Identify on a filtered layer

05-05-2010 01:14 AM
New Contributor

I'm working with the JS Google Maps extensions (ArcGIS Server 9.3) and I created an "identify by rectangle" tool for my webgis application.

My issue is the following:
the layer I'm trying to identify on is filtered by layer definitions before being added to the map but the identify results include also the records filtered out by the layer definitions.
Is there a way to avoid this behaviour? Does exist a way to "sync" the identify tool with the given layer definitions?

Thank you in advance
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1 Reply
New Contributor
Ok, my objective was to select some filtered points and use them as input geometry for a buffer operation.
I solved using the query task insted of the identify task. Query accept geometry and string filter (in the where clause), so now I send the query results to the geometry service that performs the buffer.

layerDefinitions will be included in the identify parameters in ArcGIS Server 10 / JS API 2.0 as you can see here

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