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Enhanced Locate Widget Version 2.16 - 08/21/2020

10-02-2015 08:52 AM
Labels (1)

Enhanced Locate Widget Version 2.16 - 08/21/2020

Here is another widget for the Web App Builder.


Live Preview Site

Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS | Help - eLocate Widget



  • Locate and address (like the search widget, but gives you the ability to limit the address search to the maps current extent).
  • Locate coordinates using user defined spatial reference coordinates (i.e. DMS, State Plane, Etc).
  • Reverse Geocode capability called Address Inspection. Address Inspection is clicking on the map and getting the address of the map click point.


List of the latest enhancements and changes:

  1. Fixed issue with result tab being disabled and widget attempting to select the results tab.
  2. Fixed feature popups not working when the address inspector is activated and widget is closed.
  3. Add ability to specify a transform WKID.
  4. Added ability to specify the WKID that coordinates in the popup are displayed in.


Older Versions

Last 2.9 version

Last 2.7 version

Last 2.5 version

Last 2.4 version

Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

Hi Robert,

We use your widget a lot, and it works flawlessly with WAB 2.12. After upgrading to WAB 2.15, the WKID can't be set. Even when I use the values from your example, I only get empty fields. Here is what it looks like:

Any help would be highly appreciated.

MVP Emeritus

   This is an issue that has been discussed a couple of time here. See this thread for the workaround.


Emerging Contributor

I can't download the json file from here:

The URL seems to be broken. Could you upload it somewhere else?

Many thanks in advance.

MVP Emeritus

I just tested the link and it works fine.

Emerging Contributor

I checked it using different PCs and different ISPs, the URL is unavailable. I can't access your Live Preview Site, either. Is it possible that uses geoblocking and it is inaccessible outside the US?

MVP Emeritus

True I didn’t consider that. The way that you will have to fix this is to open that file and copy the text into a online JSON linter and find the syntax error in there or just copy that file from your older 2.13 or less version of WAB.


New Member

Dear Mr. Robert Scheitlin, GISP,

we are using enhanced locate widget in the field of water resources. Our need would be to display the coordinates of WGS and Hungarian projection (EOV) simultanously in the same map pop-up window.

F.e. When I specify WGS coordinates, I expect that EOV coordinates will be displayed at the same time as well in the pop-up.

I have tried to change the JS code, however it is still not solved. What do you advice? Thank you in advance!


MVP Emeritus


   Here is a reply where someone asked a similar question and I answered already: 

New Member

Dear Robert,

we have tried to change the code accordingly. The code is simple javascript. It is not clear, how could we change it so, that we can see the coordinates transformed into Hungarian projection.

The related section for displaying the coordinates:

MVP Emeritus


   Not sure how that code has anything to with my widget... But in the code above you need to project the geometry to your desired wkid. So you need to use the Geometry service project method as shown in the code I referenced earlier.

esriConfig.defaults.geometryService.project(projParams, lang.hitch(this, function(results){

Occasional Contributor

Hi Robert,

Thanks for this great widget. I am having an issue with the "Inspect Address" tool - in the title where the address should be, I instead see "eLocate". This only occurs for locators created in ArcGIS Pro using the "POI" role. Is this something that can be fixed within the widget JS file?


MVP Emeritus


   That is the default behavior when the locator does not provide a address. This widget is not been designed or tested to work with POI locators from Pro.  I could possibly provide to code change guidance if your locator is public for me to access and test against. 

Occasional Contributor

@RobertScheitlin__GISP, that would be wonderful. The locator is public and available here:

The "Point of Interest" is mapped to our Full Address field.

Emerging Contributor


Is there a new version of this, trying to add to Webapp Builder 2.20. When trying to configure the widget and add a map coordinate unit I get an error. Regardless of what WKID I put in the text input will remove the text and the text box becomes red. So I am unable to add a new coordinate system.


Error Message using developer tools.


Any help would be appreciated. 



MVP Emeritus


This is a bug in WAB since 2.13 or earlier. The Fix is noted in this thread.


Emerging Contributor


Thanks for the fast response. Yes, updating the wkidDetails.json file did the trick. It is working now!

Emerging Contributor

Hi Robert,

I'm having a similar issue with not being able to add in the WKID when adding my own map coordinate unit. However I've added the tool as an appbuilder extension to my portal, so the custom widgets can be added into the portal web app builder (not dev edition) so where would you advise I add the new JSON to? I see it in the folder; Portal\apps\webappbuilder\stemapp\jimu.js\SpatialReference 


any help is greatly appreciated!

MVP Emeritus


I am not a portal user but that looks like the right path.

