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SDF to Geodatabase inconsistancies?

08-08-2024 01:52 PM
Labels (2)
New Contributor

Hi All,

I'm transitioning from ArcMap to ArcPro.  I used to use the HEC-GeoRAS toolbar to convert GIS data extracted from a HEC-RAS model into a geodatabase for floodplain delineation.  Unfortunately, the toolbar is not supported in Pro.  However, I saw that the ArcHydro tools have a similar process to convert the SDF file extracted from HEC-RAS into a geodatabase. 

Unfortunately, I've experienced wildly inconsistent results with this tool.  For example, I was able to sucessfully import all features (XS, River2D, BoundingPolygon, etc.) once for a relatively simple model (one waterline, 47 XS).  I also tried to import data from two more complex models (many waterlines and reaches, several hundred to several thousand XS).   One attempt at importing only resulted in XS for one reach and a waterline for a different reach (and many error messsages).  Another attempt resulted in only one reach for one waterline but all of the XS for all reaches.  

I am using ArcPro 3.3.1, the ArcHydro tools for version 3.2.7 (from here:  and HEC-RAS versions 6.0.0 and 6.3.  Any thoughts?  

Curtis Abert

Illinois State Water Survey / Prairie Research Insitute / University of Illinois

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5 Replies
Esri Contributor


Please zip the .sdf, HEC-RAS project that generated the .sdf, and the underlying DEM and send the file (or a link to a shared folder if the file is too big) to  I will check it out.  If you do not have the RAS project or DEM, just send me the .sdf file (but that might not be enough to fully debug the process depending where the issue is).

New Contributor


Will do.  Hopefully you can figure something out.  Thanks!

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Occasional Contributor

Any update on this? I am also struggling to find an alternative method to getting a cross section shapefile export from HEC-RAS that has the WSELs in the attribute table like GeoRAS provided. RAS Mapper doesn't provide this and it is time consuming to join the data in ArcGIS Pro when you are working on lots of models.

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Esri Contributor


We have been working on the "SDF to Geodatabase" function and the updated Arc Hydro build (3.2.27 or higher that will be available next Tuesday) will have that new code.  The tool can now process the Ineffective Positions if present in the .sdf, is more robust if there are inconsistencies in the sdf across the versions of HEC-RAS, and should be faster.  Please see if that covers your needs.  If you are still having problems with .sdf import, please zip the .sdf causing the problem and the underlying DEM and send it my way.


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Esri Contributor

AH release 3.2.28 is available for download and has the updated to this tool.  

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