Dear all, I'm having a problem with Arc Hydro for ArcMap 10.4.1.
When I try to do the Dem Reconditioning, the Arc Hydro crashes and Returns:
Error hresult e_fail has been returned from a call to a com component.
at ESRI.GEoprocessing.GeoProcessorClass.Execute(String Name, IVariantArray ipValues, ITrackCancel p TrackCancel)
at ESRI.APWR.ApHydro.ArcHydroOp.DEMReconditioningGP(ApLayers apLayers, Double numCellsBuff, Double sharpDrop, Double smoothDrop, Boolean raiseNegative, Boolean bUsingStreamGridInput, ITrackCancel& trackcancel, IGPMenssage& messages, String& exMessage) in
C:\Builds\HydroSolutions\10.4_ArcHydro\Sources\ArcHydroTools\src\ApHydro\ArcHydroOp.vb:line 62659
All my data are in the drive c:\ , I configured all of them to a geodatabase in drive C, and also set the ArcHydro default directory to the same geodatabase and nothing has changed.
Does anyone knows how to solve this problem?