This also important for creating related tables... If you can't use an ObjectID to create the relationship (not compatible with Sync), and you can't use the GlobalID (also not working)... then having the option to add an automatic sequence is even more important... Might also be nice to be able to concatenate as above... could add in User for disconnected scenarios to avoid potential overlap (i.e. 2 users both collecting Storm_1 in the above scenario).
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12:51 PM
Hi James, Thanks for the response. We're still stuck working with standalone ArcGIS Server services for much of our work due to the named user restrictions with Portal and federated services (not practical to have hundreds or thousands of internal users under the current licensing options). This works fine with Collector, but not with Survey123, as identified. Hopefully I can figure out a work-around once we can get Portal up and running... unfortunately our update/install/upgrade process is painfully slow at this point...
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10:07 AM
Unfortunately I was hoping to use Survey123 alongside Collector on my services that are; - Versioned to support a replicated workflow. - Using web-tier authentication... ... which of course means I can't according to this article; How To: Create Survey123 for ArcGIS surveys that connect to non-federated ArcGIS Server services Any chance Survey123 might be updated to support these two things?
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08:27 AM
The danger with anonymous use is security. I need to be able to expose web maps to both secure groups of external users, and internal groups of users, but many of these groups are large enough to make purchasing named user accounts impractical. With the traditional server set up, it's do-able, and I don't have to worry about managing the members of AD security groups already in use for the project, or purpose (which can be a surprisingly big task on it's own). In short, named users are fine, but you need to have a model that supports large groups of users (preferably existing groups so we don't have to manage group membership in multiple places) so that enterprise implementation is practical. Annual pricing on everything is also problematic in this type of scenario.
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01:19 PM
Will look at it... Didn't think it was as much a technical issue as a licensing agreement issue though... (i.e. can I have a single user in Portal or AGOL called "MYGROUP" and have all the members of that group able to view a web map restricted to that group?) We already have single sign on with our AGOL. Providing a single account and password to multiple people is against our internal security policy, and, to my understanding, against the terms of our ESRI agreement...
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01:13 PM
It's not cost effective or practical for me to pay for hundreds or thousands of level 1 users that may or may not ever need to access a web map, but should be allowed to access it. With ArcGIS Server (not Portal/ArcGIS Online) I can secure services by using AD groups, but I don't have any tools to author the web maps. (outside of increasingly outdated Silverlight builder, or the somewhat kludgy ArcGIS WebApp Builder for javascript, locally installed, with the hacked on LocalLayers widget) With Portal or ArcGIS Online, I get all sorts of tools, but I'm locked into only being able to allow access to named users or the public, with nothing in between to account for the organisation. This results in these tools being limited to smaller project teams, as opposed to any organisation or enterprise level map creation. So, if I want to build web-maps for groups that are too large to feasibly manage in ArcGIS Online or Portal, I need to have ArcGIS Server set up on it's own (i.e. without Portal), but, if I want to be able to build web-maps in a modern web-app builder, I need to use ArcGIS Online or Portal... If there was a way to consider an Active directory group as a named user (maybe only in Portal), I could work with it. I'd still need to purchased a "named user" account for every seperate AD group I wanted to add... but it would allow me to bridge the gap between public and project access.
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04:57 PM
Interesting idea... would be sort of like a dynamic spatial relationship. Would be great to see this in Collector or Survey123...
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08:39 AM
Attached photos are a bit trickier, but everything else can pretty much be done with data driven pages... Although you may want to modify your template... Also, it's worth using rectangle text boxes to force wrapping etc. Limitations include when you need multiple pages for a single row of data (or related table info). At that point you're getting into stuff not well supported by ESRI... and may need to look at business partners like SafeSoftware and FME.
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10:13 AM
I would like to be able to use Portal, but am in an organization with hundreds/thousands of users (depending on the organization level). Is there any way to do this other than have two set-ups? With the new levelled user option, and in Enterprise, can you set up a Level 1 user that includes a large Active Directory group? (assuming windows etc.) Or does adding an AD group still just add all the members as individuals? Thanks
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04:27 PM
Hypothetically it might be possible to create a storymap with REST services hosted on your server, make the app "public", but control access through the REST service. Then download the app, and host it on your web server. I'm not sure if this will work or not, but I have a similar need (i.e. don't want full open access, but don't want access limited by named users in ArcGIS Online). If I can get it working I'll post back here/
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02:38 PM
Without the ability to recreate those credit charges on an item/individual basis, we can't continue to use ArcGIS Online (tragedy of the commons), as we need to be able to assign charges on an individual or project basis. So, we're actually considering re-running the script every hour to pull the data from the REST API to store the granularity that we can't get from ArcGIS Online on our system. The aggregated view does not let us effectively pass the cost of usage on to the project or user, meaning that it becomes an overhead cost which can and will be abused by the various users/projects, and is therefore not sustainable for us to use as an organization. So... assuming the size of the reported feature is accurate, and that we're pulling the data from the REST API on an hourly basis, we, at least theoretically, should be able to recreate the credit usage total, but also support an itemized list of storage credits. If the feature service is not hosted, it doesn't have an associated size, and is therefore not counted... so calculating credit usage based on whether or not the item is a "Feature Service" should still produce accurate results. Currently, if I drill down as far as I can into the credit usage I can see that we're using 0.43 credits an hour, primarily in Feature Storage. If I pull the data from the REST API using the above script, and calculate the credits used, I get, 0.404856765... So I'm close... but not quite correct. Once I can confirm that I have the correct calculation method, then it's just a matter of setting up a machine to pull the data and store/aggregate it for a monthly billing cycle. We'll also have to include credits used in other ways (i.e. enrichment, etc.). I agree this is difficult and painful, but our other option is to stop using ArcGIS Online, which I'm trying to avoid.
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11:14 AM
So to update, I'm having some issues getting the above referenced formula to match with the reported credit usage in my organizational account status... So far, the closest I can get is if I double the number that the above referenced formula gives me. I have a call in with Tech Support to investigate, and will update this post when I get a response. I'm also hoping to expand the script to add other credit usage...
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05:13 PM
So... to confirm. If I've extracted the sizes from the catalog using something like agolTools from the ESRI github, then I should be able to calculate my hourly credit usage on an item by item basis. If I've got the data in excel, then the formula to calculate this hourly credit usage would look something like this; =IF("Feature Type Column"="Feature Service", "SizeinMB"/10*2.4/720,"SizeinGB"*1.2/720) 720 = the hrs in the month Credits are charged at 2.4 credits per 10 MB per month, calculated on an hourly basis. ArcGIS Online | Service Credits The problem with this is that the size reported in the catalog for items created before July 2014 is not the actual size... (as per above) So... If we delete all the items created before July 2014 and republish any that we need, we should be able to create a broken down list of items and hourly credit usage. This could be re-calculated every hour to get a total number of credits used by an item... The reason I'm looking at this, is that we currently don't have any way for our IT dept. who is responsible for purchasing credits, to recoup storage costs from the various groups using our organizational account. I'm sure we're not the only ones who need to be able to do break down these costs.
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11:32 AM
This doesn't count for credits used for storage though... those are aggregated back to the organization as a whole.
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04:54 PM
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