Occasional Contributor

Dear Robert,

Thank you so much its a very good tool, unfortunately, I am not able to overcome this.


I am working from middle east, somehow, i am not able to download this file.

But I downloaded from the below site and tried also, unsuccessful 😞

then, I tried modifying and use the json files, I tried both formats shown below, I modified and kept only WKID which are required for me.


"labels":["PDO_1993_UTM_Zone_40N", "WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere","GCS_WGS_1984", "WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_40N"],


second format


"labels":["PDO_1993_UTM_Zone_40N", "WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere","GCS_WGS_1984", "WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_40N"],


I copied it in my [Install dir]


above shown both formats, I tried, somehow, it did not work.

Lastly, Is it possible for you to Just add two WKID  (3440,32640) in the tool kit itself and upload the ZIP file, i will strait away use it. 

So that it will be shown directly here 


Could you please add these and upload zip file. 

Looking forward to your help and I appreciate your support and help.

Thank you,

MVP Emeritus


The file that you are having trouble downloading from my web server has been uploaded to esri's web server now. You will find the wkidDetails.json zip file in the downloads section above. That should resolve all you issues and you can configure your desired spatial references using the widgets settings dialogs. 

Occasional Contributor

Thanks for the prompt reply, please share the hyperlink, it would be great help to me and others too.

MVP Emeritus


As I mentioned in my post to you the file you need is now located above along with the widget download.

Occasional Contributor

Got it, thank you. I downloaded and copied in 


Unfortunately, still not working.

For testing, I try to add the wkid which is already in the list, but still same issue., I cant go next field, Transform WKID or Name, the WKID deletes and give same error.


I want to clarify one more doubt, 

Is this tool works for portal? or only AGOL ?


Is this error linked to my below problem ? 


I appreciate your support.


Occasional Contributor

Dear Robert,

other observation, currently we are using Dev 2.21


where as the current version is 2.4


Does this have any impact, please advise me, Is it mandatory to upgrade Web App Builder Dev Edition to 2.4? or the tool can still work with 2.1?

Thank you,

MVP Emeritus

@Aneel_Kumar_M  To answer your question about Portal or AGOL this custom widget will only work in WAB Developer or Portal. Custom widgets are not allowed in AGOL. As far as version of WAB 2.21 or 2.24 either will work. 


After you overwrote the wkidDetails.json file in the jimu client and the app folder that you are configuring the eLocate widget in did you restart and clear your browsers cache?

Occasional Contributor

Dear Robert,

  1. I opened the application, removed the already configured tool
  2. saved and closed the bowser
  3. then opened the browser, then cleared the cache
  4. I gain added the tool to my application and saved
  5. then I tried to edit for changing the existing SR or to add new SR
  6. I got the same issue. is there anything else I need to do?

please advise, thank you for your support.

MVP Emeritus

@Aneel_Kumar_M  I am not sure what this issue is then. So the advice I have now is to just manually make the changes to the widgets json.

Open server\apps\3\configs\eLocate\config__x.json and change the wkid of the last point unit object (i.e.

        "wgs84option": "",
        "wkid": 26916,
        "ylabel": "Y:",
        "xlabel": "X:",
        "example": "608140.63, 3724298.41",
        "name": "NAD 1983 UTM 16N"

to whatever wkid you are wanting and change the example and name properties as well. Restart WAB and you should be good to go.


Occasional Contributor

Dear Robert,

Great, it worked, thank you so much.

Though, it was popping up permission error, for editing the config file, I try to edit in my local and overwrite it, but still file was not able to replace. So I did the below steps.

  1. Removed from the web app and saved it
  2. modified the config file in the eLocate widget folder
  3. Then added in to the web app
  4. tested and Its working now

I appreciate your continuous support.

Frequent Contributor


Hi Robert.  Referring to your response about USNG on 09-02-2016, is it possible to set up a USNG configuration in eLocate now?  I'm in Developer 2.23, eLocate 2.16 and Server 10.9.1.  If so, do you have information on how to do that?  I'm coming up dry.

MVP Emeritus

@AdamGebhart As there was never a demand for that except that one user it was never added.

Frequent Contributor


Sounds good and I'll let our users know.  Thanks for the reply.

Emerging Contributor


Hello Robert!

I´m needing a WAB widget that calculates the distance between a point A and a point over a polyline layer, without using Network Analyst.  I wonder if you have any widget that does this type of calculation.

I´ll really appreciate your help.



MVP Emeritus

@ErmelindaEspinoza No I have not seem any capability to do this without Network Analyst.

Version history
Last update:
‎06-09-2022 06:13 AM
Updated by: