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MVP Frequent Contributor

In On-Demand GPS Provisioning Widget Thingy: Step 2  we created a model to execute the python created in On-Demand GPS Provisioning Widget Thingy: Step 1 . Now we need to publish it as a Geoprocessing Service.

In the Results tab, right-click on the model results and select Share as Geoprocessing Service.

This blog post won't cover how to publish a service, but for this particular GPX tool, there are some settings to pay attention to.

Set the Execution Mode to Asynchronous and Message Level to Info. In my own environment, haven't gotten this to work with any other setting.

Again, to make this easier for folks to use in "Self Service Mode", spend some time on the instructions!

Here's where things go wonky.

The publisher will complain that it can't find an output file referenced in the python. Export the Feature Class to a shapefile using the SAME NAME as you specified in the python, and in the SAME DIRECTORY in the registered data store folder where the SDE connection file is.

Once you've published the tool successfully, you can delete this shapefile out of the  registered data store folder.

On-Demand GPS Provisioning Widget Thingy: Step 1

On-Demand GPS Provisioning Widget Thingy: Step 2

On-Demand GPS Provisioning Widget Thingy: Step 3

On-Demand GPS Provisioning Widget Thingy: Step 4

1 2 1,148
MVP Frequent Contributor

From On-Demand GPS Provisioning Widget Thingy: Step 1  we set up a python script do handle all of the data whatchamacallit and exporting thingamajigger. Now we need to execute the script in a model and publish the results as a GP Service.

This works best if you're working in a new, fresh, empty folder on your hard drive. Copy the python script you made from On-Demand GPS Provisioning Widget Thingy: Step 1  into this folder. In Arc Catalog, create a new toolbox in this folder (call it GPX), and add the python script to the new toolbox. A few important notes:

Set Output Name as a parameter, of type file, Direction -> Output, with a 'gpx' filter.

Create a new model, and drag the script object to the model. Set the default output name to be %scratchFolder\SASQUATCH.gpx.

Right-click on the output object and check Model Parameter and Add to Display

Add some metadata to the model. This is real important for tool-execution when it's published!

Save and run the model. Note the output in the GP Results window.

On-Demand GPS Provisioning Widget Thingy: Step 1

On-Demand GPS Provisioning Widget Thingy: Step 2

On-Demand GPS Provisioning Widget Thingy: Step 3

On-Demand GPS Provisioning Widget Thingy: Step 4

2 0 1,017
MVP Frequent Contributor

Not sure if this rises to the lofty level of qualifying as a "Custom Widget", but I did change one line of js in the GP Widget thanks to Roberts help, so I'll pat myself on the back for my first Widget customization.

In the Natural Resource field, GIS'ers spend most of the year dealing with data collected during the "Summer Field Season", then spend the summer helping folks figure out how to make maps and use their GPS. There's never really a good workflow (or time) to synchronize last winters QA'ed GIS data with what field folks need to do their jobs today(now please!). To mitigate demands on time (I spend all my time in the virtual server closet these days) and the need for a large workforce to have the latest and greatest data to put on their GPS so they can get to last years sample sites, AND, not require a large workforce to take extensive training to use finicky mobile GIS software (not a big fan of Collector-yet)....I've been struggling with an "Easy Button" way for, say, a college-junior intern to come into the office in the morning, push a button, and get all of the latest Sasquatch Observation Points, including yesterdays, onto their Garmin (the cheapest we can buy) GPS. Here's how I did it.

I had originally developed a runs-every-night Python doo-hicky using Kevin Hibmas Features to GPS Toolbox​ by hard-coding paths, field name mappings, and dumping a GPX file onto a file server so staff could get the latest GPS data and dump it on their GPS. Problem is, I can only do this for a few projects, and IT not be thrilled with me doing this for the dozens of projects that GIS supports. Why not allow people to go to a web map with a button in it that allowed them to download the GPX file "on demand"?

Step 1

First we need to pull a feature class out of an SDE database and pre-convert some attribute field names so they "fit nicely" with the convert-to-GPX tool, so we can see some expected text when looking at these points on the Garmin. So using the ArcPy Field Mappings object​ we can pull that off, at the same time flipping the result into a shapefile​. Finally, we use Kevin Hibmas Features to GPS Toolbox​ FeaturesToGPX Python code to handle the conversion to GPX format.

