Using the closest facility tool, I've noticed that when I try to figure out the shortest distance between two nodes there are some discrepancies. Case in point, I'm trying to connect nodes to several transit locations - trying to see which routes are closest to transit in the surrounding communities. I have 10 transit stations (Facilities) and about 700 nodes (Incidents). Some Incidents are not being routed to the closest Facility. There's no hierarchy in my network dataset, it's just a bare bones one (just using TIGER files in which I ensured its topological accuracy and checked for dangling nodes). Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated! It's only happening a few times out of hundreds so it's not terrible but still a little puzzling. I'm just curious as to how you are sure that "Some Incidents are not being routed to the closest Facility" ? What criteria are basing your solver upon? Distance only? What are the units of your data and what are your units of distance that you are solving for? If you are only seeing it in a few cases, you might isolate those cases and see if you do in fact have connectivity along the route you think it should be taking. What I've done in cases like this is manually place stops along the route I like and see if it will solve along the way.
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08:58 AM
Thanks for the help, but seeing as we're still running 9.3, I don't know if the bug fix you provided will work. I've started compiling a new composite geocoder from scratch and checking each individual locator as I go. I'll be sure to update as things progress. I've never had a problem with composites in 9.3 or 9.3.1 which is where I'm now. If you are trying to create a composite on ArcSDE/ArcGIS Server, that won't work. You can only have a composite in a personal or file geodatabase. If you'd like to post some of your data here and describe the locators you are stringing together, I might be able to take a look at it. Misery loves company right? That way if if bails out for both of us, two sets of eyes may be better than just one.
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04:20 PM
Try the following thread. About half way down (posted on 2/09/11) I give a workaround to a bug that will be fixed at 10.0 SP3. Brad That's the one I was thinking of!
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12:54 PM
Currently I am trying to build a composite geocoder so that I do not have to run multiple locators and export .dbf tables of unmatched addresses for each. When I create the composite, the first (and most effective) locator does not work (does not produce any results). However, when I run them all individually, and in the same order as were specified in the composite, there is no issue. All I am trying to do is expedite the process as there are a lot of datasets that need geocoding. Any ideas on why the composite will not work when the individuals will? Any help or input is appreciated. Thanks! Seems like there was a post not long ago on this very subject. Try a search and see what turns up; I'm pretty sure it was in the last 3-4 months.
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01:14 PM
To your suggestion "Place impedance values on them like low speed limits". How would you do that? By creating a new cost attribute? How would you then set the evaluators? Thank you so much I'm sorry, I don't have the time and this forum dosen't have the space for a complete description of Network Analysis. Assuming you are using ArcGIS 10.x may I suggest you start here, and if you are using 9.3, take a look here. There are a couple of tutorials out there too: just google network analyst tutorial and you'll find them. Typically, the street centerline data I use in the network have various attributes that I can use in NA. For example SpeedLimit. With it you can do a calculation with the segment length to derive a 'cost' of travel time needed to traverse any given street segment. In my case, I keep freeways at 65 mph; it sounds like you may want to knock them down to 1 mph, thus making traversing the freeway segments unattractive to the solver if travel time is to be minimized.
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10:10 AM
Hi I would like to avoid highways or main roads when doing "best route analysis" (impedance: shortest route). What is the best and easiest way to implement this restriction? Thanks The best and easiest way is what works for you. A couple of suggestions: Create a network feature dataset WITHOUT your highways and main roads Place barriers on each (yuck) Place impedance values on them like low speed limits (if you are minimizing travel time) Hope this helps-
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08:25 AM
I have a feature class that is comprised of roads in a country. I've created a network that includes this feature class with the following relevant options: 1. Vertex connectivity (not end point). 2. No elevation modeling 3. Length as cost attribute is the only attribute 4. Global turns When I attempt to complete analysis tasks such as OD matrix or even Route, the only paths that are found are those where the points are on the same edge or on edges connected via endpoint. I've taken a good look at this and as soon as I place the next point of the route onto an edge that is joined by intersection, the error dialog pops up saying there is not path to that next point. What should I do next? What version of ArcGIS are you using? If it's 10.x, let'st hope that Jay or one of the other NA team members can help you out. I've not taken the plunge and still using 9.3.1. Something I would suggest however is re-thinking the connectivity issue. If your data is from a legacy ArcInfo coverage data model, you will have coincident vertexes for freeway over passes and the freeways themselves. You'll be routing incorrectly with that situation.
