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Are GWR results are valid when OLS is biased?

07-26-2017 10:42 PM
New Contributor

I am doing OLS and GWR at census tract level. I have included whatever variables that are in the literature (based on availability) and actually I do not have any other data to add at this level. But my OLS shows very low adjusted R2 (0.11) and significant jarque-Bera Statistic. Even running GWR, there is no improvement in adjusted R square and maximum local R2 is 0.20. The low to high coefficient surfaces show a west-east pattern and in almost all of variables the coefficient sign (negative/positive) does not change in the low to high coefficient. 

with the OLS showing biased and these GWR results, can I still use GWR and report it in my paper as a valid analysis?



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