@JakeSkinner This is great! Thank you. It's already saved me a bunch of time and headache. Do you know if there is anyway to do the truncate/append in a sort of transaction - so that it all completes or none of it completes? I'm thinking of a worst case scenario where the Truncate works perfectly, but append fails (maybe there's an internet outage at the exact perfectly wrong time). A similar use case might be that i am updating multiple layers within the same AGOL hosted feature service and one of the updates works but the other one does not. In that case, my data is out of sync with one sublayer updated and the other not.
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05:14 PM
In the (new) Map Viewer we can use the 'Feature display order' property to control the order in which features are drawn on the map. But, one can only use Numeric or Date type fields in the expression. Given that limitation, i'd like to be able to use Arcade expressions when setting feature display order to convert text fields to a number. This functionality is already available in the JS API (>=v4.21) One specific example is with our Crash data set. The 'Crash Severity Code' is a text string so we cannot use that field that set the drawing order. Unfortunately that is the ideal field to use - we would want to always show crashes that resulted in a fatality on top. We could add a new field to dataset which handles that for us, but that's an unnecessary (in my mind) duplication of data and effort - every time a new record is added or an existing record is updated the calculation process has to run again.
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09:04 AM
Hi @CraigGillgrass I am using AGOL and I see the exact same behavior. If the 'last save' of my map was done in the Field Maps app, i get the dialog Zoe describes when i next save the map in the (new) web map viewer. If the 'last save' was in the (new) web map viewer, the dialog does not appear upon Saving.
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01:47 PM
Hello. It looks like i found a bug in the Field Maps Form Title. My form title includes a field from the map layer. If that field is also one of the fields in the form itself, the title displays as expected. However, if the field is not displayed on the form, then the field value doesn't show up in the title. Here's the specific use case: in the map layer there is a field named 'CaseNumber'. I set the title to "All Cases: {CaseNumber}" If {CaseNumber} is one of the fields displayed on the form, when I edit a feature in Field Maps (or web map viewer), the edit form title is, for example, 'All Cases: 12-3456' If {CaseNumber} is not one of the fields displayed on the form, when I edit a feature in Field Maps (or web map viewer), the edit form title is 'All Cases: {CaseNumber}' I am using Field Maps version 22.1.0 build 690 on an iPad Pro running iOS 15.1
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10:18 AM
Thanks @Anonymous User . I'll give your suggestion a try and let you know how it goes. One additional question. When you wrote: the only downside is that the business logic is stored in the form so if you made changes to the data in another app that doesn't use the form, the logic wouldn't apply is the new Web Map Viewer an example of where the logic wouldn't apply? I'm imagining a single map that is available to our field crews working with Field Maps and our Admin staff working in the web map viewer. If i understand correctly, in that case both apps are reading the 'form' info from the map so it should work in both of those apps Thanks again.
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10:35 AM
Hello. I am wondering if i can automatically set the value in one column when the value in another column changes. More specifically, I have a 'status changed date' column that i'd like to populate with the current date whenever the value in the 'status' column changes. The value of the 'status changed date' could also be set manually if need be, but i'm imagining hiding 'status changed date' field on the form. In the ideal scenario, the 'status changed date' would only be updated if the value of the 'status' column changed. For example, if the 'status' was already 'Complete' and the user inadvertently set the value to 'In Progress', recognized their mistake, and then changed back to 'Complete', the 'status changed date' would not be updated. That functionality is probably asking for more than what's possible, but thought it'd be nice to check just in case. Thank you
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03:09 PM
Currently, row visibility on a Hub page can be set at the Everyone and Group levels. I'd like to be able to set the visibility at the Organization level as well - similar to Sharing in AGOL. We have what is basically a single page Hub site that is publicly accessible where anyone can download most of our data. However, we have some data that are limited to our organization members. We'd like for our org members to sign in to the Hub site and have a row visible only to all our Org members from which they could access the organization-specific data. It would be impractical to manage a Group that contains all our Org members (too many comings and goings). Thank you.
