margin-top: 40px; padding-top: 40px; } @media screen and (max-width: 800px) { .steps-wrapper li { flex-basis: 50%; width: 50%; } .steps-wrapper li::before { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) !important; } } @media screen and (max-width: 600px) { .steps-wrapper li { flex-basis: 100%; width: 100%; } } .steps-wrapper li::before { box-sizing: border-box; content: counter(pledge-counter); display: inline-block; line-height: 1; text-align: center; border-radius: 50%; padding: 8px; position: absolute; top: 0; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); z-index: 4; font-size: 40px; left: 50%; height: 56px; width: 56px; border: 1px solid; background-color: #fff; } .steps-wrapper li::after { content: ''; display: block; border-radius: 0; height: 10px; width: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0; transform: translateY(-50%); z-index: 2; } .steps-wrapper li:first-of-type::after { border-radius: 10px 0 0 10px; } .steps-wrapper li:last-of-type::after { border-radius: 0 10px 10px 0; } .step-content { box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: -18px; padding: 0 24px; text-align: center; } a.svg-links:hover { filter:brightness(85%); } a.svg-links:focus { outline:#ffffff solid 2px; } /* Edge to Edge picture and text */ .edgetoedge-imgdiv { padding:0px; margin-top:-15px; margin-left:-15px; } .edgetoedge-img { object-fit:cover; width: calc(100% + 30px); max-height:80vh } .edgetoedge-text { padding-left: 5%; } /* Row CSS Classes: Overrides site Theme colors for links in Category Cards, Summary Statistic Cards, and Contact Cards. Overrides <hr> color in Summary Statistic Cards, and email SVG in Contact Cards. Allows Cards to be used on rows with dark theme backgrounds that are other wise the same color as the Theme's Links. */ .row-a-white { border-color: #ffffff } .row-a-white .category-panel .category-card, .row-a-white .backtotop, .row-a-white .contact-card, .row-a-white .contact-card .svgstore-image { color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none; fill: #ffffff; } .row-a-white .summary-statistic-card a:link, .row-a-white .category-panel .category-card:link, .row-a-white .backtotop:link, .row-a-white .contact-card a:link { color: #ffffff; } .row-a-white .summary-statistic-card a:visited, .row-a-white .category-panel .category-card:visited, .row-a-white .backtotop:visited, .row-a-white .contact-card a:visited { color: #ffffff; } .row-a-white .summary-statistic-card a:hover, .row-a-white .category-panel .category-card:hover, .row-a-white .backtotop:hover, .row-a-white .contact-card a:hover { color: #d0cacd; outline-color: #ffffff; } .row-a-white .summary-statistic-card a:focus, .row-a-white .category-panel .category-card:focus, .row-a-white .backtotop:focus, .row-a-white .contact-card a:focus { color: #d0cacd; outline-color:#ffffff; } .row-a-white .category-panel .category-card:focus-visible { color: #d0cacd; outline: #ffffff solid 2px; } .row-a-white .category-panel a:focus { outline: #ffffff solid 2px; } .row-a-white .summary-statistic-card a:active, .row-a-white .category-panel .category-card:active, .row-a-white .backtotop:active, .row-a-white .contact-card a:active { color: #d0cacd; } /* Manual Statistic Summary Text Card */ @media (max-width: 412px){ .mobile-stats {font-size:15.4vw} } @media (min-width: 413px) and (max-width: 512px){ .mobile-stats {font-size:15.7vw} } @media (min-width: 513px) and (max-width: 767px){ .mobile-stats {font-size:80px} } @media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px){ .mobile-stats {font-size:36px} } @media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px){ .mobile-stats {font-size:48px} } @media (min-width: 1200px){ .mobile-stats {font-size:60px} } /* HTML Bookmarks --- fix for html bookmark focus on sites with fixed headers--- */ :target::before { height: 120px; margin-top: -120px; visibility: hidden; content: ''; position:relative; display:block; z-index:-1; } .navbar-contents a { position: relative; z-index:0; } /*end fix*/ /* Footer */ .contact-info-alignment { text-align: center; } .logo-title-alignment { margin-left : auto; margin-right: auto; } @media (min-width: 768px) { .contact-info-alignment { text-align: right; } .logo-title-alignment { margin-left : initial; margin-right: initial } } /*accessibility*/ *:focus-visible:not(a.ember-view, .svg-links) { border-style: solid; border-width:3px; text-decoration:none; } /* Honors user device preference for no animation */ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference) { html, body { scroll-behavior: smooth; /*note - smooth scrolling not supported in Safari */ } /*Bookmarked content subtle highlight */ :target { animation: focused-anchor 6s ease-in-out 1; text-shadow: none; } @keyframes focused-anchor { 0% { text-shadow: none; } 25% { text-shadow: 0 0 1px black, 0 0 25px yellow, 0 0 10px yellow } 50% { text-shadow: none; } 75% { text-shadow: 0 0 1px black, 0 0 25px yellow, 0 0 10px yellow } 100% { text-shadow: none } } } p { font-size:16px; } .backtotop { position:relative; float:right; font-size:12px } mark {background-color:#fff3ab} </style>
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10:05 AM
