Seeking datasets that has the degree, minutes and seconds world longitude and latitude

08-02-2019 06:20 PM
Honored Contributor

I am seeking a GIS datasets that has the longitude and latitude that I really need badly that has the degrees, minutes  and seconds .... I am aware that there is 1 degree, 5 degree, 30 degree and 45 degrees.... I do not want them...

Where do I find them ? I have looked around on the internet and didn't find it.... Does ArcGIS Pro come with it ?  How about ArcGIS Desktop ?

Yes I know that ArcGIS has its own Longitude and Latitude but I really want the datasets...

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14 Replies
MVP Emeritus

coordinates are recorded in decimal degrees in Arc* not DMS.  Are you looking for a grid at a fine scale for an area so show DMS on the border of layout? or are you looking at converting DD coordinates to DMS? in a table>\?

Convert Coordinate Notation—Data Management toolbox | ArcGIS Desktop 

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Honored Contributor

Oh...yes I mean the arc* . No, I don't want to convert them. 

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Honored Contributor


No I am not crazy about that but I need the dataset because I am doing georeference and the scanned map has it there...that is why I asked about it...

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MVP Esteemed Contributor
Honored Contributor

That is interesting but I think it will take me some time to make this work... Have you tried this in the past, friend ?

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Yes, with ArcMap, but I haven't tried the tool in Pro.  I assume it is very similar.  You could also just use Create Fishnet—Data Management toolbox | ArcGIS Desktop, which doesn't generate as much in terms of output, but maybe a single grid is all you need.

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Honored Contributor

Well I found out, I myself did not realized that the Degrees, Minutes, Seconads datasets, will have almost 4 billion polygons worldwide...

So with that said, I will only need a small region area is what I need and not the whold world...

I will follow what other suggest me to do is create a Fishnet or make my own Grids and Gratticules Layer...

Thank you.

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

I marked this question as "assumed answered" since it pertained to downloading a pre-existing data set.  If you have questions on using either of the tools suggested, you can start a new question.

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Honored Contributor

Sure I will. I will just have to go to YouTube and check them out ...

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