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10:47 AM
Esri tech support has confirmed that this is a bug, and they are working on a patch that they hope to have in place in the next few days
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12:01 PM
Hello. Thanks for your questions: - the group type seems to have no impact on the app behavior. Regardless of being shared update or not, i can reproduce the behavior for all groups (again, i am an Org Admin so i've tested groups I own, groups i don't own, collaboration groups, shared update groups, plain-ol-vanilla groups, etc. The behavior is the same.) - there isn't an error message - its just that the Save button in the Change Owner popup is never enabled. Using chrome dev tools, I checked the response whenever a user name is selected in the popup, and a big load of json is returned, including a list of privileges that includes 'portal:user:receiveItem' - subscription is not suspended. Everything else about AGOL seems to work fine - including being able to change owner of the group via python script. - the behavior is the same in Chrome and Edge
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09:06 AM
Here's a nice twist that i just learned.... my admin account is able to transfer ownership via a python script. However, i cannot perform the same operation via the UI. So it seems like an issue/bug specific to the UI?
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04:32 PM
Hello. I am an Administrator of our AGOL organization. Starting today (3/31/2022), I am unable to change ownership of a Group. I've tried to change ownership of groups that i own and for groups that i do not own. I've selected other Admins within our Organization to be the new owner of the groups, but that doesn't work either. I've tried changing ownership for 'pre-existing' groups and for groups that i created today. None of it works. To reproduce this behavior, go to the 'overview' page of any AGOL Group Click the Change owner link Search for members (choose any name that comes up - maybe your AGOL Org admin) The 'Save' button is never enabled Is this a bug? I read about some recent updates to Content transferring here, but that article states that Admins should be able to transfer ownership (assuming that "content" includes 'Groups'). Thank you.
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04:26 PM
Yes and no (sadly). Working with Esri tech support, we were able to reproduce the behavior every time when using my hosted feature service. Unfortunately, when we started with a new hosted feature service and when i republished the original source hosted feature service as a new hosted feature service, we could not reproduce the bug. So, esri was happy/satisfied to say that the problem was my data source and the solution was to republish. Of course that breaks all the maps, apps, and views dependent on that hosted feature service.... it can be a very frustrating and infuriating place to be.
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09:11 AM
After a bit more digging, it's not the call to the Spatial Reference Factory that bombs out; it's a prior call to create an IPoint - basically the first call/use of Esri.ArcGIS.Geometry within the app. The behavior is the same though. The call is made, and nothing is ever returned (at least not before a time-out occurs). Again, no error messages are thrown. The second 'logging' call is never executed. A code snippet is below. Before the Geometry dll is invoked, the code successfully makes calls to other Esri dlls, e.g. RuntimeManager, License, LocationManager. So this seems to be particular to the Geometry dll. In my Visual Studio project, i've tried setting Esri dll references to "Embed Interop Types" and I've tried "Copy Local". Neither has an impact on the behavior. logger.DebugFormat("\tCreating a new point inside WSPoint constructor."); IPoint InPoint = new Point(); InPoint.PutCoords(Convert.ToDouble(lng), Convert.ToDouble(lat)); logger.DebugFormat("\tPoint was created inside WSPoint constructor.");
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10:18 PM
I also tried to create the spatial reference factory with the approach below. It too noiselessly fails - that is, the method call is never returned and there is no error message raised (that i can find). Type factoryType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("esriGeometry.SpatialReferenceEnvironment"); System.Object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(factoryType); var srFactory = obj as ISpatialReferenceFactory3;
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02:59 PM
Hi everyone. I am working on an application that depends on a old version of the Runtime engine. The app has been working great for many years, but in the hurly burly fallout from the log4j issues last week, the server that hosted the app had to be shut down and then redeployed from a previous backup. Everything on the restored version of the hosting server works great EXCEPT this old Engine app. I've isolated the lines of code where the application breaks: try { logger.DebugFormat("Instantiating a new spatial reference environment class."); ISpatialReferenceFactory3 srFactory = new SpatialReferenceEnvironmentClass() as ISpatialReferenceFactory3; logger.DebugFormat("New spatial reference environment class instantiated."); } catch(Exception ex) { logger.ErrorFormat(ex.ToString()); } The code/application never returns from the call to create the Spatial reference factory, i.e. the logger never records the message that the class was instantiated and the 'catch' block is never invoked. Any ideas on what could be going on in the application?
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09:45 AM
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