Looking for dynamic point feature dispersal capability in the Map Viewer in order to disperse point features that are stacked or within close proximity to others and dynamically update the dispersal based on map scale. A use case for this is in public works and highway where we map the inventory of road signs. Each sign is effectively mapped as a single point feature, and often multiple signs are placed on the same post. Being able to disperse or offset the display of these stacked sign points, or sign points that are too close to each other to see the complete symbol, helps all of our stakeholders to: More completely understand the concentration of sign assets Better understand the situation along a roadway (communicating that a discrete location is informing travelers of multiple pieces of information) Example: Travelers at a specific location are informed to Stop AND of the names of two intersecting streets Example: Travelers at a specific location are informed of the route number AND that they are approaching a junction Example: Travelers at a specific location are informed of the name and direction of an upcoming intersection AND the names of tourist attractions in the same direction AND that a public water access in the same direction exists Take advantage of the map layout space and communicate more information in it without having to filter off features (definition query) in order to see what other types of signs are communicating information to travelers at a location - losing the complete context of what information is shared at a single location Supporting this capability dynamically so that users do not have to create multiple feature classes using the Disperse Markers geoprocessing tool in ArcGIS Pro for use at multiple map scales. Providing this visualization seamlessly, and removing the time it takes for the map author to create these feature classes manually for multiple scales. Visualize through the Map Viewer in a web browser and ArcGIS Field Maps for mobile workers. The option to "explode" a cluster of point features when a user hovers over the cluster may have value when trying to declutter the map. However, this does not enable users with the ability to understand the entire situation in a neighborhood or along a roadway if they have to manually over a cluster in order to disperse a point cluster's features and when they are comparing and visualizing multiple locations simultaneously along a roadway. I am not looking for the point symbols to change size, but for the symbols to disperse or offset dynamically as the user zooms in and out on the map. I do anticipate that beyond a certain scale that point dispersal will make the mapped features' locations indistinguishable from others and this would have to be considered for any such capability or by the map author, but it's a place to start. Below is an initial rough diagram of the type of desired dynamic point feature dispersal capability we're looking for. Additional use cases for this capability include, but are not limited to: Visualizing stacked or proximal assets Asset inspection condition records over time Weather and forecasting (ex: sunny AND cloudy) Soil types at a drill sample site Crime incidents and types I have not seen this capability described in ArcGIS or ArcGIS Online, but have received requests for it and understand the value. Looking forward to hearing what others have to share.
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06:17 AM
@KoryKramer The idea described in sounds like what we are looking for as well. I had not considered an action like <hover> to dynamically and temporarily "explode" the points apart, and while this may be beneficial in some use cases, our users have a need to "explode" the points apart based on an action more like <zoom> and <pan>. An action like <zoom> and <pan> should "explode" all of the points apart that are in the visible map extent. I see value for both <hover> and <zoom/pan> actions, however, our users have a greater need for all visible clusters to explode simultaneously in order to understand the entire situation of all the data in the map extent/area versus a single cluster. Your speedy response is much appreciated! 🙂
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03:00 PM
Looking for dynamic point feature dispersal capability in order to disperse point features that are stacked or within close proximity to others and dynamically update the dispersal based on map scale. A use case for this is in public works and highway where we map the inventory of road signs. Each sign is effectively mapped as a single point feature, and often multiple signs are placed on the same post. Being able to disperse or offset the display of these stacked sign points, or sign points that are too close to each other to see the complete symbol, helps all of our stakeholders to: More completely understand the concentration of sign assets Better understand the situation along a roadway (communicating that a discrete location is informing travelers of multiple pieces of information) Example: Travelers at a specific location are informed to Stop AND of the names of two intersecting streets Example: Travelers at a specific location are informed of the route number AND that they are approaching a junction Example: Travelers at a specific location are informed of the name and direction of an upcoming intersection AND the names of tourist attractions in the same direction AND that a public water access in the same direction exists Take advantage of the map layout space and communicate more information in it without having to filter off features (definition query) in order to see what other types of signs are communicating information to travelers at a location - losing the complete context of what information is shared at a single location Supporting this capability dynamically so that users do not have to create multiple feature classes using the Disperse Markers geoprocessing tool for use at