Hi Jonathan, Yes, It worked now many thanks . I did steps you mentioned and datastore register successfully. Thanks
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10:00 PM
Hi, I am running Datastore configuration wizard and I get the below error message. Instillation directory of data store is in C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\DataStore drive and data store content directory I am trying to configure in D drive. Portal for ArcGIS (10.5) is federated with ArcGIS Server(10.5). I am putting the correct password of ArcGIS Server administrator.
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02:53 AM
I am trying to add analysis widget but getting the error "Your user role cannot perform analysis. In order to perform analysis, the administrator of your organization needs to grant you certain privileges." I am the administrator and I have all permission in my portal. I set up the ArcGIS enterprise 10.5 (ArcGIS Server + Portal). I have federated the ArcGIS server with portal. I configured the utility services from my ArcGIS server.I set the hosted server to act as your portal's hosting server in portal's Server tab setting. I checked Spatial Analysis GP service is running. I have not installed & configured ArcGIS Data Store. If I am trying to add analysis widget I am getting above error. Now, I want to install and configure the ArcGIS data Store : Do I need to unfederate the ArcGIS server and start install data store and configure? What happen if I unfederate the ArcGIS server ? What if without unfederate ArcGIS server, start install and configure the data store ? Is it mandatory to unfederate the ArcGIS server in order to configure datastore and to use Analysis widget ? What is the right process ? I really appreciate the help on this. Many thanks,
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11:33 PM
Hi Robert, I changed the height and width. Many thanks
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05:48 AM
Hi Robert, Thanks for reply and sorry for the confusion. We have the two option in chart panel 1. settings & 2. Enlarge window When you click on enlarge button (zoomin icon), it enlarge the window in bigger size and display the chart in it, I want to change the size of that enlarge window. Many thanks Robert
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11:27 PM
How to change size of chart widget enlarge popup window ?
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02:01 AM
Hi All, I created app using Web App builder from portal, in widget Layer List I have menu option (Zoom to, Transparency, Open attribute table & Show Item details). When I clicked on Show item details I am getting error in portal "Item Not Found" The item you requested cannot be found. The item may have been deleted or you may have entered an incorrect URL. I have all the web maps & feature layers available in portal. no changes were made in portal, before it was working and redirecting to item details page but, suddenly now its showing item not found. How do i get back the item details for each layer and by clicking on Show item details menu it should redirect to the correct item id to display item details? Any suggestion would be appreciated! Thanks,
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03:35 AM
Hi, I deleted DefaultDomain_Path_ folder from this location C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\ESRI and it worked for me. Thanks,
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08:35 PM
Hi steeve, Did you find any solution for this issue ? I have the same issue and tried all options but nothing works, the issue still continue. Thanks,
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09:41 PM
I am developing the JS app using 3.15. I have tried this code in my app Add Shapefile from the esri samples here Add shapefile | ArcGIS API for JavaScript but shapefile features added at the same location on map.If the polygon features it shows square but not the actual shape of the polygon. My map intialextent and Spatialreference for basemap are var initialExtent = new esri.geometry.Extent({ "xmin": 51.53195000000005, "ymin": 22.62777042700003, "xmax": 56.01812603400003, "ymax": 25.164240001000053, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 4326 } }); map = new Map("map", { extent: esri.geometry.geographicToWebMercator(initialExtent), zoom: 2, logo: false }); map.addLayer(_baseMap); and code for add shapefile is following and attahced is the screenshot of result all features are at same location. var portalUrl = ""; //var form = dom.byId("uploadFormShapefile"); // on(form, "form:click", function (event) { on(dom.byId("uploadFormShapefile"), "change", function (event) { debugger; var fileName =; if (sniff("ie")) { //filename is full path in IE so extract the file name var arr = fileName.split("\\"); fileName = arr[arr.length - 1]; } if (fileName.indexOf(".zip") !== -1) {//is file a zip - if not notify user generateFeatureCollectionShapeFile(fileName); } else { dom.byId('upload-status').innerHTML = '<p style="color:red">Add shapefile as .zip file</p>'; } }); function generateFeatureCollectionShapeFile(fileName) { debugger; var name = fileName.split("."); //Chrome and IE add c:\fakepath to the value - we need to remove it //See this link for more info: name = name[0].replace("c:\\fakepath\\", ""); dom.byId('upload-status').innerHTML = '<b>Loading </b>' + name; //Define the input params for generate see the rest doc for details // var params = { 'name': name, 'targetSR': map.spatialReference, 'maxRecordCount': 1000, 'enforceInputFileSizeLimit': true, 'enforceOutputJsonSizeLimit': true }; //generalize features for display Here we generalize at 1:40,000 which is approx 10 meters //This should work well when using web mercator. var extent = esri.geometry.getExtentForScale(map, 40000); //var extent = scaleUtils.getExtentForScale(map, 40000); //new esri.geometry.geographicToWebMercator(scaleUtils.getExtentForScale(map, 40000)); var resolution = extent.getWidth() / map.width; params.generalize = true; params.maxAllowableOffset = resolution; params.reducePrecision = true; params.numberOfDigitsAfterDecimal = 0; var myContent = { 'filetype': 'shapefile', 'publishParameters': JSON.stringify(params), 'f': 'json', 'callback.html': 'textarea' }; //use the rest generate operation to generate a feature collection from the zipped shapefile request({ url: portalUrl + '/sharing/rest/content/features/generate', content: myContent, form: dom.byId('uploadFormShapefile'), handleAs: 'json', load: lang.hitch(this, function (response) { if (response.error) { errorHandler(response.error); return; } var layerName = response.featureCollection.layers[0]; dom.byId('upload-status').innerHTML = '<b>Loaded: </b>' + layerName; addShapefileToMap(response.featureCollection); }), error: lang.hitch(this, errorHandler) }); } function errorHandler(error) { debugger; dom.byId('upload-status').innerHTML = "<p style='color:red'>" + error.message + "</p>"; } function addShapefileToMap(featureCollection) { debugger; //add the shapefile to the map and zoom to the feature collection extent //If you want to persist the feature collection when you reload browser you could store the collection in //local storage by serializing the layer using featureLayer.toJson() see the 'Feature Collection in Local Storage' sample //for an example of how to work with local storage. var fullExtent; var layers = []; arrayUtils.forEach(featureCollection.layers, function (layer) { var infoTemplate = new InfoTemplate("Details", "${*}"); var featureLayer = new FeatureLayer(layer, { infoTemplate: infoTemplate }); //associate the feature with the popup on click to enable highlight and zoom to featureLayer.on('click', function (event) { map.infoWindow.setFeatures([event.graphic]); }); //change default symbol if desired. Comment this out and the layer will draw with the default symbology changeRenderer(featureLayer); fullExtent = fullExtent ? fullExtent.union(featureLayer.fullExtent) : featureLayer.fullExtent; layers.push(featureLayer); }); map.addLayers(layers); map.setExtent(fullExtent.expand(1.25), true); dom.byId('upload-status').innerHTML = ""; } function changeRenderer(layer) { //change the default symbol for the feature collection for polygons and points var symbol = null; switch (layer.geometryType) { case 'esriGeometryPoint': symbol = new PictureMarkerSymbol({ 'angle': 0, 'xoffset': 0, 'yoffset': 0, 'type': 'esriPMS', 'url': 'images/BluePin1LargeB.png', 'contentType': 'image/png', 'width': 20, 'height': 20 }); break; case 'esriGeometryPolygon': symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new Color([112, 112, 112]), 1), new Color([136, 136, 136, 0.25])); break; } if (symbol) { layer.setRenderer(new SimpleRenderer(symbol)); } }
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08:46 PM
I have installed Aptana now how can i add ESRI Javascript API reference and Dojo reference in project so should display intellisense, also how can we debug the code ? Any idea.. ?
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10:39 PM
Hii.!! I want to set Opacity for each layer. Suppose I have 30 layers in my service so I want to give facility for each layer to set opacity using the Slider control. How can I do it dynamically in code behind? on ValueChanged event of slider I want to set the Opacity for the specific layer. How to set opacity value of specific layer dynamically? I have not added any DynamicMapServicelayer or FeatureLayer in XAML. I am adding it dynamically from code behind.
