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.bil file to StreamOrder layer.

10-20-2016 01:38 PM
Labels (1)
Deactivated User

Hi there!

Currently I'm following a GIS course, via and one of the exercises was to create a streamorder layer.

After following the exercise and completing it without problems, I tried to do the exact exercise for the area where I live.

This is in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.

I found the DEM files (.bil) that I thought I needed for my project and downloaded them. (4 in total)

Vista general   --> here a link to the file that I have downloaded.

In total I downloaded 4 for areas. (E15D51, E15D52, E15D61 and E15D62)

I've merged them together, and started working.

1. Spatial analyst tools --> Hydrology --> Flowdirection.

input=my merged file      

2. Spatial analyst tools --> Hydrology --> Flow Accumulation

Input=Flowdirection layer.      (FLOAT)

3. Spatial analyst tools --> Conditional --> Set-null

Input: FlowAccumulation layer

Expression:  Value < 3000

Output= Flowaccumulation layer

4 Spatial analyst tools --> Hydrology --> Streamorder

Input= Setnull_accumulation_layer

Output = Flowdirection layer

Method: Strahler

The Outcome of this is not really satisfying, as there are only some small parts of the streams visible(non connected).

I'm wondering now what went wrong.

Is it my error, or are the .bil files of to low quality?

(This is what I want to create(only the streams)):  Mapa de la cuenca 


I hope someone can clear this up for me,

I've added a mappackage of my 'work'.

Thanks and Greetings


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1 Reply
MVP Emeritus

I didn't see whether 'sinks' were filled or whether you were working with a depressionless DEM.  If it isn't, you won't get satisfactory results as outlined here Creating a depressionless DEM—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop which is a prerequisite for pretty well everything in your workflow

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