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DEM Reconditioning error - RasterHelper.MakePermanentGrid

09-04-2013 07:29 AM
Emerging Contributor
I did all these steps but I still have the same problem and the error massage
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7 Replies
Emerging Contributor
Hi mark

I did all the following steps to start use ArcHydro tool and I still have the same error massage that I attached you. Please, provide me more advices and what I should do to start workusing archydro tool.
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Honored Contributor

Sorry you are having problems. That error look very familiar, but I don't have any specific suggestion on how to get around it. One other step is to start a new mxd and reload the basic layers into that and try again. The other is to make sure you have the right version of Arc Hydro for your version of Arc Map.

Sorry I'm not much more help.

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Emerging Contributor
Hi Mark

Thank you very much. I tried to do it several times but I think the problem in the specification of target location because I usually try to define target location for Raster and vector for essentially connected folder. I still trying, sometimes it works successfully and other fail.
Anyway thank you very much for your answer.

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Honored Contributor

In my experience, when I start a new mxd and load the rawdem, agreestream and other layers and then save and start the Arc Hydro processes (DEM Reconditioning, etc.), the target locations are automatically set correctly and things go smoothly. (I believe you must save first before Arc Hydro will work correctly, otherwise I don't think Arc Hydro will know where to put the target locations.) If I do that, I find no need to mess with the target locations. It is only when I'm saving the mxd under a different name and/or directory that the target locations need to be reset. There have been times when I've reset them just to make sure they are correct.

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Emerging Contributor
I really appreciated your help. Thank you very much.

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Emerging Contributor
Hi Mark
Please, send me your explanation for this situation. How I can calculate total stream numbers and total stream length in each sub basin. Especially, I have to different features (polygons and lines) with two different attribute tables. I want to calculate the morphometric parameters of each sub basin.
Best regards,
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Honored Contributor

I would try the intersect tool. When you intersect a polygon (watershed) feature class and a polyline (streams) feature class the result should be a polyline feature class with an attribute table with fields from both feature classes. From that you could do statistics on the attribute fields to get different information about how many streams are in watersheds. This is a general GIS process and not necessarily an Arc Hydro process.
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