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03:19 AM
I have added graphics in graphicslayer. what i want is on mouse click event get selected graphics and when mouse move change the angle of the selected graphic with mouse move it is updating the graphic angle and position with mouse move but it is updating the whole graphics layer not the selected one. how to rotate and update only selected graphic position and angle? any idea ? here my code is below.. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Documents; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Animation; using System.Windows.Shapes; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Client; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols; using System.Collections.Specialized; namespace RotateGraphicText { public partial class MainPage : UserControl { private DragGraphic _dragGraphic = null; private Random _random = new Random(); ESRI.ArcGIS.Samples.RotatingTextSymbol rt = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Samples.RotatingTextSymbol(); double angle; public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); // Get layers ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer topoLayer = this.Map.Layers[0] as ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer; GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer = this.Map.Layers[1] as GraphicsLayer; // Wait until the map service layer has loaded and initialized topoLayer.Initialized += (a, b) => { rt.Text = "MyTest"; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { graphicsLayer.Graphics.Add( new Graphic() { // Create a random location Geometry = new MapPoint() { X = topoLayer.InitialExtent.XMin + this._random.NextDouble() * (topoLayer.InitialExtent.XMax - topoLayer.InitialExtent.XMin), Y = topoLayer.InitialExtent.YMin + this._random.NextDouble() * (topoLayer.InitialExtent.YMax - topoLayer.InitialExtent.YMin) }, // Use the markersymbol defined in the resource Symbol = rt } ); } }; graphicsLayer.Graphics.CollectionChanged += (a, b) => { // Exit if not added graphic if (b.Action != NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add) { return; } // Get added graphic Graphic graphic = b.NewItems[0] as Graphic; // When the graphic is clicked, store the current state graphic.MouseLeftButtonDown += (sender, e) => { this._dragGraphic = new DragGraphic() { Graphic = graphic, GraphicOrigin = graphic.Geometry as MapPoint, MouseOrigin = this.Map.ScreenToMap(e.GetPosition(null)) }; e.Handled = true; // Delete selected graphic //graphicsLayer.Graphics.Remove(b.NewItems[0] as Graphic); //angle = Angle(this._dragGraphic.GraphicOrigin.X, this._dragGraphic.GraphicOrigin.Y, this._dragGraphic.MouseOrigin.X, this._dragGraphic.MouseOrigin.Y); }; // When the mouse is moved update the graphic's position graphic.MouseMove += (sender, e) => { if (this._dragGraphic == null) { return; } this._dragGraphic.Graphic.Geometry = new MapPoint() { X = this._dragGraphic.GraphicOrigin.X + (this.Map.ScreenToMap(e.GetPosition(null)).X - this._dragGraphic.MouseOrigin.X), Y = this._dragGraphic.GraphicOrigin.Y + (this.Map.ScreenToMap(e.GetPosition(null)).Y - this._dragGraphic.MouseOrigin.Y) //X = this._dragGraphic.GraphicOrigin.X, Y = this._dragGraphic.GraphicOrigin.Y }; angle = Angle(this._dragGraphic.GraphicOrigin.X, this._dragGraphic.GraphicOrigin.Y, this._dragGraphic.GraphicOrigin.X + (this.Map.ScreenToMap(e.GetPosition(null)).X - this._dragGraphic.MouseOrigin.X), this._dragGraphic.GraphicOrigin.Y + (this.Map.ScreenToMap(e.GetPosition(null)).Y - this._dragGraphic.MouseOrigin.Y)); rt.Angle = angle; }; // Clear the seleced graphic on mouse up graphic.MouseLeftButtonUp += (sender, e) => { this._dragGraphic = null; }; }; // Adjust the selected graphics position if the mouse moves this.Map.MouseMove += (sender, e) => { //double angle = Angle(this._dragGraphic.MouseOrigin.X, this._dragGraphic.MouseOrigin.Y, this._dragGraphic.MouseOrigin.X + 2, this._dragGraphic.MouseOrigin.Y + 2); if (this._dragGraphic == null) { return; } this._dragGraphic.Graphic.Geometry = new MapPoint() { X = this._dragGraphic.GraphicOrigin.X + (this.Map.ScreenToMap(e.GetPosition(null)).X - this._dragGraphic.MouseOrigin.X), Y = this._dragGraphic.GraphicOrigin.Y + (this.Map.ScreenToMap(e.GetPosition(null)).Y - this._dragGraphic.MouseOrigin.Y) //X = this._dragGraphic.GraphicOrigin.X, //Y = this._dragGraphic.GraphicOrigin.Y }; rt.Angle = angle; }; } public double Angle(double px1, double py1, double px2, double py2) { // Negate X and Y values double pxRes = px2 - px1; double pyRes = py2 - py1; double angle = 0.0; // Calculate the angle if (pxRes == 0.0) { if (pxRes == 0.0) angle = 0.0; else if (pyRes > 0.0) angle = System.Math.PI / 2.0; else angle = System.Math.PI * 3.0 / 2.0; } else if (pyRes == 0.0) { if (pxRes > 0.0) angle = 0.0; else angle = System.Math.PI; } else { if (pxRes < 0.0) angle = System.Math.Atan(pyRes / pxRes) + System.Math.PI; else if (pyRes < 0.0) angle = System.Math.Atan(pyRes / pxRes) + (2 * System.Math.PI); else angle = System.Math.Atan(pyRes / pxRes); } // Convert to degrees angle = angle * 180 / System.Math.PI; return angle; } } public class DragGraphic { public Graphic Graphic { get; set; } public MapPoint MouseOrigin { get; set; } public MapPoint GraphicOrigin { get; set; } } }
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01:15 AM
As noticed in the referenced thread, the workaround might be to use the ProxyUrl property to push the tiles through the proxy so it will look like it comes from the same domain. HI..Thanks for reply.. Well, I am not sure for how to use ProxyURl property..? any samples or steps how to use Proxypage in silverlight ? my project is in same domain only but even though i am getting this error ..i tried the best but not getting it exactly how to solve it?
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02:25 AM
how to solve "writeablebitmap has protected content. pixel access is not allowed." issue ? any idea ?
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03:16 AM
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