A couple of things to note in the following script. In order for the server-version of this tool to fire the output to the virtual scratch directory, you'll need

OutName = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)

somewhere at the top and then

outGPX = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchFolder, OutName)

as your last definition. Finally, note how we're handling the "middle-put" shapefile. We want it deleted after the GPX conversion, so the next person that runs this tool will always get the latest data. Also note that I'm using a Data Store-registered folder for the location of the SDE connection file-just my personal preference.

    from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
    from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
import arcpy, sys, traceback
from arcpy import env
import time, os
from subprocess import call
unicode = str

OutName = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)

    ''' We want to have some fields from the database appear on the Garmin Wypt screen
fms = arcpy.FieldMappings()
FLD_LOC_NAME = arcpy.FieldMap()
FLD_TRAIL = arcpy.FieldMap()

    ''' Convert location name to "name" for Garmin
LOC_NAME_MAP.name = "Name"  
    ''' Convert trail name to "desc" for Garmin
TRAIL_MAP = FLD_TRAIL.outputField  
TRAIL_MAP.name = "Descript"  
FLD_TRAIL.outputField = TRAIL_MAP  

    ''' Export to a shp with the field mappings
arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion("\\\\gisserver\DATASTORE\GP\\BIGFOOT SASQUATCH.sde\\SASQUATCH.DBO.SASQUATCH_POINTS",\
                                            arcpy.env.scratchFolder, "SASQUATCH_POINTS.shp", "", fms)
    ''' convert lidar elevaton to meters
arcpy.CalculateField_management(os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchFolder,u'SASQUATCH_POINTS.shp'), "ELEVATION", '!ELEVATION!*0.3048', "PYTHON_9.3")

gpx = ET.Element("gpx", xmlns="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1",

def prettify(elem):
    """Return a pretty-printed XML string for the Element.
    from xml.dom import minidom
    rough_string = ET.tostring(elem, 'utf-8')
    reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string)
    return reparsed.toprettyxml(indent="  ")

def featuresToGPX(inputFC, outGPX, zerodate, pretty):
    ''' This is called by the __main__ if run from a tool or at the command line

    descInput = arcpy.Describe(inputFC)
    if descInput.spatialReference.factoryCode != 4326:
        arcpy.AddWarning("Input data is not projected in WGS84,"
                         " features were reprojected on the fly to create the GPX.")

    generatePointsFromFeatures(inputFC , descInput, zerodate)

    # Write the output GPX file
        if pretty:
            gpxFile = open(outGPX, "w")
            gpxFile = open(outGPX, "wb")
            ET.ElementTree(gpx).write(gpxFile, encoding="UTF-8", xml_declaration=True)
    except TypeError as e:
        arcpy.AddError("Error serializing GPX into the file.")

def generatePointsFromFeatures(inputFC, descInput, zerodate=False):

    def attHelper(row):
        # helper function to get/set field attributes for output gpx file

        pnt = row[1].getPart()
        valuesDict["PNTX"] = str(pnt.X)
        valuesDict["PNTY"] = str(pnt.Y)

        Z = pnt.Z if descInput.hasZ else None
        if Z or ("ELEVATION" in cursorFields):
            valuesDict["ELEVATION"] = str(Z) if Z else str(row[fieldNameDict["ELEVATION"]])
            valuesDict["ELEVATION"] = str(0)

        valuesDict["NAME"] = row[fieldNameDict["NAME"]] if "NAME" in fields else " "
        valuesDict["DESCRIPT"] = row[fieldNameDict["DESCRIPT"]] if "DESCRIPT" in fields else " "

        if "DATETIMES" in fields:
            row_time = row[fieldNameDict["DATETIMES"]]
            formatted_time = row_time if row_time else " "
        elif zerodate and "DATETIMES" not in fields:
            formatted_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime(0))
            formatted_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime(0)) if zerodate else " "

        valuesDict["DATETIMES"] = formatted_time

    #-------------end helper function-----------------

    def getValuesFromFC(inputFC, cursorFields ):

        previousPartNum = 0
        startTrack = True

        # Loop through all features and parts
        with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(inputFC, cursorFields, spatial_reference="4326", explode_to_points=True) as searchCur:
            for row in searchCur:
                if descInput.shapeType == "Polyline":
                    for part in row:
                        newPart = False
                        if not row[0] == previousPartNum or startTrack is True:
                            startTrack = False
                            newPart = True
                        previousPartNum = row[0]

