Hec Geo-Ras- Problem with XS OID 0

01-29-2015 10:06 AM
Deactivated User


I'm a GIS novice, so I apologize in advance if my question has an obvious answer.  I looked around in the forums and saw somewhat similar discussions, but nothing that appeared to answer my question directly.

I'm attempting a revision to my older HEC-RAS model.  I'm going through the steps of updating my centerlines, banks, xscutlines, etc. in HEC-Geo-Ras (version 10.1) in ArcMap (version 10.1).  I did a test run of this in a very small area of my watershed, with successful results.

However, when I attempted to expand this to the entire watershed, I've run into a brick wall.  Specifically, when I attempt the command XS CUTLINE ATTRIBUTES-> STATIONING, I receive the following error message:

"Problem with XS OID 0

-2147220990, The index passed was not within the valid range."

Any ideas on what could be tripping this process up?  More specifically, do the terms "XS OID 0" and "-2147220990" have meaning to specific points in the watershed that area problems?

Thanks in advance,


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1 Reply
Deactivated User


XS OID 0 is the cross section with OID(Object ID) of 0.  If you open the XScutlines attribute table it should be easy to identify by finding the 0 value in the OID column.  As for -2147220990, that I dont know what it is.  Could you post a screenshot of your setup? 

Some things you could check out in the meantime: Do you have any special characters in your Stream Name(ex. !, #, comas, periods, etc)?  Is there just 1 stream centerline and does it touch the cross section only once?  Does only 1 left, right and channel flowpath touch the cross section?

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