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AGOL Basemap not displaying in Power BI

09-28-2018 05:43 AM
Emerging Contributor

Hi Scott,

I'm trying to load my own AGOL basemap but only the image in my basemap appears in the visualisation window of Power BI. The basemap is a web map I created in AGOL, and as well as the standard Esri imagery, contains a number of hosted feature layers (vector layers).

Is there something I need to do at the AGOL end to ensure that the basemap displays in its entirety, or is a 'multi-layered' basemap not supported in the current ArcGIS integration with Power BI?



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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hey Nevin - yes, the 'multi-layered' nature of the basemap is what I think is the issue. The ArcGIS Map visual doesn't support multi-layer maps or services. 

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Emerging Contributor

Hi Scott,

Thanks for getting back to me.

Are there any plans for this to change in the near future? And is there a development roadmap that you might be able to share for ArcGIS Map integration? It would be great to know what this would look like.


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