                        yield "trk", newPart

                elif descInput.shapeType == "Multipoint" or descInput.shapeType == "Point":
                    # check to see if data was original GPX with "Type" of "TRKPT" or "WPT"
                    trkType = row[fieldNameDict["TYPE"]].upper() if "TYPE" in fields else None


                    if trkType == "TRKPT":
                        newPart = False
                        if previousPartNum == 0:
                            newPart = True
                            previousPartNum = 1

                        yield "trk", newPart

                        yield "wpt", None

    # ---------end get values function-------------

    # Get list of available fields
    fields = [f.name.upper() for f in arcpy.ListFields(inputFC)]
    valuesDict = {"ELEVATION": 0, "NAME": "", "DESCRIPT": "", "DATETIMES": "", "TYPE": "", "PNTX": 0, "PNTY": 0}
    fieldNameDict = {"ELEVATION": 0, "NAME": 1, "DESCRIPT": 2, "DATETIMES": 3, "TYPE": 4, "PNTX": 5, "PNTY": 6}

    cursorFields = ["OID@", "SHAPE@"]

    for key, item in valuesDict.items():
        if key in fields:
            fieldNameDict[key] = len(cursorFields)  # assign current index
            cursorFields.append(key)   # build up list of fields for cursor
            fieldNameDict[key] = None

    for index, gpxValues in enumerate(getValuesFromFC(inputFC, cursorFields)):

        if gpxValues[0] == "wpt":
            wpt = ET.SubElement(gpx, 'wpt', {'lon':valuesDict["PNTX"], 'lat':valuesDict["PNTY"]})
            wptEle = ET.SubElement(wpt, "ele")
            wptEle.text = valuesDict["ELEVATION"]
            wptTime = ET.SubElement(wpt, "time")
            wptTime.text = valuesDict["DATETIMES"]
            wptName = ET.SubElement(wpt, "name")
            wptName.text = valuesDict["NAME"]
            wptDesc = ET.SubElement(wpt, "desc")
            wptDesc.text = valuesDict["DESCRIPT"]
    ''' force a wypt symbol
            wptSym = ET.SubElement(wpt, "sym")
            wptSym.text = "Animal Tracks"             

        else:  #TRKS
            if gpxValues[1]:
                # Elements for the start of a new track
                trk = ET.SubElement(gpx, "trk")
                trkName = ET.SubElement(trk, "name")
                trkName.text = valuesDict["NAME"]
                trkDesc = ET.SubElement(trk, "desc")
                trkDesc.text = valuesDict["DESCRIPT"]
                trkSeg = ET.SubElement(trk, "trkseg")

            trkPt = ET.SubElement(trkSeg, "trkpt", {'lon':valuesDict["PNTX"], 'lat':valuesDict["PNTY"]})
            trkPtEle = ET.SubElement(trkPt, "ele")
            trkPtEle.text = valuesDict["ELEVATION"]
            trkPtTime = ET.SubElement(trkPt, "time")
            trkPtTime.text = valuesDict["DATETIMES"]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ''' Gather tool inputs and pass them to featuresToGPX

    inputFC = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchFolder,u'SASQUATCH_POINTS.shp')
    outGPX = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchFolder, OutName)
    ''' Need for this to open in Base Camp
    zerodate = "0"
    pretty = "#"
    featuresToGPX(inputFC, outGPX, zerodate, pretty)
    ''' Delete the shp when it's all over

Finally, since my data natively has an elevation field, there is no need to do a field mapping for it.

On-Demand GPS Provisioning Widget Thingy: Step 1

On-Demand GPS Provisioning Widget Thingy: Step 2

On-Demand GPS Provisioning Widget Thingy: Step 3

On-Demand GPS Provisioning Widget Thingy: Step 4

3 0 1,448
Occasional Contributor II

With the most recent release of Web App Builder for Developers v2.0 coming out yesterday, although great with all of its updates for 3D scenes and other widgets, is still lacking a core functionality of GIS - editing related tables.

I thought this shameless plea for Up-Votes on ArcGIS Ideas might show the Web App Builder/ArcGIS Online dev teams how much we care about editing related tables, in the hopes they might consider including this functionality in their next release (2.1?!) of Web App Builder. Of course, if any of you have created a custom widget, or are working on one to provide this functioality, etc., let us know here Web AppBuilder Custom Widgets​)

EDIT 6/17/2016: Here is an updated link for the idea on the ArcGIS Ideas website:

ArcGIS Ideas


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