How to disable/hide the resize handle for specific widget in Webappbuilder ?
There is no configuration for this, but if you add some code you can accomplish this.
In your widget you wish to disable the resize on just add this code and requires:
In the postCreate function add:
domStyle.set(dojoQuery(".dojoxResizeHandle.dojoxResizeNW")[0], 'display', 'none');
Add these requires:
'dojo/query', 'dojo/dom-style',
along with their vars:
dojoQuery, domStyle
Thanks Robert .
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Hello Robert,
Thank you for posting this! I am trying to implement this in my application, but am running into trouble.
Do you put this within the Widget.js file within the Widgets folder? Also I am not sure if i created the vars and set the requirements correctly as you instructed.
postCreate: function() {
var dojoQuery = require('dojoQuery')
var domStyle = require('domStyle')
Kind Regards,
No that is not how to add the requires. In the Widget.js at the very top of that file you will find the other modules in the define array that is where you add the dojo/query and dojo/dom-style. The domStyle.set does go in the Widget.js postcreate function.
Hello Robert,
I added the requirements within define() and the variables within the function().
I must still be missing something because it is not being removed?
Appreciate your help, sorry I am new at this
OK this seems to work:
postCreate: function() {
domStyle.set(dojoQuery(".dojoxResizeHandle", this.domNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode)[0], 'display', 'none');
}), 200);
Hello Robert,
Thanks for helping me on all my difficulties! I was unable to make the JS work but I did manage to use CSS to hide it within the Widgets style.css file.
.dojoxResizeHandle {
visibility: hidden !important;
Kind Regards,
That will work if you want to hide it for all widgets.