multiple map scales. Providing this visualization seamlessly, and removing the time it takes for the map author to create these feature classes manually for multiple scales. The option to "explode" a cluster of point features when a user hovers over the cluster may have value when trying to declutter the map. However, this does not enable users with the ability to understand the entire situation in a neighborhood or along a roadway if they have to manually over a cluster in order to disperse a point cluster's features and when they are comparing and visualizing multiple locations simultaneously along a roadway. I am not looking for the point symbols to change size, but for the symbols to disperse or offset dynamically as the user zooms in and out on the map. I do anticipate that beyond a certain scale that point dispersal will make the mapped features' locations indistinguishable from others and this would have to be considered for any such capability or by the map author, but it's a place to start. Below is an initial rough diagram of the type of desired dynamic point feature dispersal capability we're looking for. Additional use cases for this capability include, but are not limited to: Visualizing stacked or proximal assets Asset inspection condition records over time Weather and forecasting (ex: sunny AND cloudy) Soil types at a drill sample site Crime incidents and types I have not seen this capability described in ArcGIS, but have received requests for it and understand the value. Looking forward to hearing what others have to share. @KoryKramer @GregoryLehner
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02:30 PM
Greetings, everyone, I am looking for some guidance on how to use ArcGIS Hub, specifically the Row setting's Row CSS Class configuration. My use case is as follows: I have a Row that contains two Spacers, a Text card, and four Category cards. Site Theme Settings Global Nav Background Color: #ffffff Global Nav Text Color: #364c60 Header Background Color: #364c60 Header Text Color: #ffffff Body Background Color: #ffffff Body Text Color: #334219 Body Link Color: #4d6175 Button Background Color: #aa613a Button Text Color: #ffffff Base Font: Avenir Next Heading Font: Avenir Next Row Settings Layout: Box Text Color: #ffffff Background Color: #364c60 Background Image: none Row CSS Class: row-a-white The Category elements' Link Text typically displays using the color defined in the Site Theme Body Link Color parameter. However, I have deployed the ArcGIS Solution Address Data Management and it comes with a Hub site that uses the Row Setting Row CSS Class and sets it as 'row-a-white' which changes the Category elements' Link Text color. This setting appears to be overriding the default color of the Link Text. I am unable to replicate this display when editing these configuration settings in a different Hub site. I have included a couple of screenshots. Successful Row CSS Class screenshot Unsuccessful Row CSS Class screenshot I appreciate any help and guidance from the community. Much appreciated!
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01:05 PM
HOORAY for pulldata("@layer")!! This capability, coupled with Linked Content maps that have Enable Search By Layer in the Application Settings helps organizations support their general public stakeholders submit surveys where spatial and nonspatial data integrity is better ensured. Use case: Public-facing Property Tax Assessment Appeals Survey123 form that leverages Linked Content - a web map containing a tax parcel layer for visual representation and a tax parcel point layer that supports the point-in-polygon pulldata capability. The web map Application Settings are configured to search for tax parcel [point] using parcel identification number or site address. The tax parcel point layer ensures that the form user places the geopoint where internal stakeholders want it, provided that they use the geopoint question's Search capability, and the point layer is used in the pulldata capability to query the tax parcel layer and populate survey questions with information about the parcel. The value proposition: Streamline the submission of forms Better ensure the quality of the spatial and nonspatial data Thanks for sharing this update. Looking forward to learning more through the EAP!
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07:50 AM
Hey Chris, An additional follow up that I wanted to put here for documentation purposes and for others is that regarding the next pickup date for Independence Day. Since Independence Days is on a Sunday this year, the observed holiday date will be 7/5. Pickup districts with Monday pickup service were still displaying Monday 7/5 as the next pickup date even though the next pickup date is actually Thursday 7/8. To adjust for this, I made the following update to line 30 of the expression that you posted. "Next Day of Week - 4": [[-1,5,1],[7,5],[1,9,1]], I simply changed the date of Independence Day to 7/5 so that the Arcade expression will return the actual next pickup date. This case brings to light the difference in how holidays are handled and how observed holidays are handled. For now, I have updated line 30, and added a commented out note that states why Independence Day is 7/5 and when it should be changed back to 7/4.
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10:14 AM
Title | Kudos | Posted |
1 | 02-26-2016 10:40 AM | |
1 | 07-22-2022 10:05 AM | |
2 | 04-11-2023 10:47 AM | |
9 | 07-21-2022 06:17 AM | |
3 | 07-20-2022 02:30 PM |
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