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Generate Flow Path tool freezes when run

02-24-2015 07:19 AM
Labels (1)
Deactivated User

Hello all,

Let me start this off by saying that I am only a beginner using the ArcHydro tools so I don't have much experience with this toolset.  That being said, I have been trying to run the Generate Flow Path tool from ArcToolbox.  I believe that I have the necessary inputs setup correctly: Input Batch Point, Input Flow Direction Grid, Input Catchment, and Input Drainage Line.   However, whenever I run the tool it gets to around 15% complete and then freezes up on me.  At this point I cannot do anything but close ArcMap.  I am looking to see if I am doing anything incorrectly and/or anything that I can do to resolve this issue.

Thanks in advance!

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4 Replies
Honored Contributor

So it freezes without any error messages?

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MVP Emeritus

can you elaborate on your environment and any specifics about the files etc.

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Honored Contributor

I pulled up an existing project, and tried to run the tool. It failed because the BatchPoint feature class did not have a HYDROID. I add the field "HYDROID" making it "floating" as I saw HYDROID was in other feather classes that have that field (Catchments, etc.). Then I use the ApUtilities menu function "Assign Unique IDs" and choose the BatchPoint feature class. This assigned HYDROIDs to the batch points. I had to do a "refresh" on the table to see the numbers. I then ran the tool and it worked for me. I only had 2 batch points. Using ArcMap 10.1, Advanced (Arc Info) and Arc Hydro for ArcGIS 10.1 (version 10.1, September 6 2013).

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Deactivated User

Looks like I just had a corrupt point layer.  After creating a new one and added Hydro ID's into the layer, it ran smoothly.  Thanks for the suggestions.

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