Basicviewer Template

04-02-2013 02:48 PM
Occasional Contributor III
I downloaded the basicviewer template and I want to start making changes to learn and see if I can customize it.  I added an extra tool called/Menu button called Elevation.  This button opens a new floating window when it is clicked. 

<!--Floating window that will contain the elevation dijit-->
            <div id="floaterElevation">
   <div id="ElevationDiv" dojotype="dijit.layout.ContentPane" region="bottom"
      gutters="false" style="display:none;margin:10px 5px;width:auto;height:275px;background-color:white;"></div>
                <!--end Map section-->
      <div id="bottomPane" dojotype="dijit.layout.ContentPane" region="bottom"
      gutters="false" style="display:none;margin:10px 5px;width:auto;height:275px;background-color:white;"></div>
      <!-- End Main Content section-->

I thought I could just create a new div in the floating window (similar to the one in bottomPane) and then referrence this div in my js file similar to the it was referrenced for the bottomPane

  dijit.byId('bottomPane').set('content', '<div id="profileChartPane" dojotype="apl.ElevationsChart.Pane"></div>');

I change it to this:
 dijit.byId('ElevationDiv').set('content', '<div id="profileChartPane" dojotype="apl.ElevationsChart.Pane"></div>');


This doesn't work. I wondering if someone can point me in the right direction, what should I be looking at or changing?

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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor III
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New Contributor II
Not sure what doesn't work means.  Does not show, does not function, does not...  Do you have code to change the div to show?  For testing, remove display:none from the elevation div.
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