'000210 : Cannot create output .'  - ModelBuilder

05-02-2014 10:58 AM
New Contributor
I am having trouble overwriting an output shapefile from ModelBuilder.

The model works great when ran the first time, but I get an '000210 : Cannot create output .' error if I re-run the model. The error states 'The output cannot be created. Potential reasons include data locking, an incorrect path, and limited access rights..'

I've noticed that there is a .lock file associated with the shapefile so I assume this is my problem. I've selected the overwrite outputs of geoprocessing options checkbox in the geoprocessing options.

My model is very simple, I am just using a multivalue iteration to buffer a line segment at different buffer widths and then clipping to a polygon. I am using the inline variable subsitution based off of the buffer value for my output shapefile name.

Anybody know how to fix this? or possible work arounds? I am using ArcMap 10.2


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1 Reply
Occasional Contributor III
Confirm that the data is not locked by another user or application and that you have full rights to the workspace being used. Check to make sure that the path to the data is correct (check for typos in the folder path). Try creating the output in a new location.
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