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# Script Name: Change_datasource # Description: This script allows you to select a specific layer # in your table of content and change the data source. # Created By: Pierre # Date: 29/04/2014 import arcpy import os # Read the parameter values: # 1: Input workspace # 2: Input layer # 3: Set new server connection # 4: Set new source dataset # mxdLocation = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) layer = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) serverConnection = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) newSource = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3) newMXDname = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4) def gdbType(connPath): connType = os.path.splitext(connPath)[1] if connType == '.sde': arcpy.AddMessage('\nsde source.') wsType = 'SDE_WORKSPACE' elif connType == '.gdb': arcpy.AddMessage('\nfile gdb source:') wsType = 'FILEGDB_WORKSPACE' else: arcpy.AddMessage('\nunhandled source type') wsType = '' return wsType arcpy.env.workspace = serverConnection if arcpy.Exists(newSource): wsType = gdbType(serverConnection) arcpy.AddMessage('the workspace for the new source is {0}\n'.format(serverConnection)) MXDdir = os.path.dirname(mxdLocation) newMXDname = os.path.join(MXDdir, newMXDname + '.mxd') mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(mxdLocation) # single-layer datasource replacement, 1st one listed from TOC. #lyr = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd, layer)[0] # multiple-layer datasource replacement... for lyr in arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd, layer): if lyr.supports("DATASOURCE") and wsType != '': arcpy.AddMessage('DATASOURCE property is supported for {0}.\n'.format(lyr.longName)) lyr.replaceDataSource(serverConnection, wsType, newSource) else: arcpy.AddMessage('DATASOURCE property is either not supported or handling by this script is not provided.\n') if not os.path.exists(newMXDname): arcpy.AddMessage('Please check the layer properties for ALL layers named \'{0}\', checking the source change in your new map doc:'.format(layer)) arcpy.AddMessage('{0}.\n'.format(newMXDname)) mxd.saveACopy(newMXDname) else: arcpy.AddWarning('mxd name is not unique and will not be saved...\n') arcpy.AddMessage('The End.')
import arcpy class ToolValidator(object): """Class for validating a tool's parameter values and controlling the behavior of the tool's dialog.""" def __init__(self): """Setup arcpy and the list of tool parameters.""" self.params = arcpy.GetParameterInfo() def initializeParameters(self): """Refine the properties of a tool's parameters. This method is called when the tool is opened.""" return def updateParameters(self): """Modify the values and properties of parameters before internal validation is performed. This method is called whenever a parameter has been changed.""" stringFilterTargetLyrs = self.params[1].filter stringFilterSourceLyrs = self.params[3].filter theMap = self.params[0].value theGDB = self.params[2].value if theMap: mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(str(theMap)) lyrList = [str(lyr) for lyr in arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd)] stringFilterTargetLyrs.list = lyrList if theGDB: arcpy.env.workspace = str(theGDB) fcList = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses() stringFilterSourceLyrs.list = fcList return def updateMessages(self): """Modify the messages created by internal validation for each tool parameter. This method is called after internal validation.""" return
if lyr.supports("DATASOURCE"): lyr.replaceDataSource(serverConnection, "SDE_WORKSPACE", newSource) arcpy.AddMessage('replace executed...')
import arcpy mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument('CURRENT') targetLyrName = "enter name of layer in TOC" targetLyr = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd, targetLyrName)[0] if targetLyr is not None: print "your selected layer is {0}.format(targetLyr.longName)
serverConnection = r"enter an SDE connection file pathname" newSource = "enter the full name of the feature class to use for replacement" arcpy.env.workspace = serverConnection if arcpy.Exists(newSource): print 'good to go' if targetLyr.supports("DATASOURCE"): print "DATASOURCE property is supported for this layer." targetLyr.replaceDataSource(serverConnection, "SDE_WORKSPACE", newSource) else: print "DATASOURCE property is not supported for this layer."