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12:11 PM
That's great Joe! I too work in the Public Safety field. We're building an RMS & GIS system for some of the law enforcement agencies in Nevada - Dept of Public Safety is our pilot group and then some PDs & SOs will join. I'm excited and honestly a little overwhelmed at the idea of administering the GIS portion of it. I'm brand spankin' new to GIS, but I'm having a blast learning. 🙂 Michelle- you've got your work cut out for you; this forum and all the other ESRI forums are a very good resource. I don't like it when firms use the forums for business, but if you ever feel the need, I know this guy in Utah that does nothing but GIS/9-1-1 for a living...:rolleyes:
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08:30 AM
Hardolph, Yes, two different polyline feature classes. The problem with selecting common vertices is that whoever, or whatever, drew the lines really went out of their way to draw them as stupid as they could. So, there are MANY vertices that aren't needed. Like, instead of drawing one straight line, they wen't up and down the line 2 or 3 times placing random anchors. So, it's just easier to reshape each line out of each feature class. I was hoping for a way to reshape and get the line where I want it on one feature class, then just have the other "follow" the edit that was just done. I'll give the other way a shot. I'm an idiot, so I'm not completely sure I can accomplish what you said. First off, I'd say the guy who digitized the roads in the first place is the idiot; at the very least you know it's junk and you're trying to get it fixed! My suggestion is to concentrate your efforts on one feature class or the other. You'll need to figure out which one you can get cleaned up the fastest, with respect to geometry. Once that is completed you can use the spatial adjustment tool bar to transfer attributes/geometry to the offending lines. I did a similar exercise for a set of county roads where the old TIGER data had great attributes but lousy geometry; the current feature of roads had great geometry but lousy attributes. Using the spatial adjustment tool bar, I transferred to attribute values from the TIGER data to the good geometry and never looked back... Hope this helps-
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08:06 AM
Yes, I formatted the table to be compatible with DBF, not easy, there are so many ridiculous rules! But that worked.. Thanks! My personal approach is to bring the address data into a geodatabase of some flavor. That way your geocoding results can be written to the same database. Tidy little package. DBF files are so.... 80s... :cool:
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09:07 AM
Hello I'm trying to geocode addresses in Arcview 10. Every time it just says "there was an error trying to process this table." I use the 10.0 North America Geocode service or the US Streets Geocode service. Tried in Arcview and Arccatalog. Using Excel 2007 sheet. The addresses are correct spelled right and everything. Any Ideas? This is a farily common problem, but I'm a believer in teaching a man to fish: try a search with the keywords excel, addresses. You'll find a few posts. A couple of them I've responded to. Let us know what you find out!
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06:22 AM
How about a summary table approach? Select all your unmatched addresses and summarize on what ever attribute you need to; that will give you a count / frequency. Depending on how your address data is set up, you may have to parse out various address components; for example, if your address is all in one field like 1234 S Main St, you might want to get the street into it's own field with a split function (oops, there I go again with old fashioned vba). Hope this helps-
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04:03 AM
I keep getting "Source table must have an ObjectID column to perform a join by location" What? Ive never gotten this before...using ArcView 10 I can do the map in reverse by using my response Areas (polygon) layer and then joining my crime data to it, but it doesn't look like it is counting the data correctly. I cannot get it to work the correct way. I have tried an excel spreadsheet and a direct database connection to my access database, I have added an numbered field in excel and included the activity ID number in my access Qry (which is a unique auto number). I renamed this field ObjectID but still cannot get past this.....what am I missing. Thanks, Laurie Laurie- look at what it's telling you and what you've posted: No OID and Excel.... Give this a try; import your excel spreadsheet into some flavor of geodatabase and you'll get a real live object id. Hope this helps...
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08:17 AM
Guys- I'm an old gray-hair that's been working with ESRI products since 1990 and version 4.5 ArcInfo on a Unix box; there is always something to learn and share. For the past 8 years or so I've been doing nothing but GIS/9-1-1 dispatch work because I saw a niche there, and I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. [A couple of weeks ago I got a call from a Police Captain saying he had just been to an ESRI presentation and wanted to know if we had the ability to map crime incidents.... Wow, that's a novel concept.... ] The ESRI forums in general are a great resource, and a specific user community like this one is a great place to come up with ideas, share them, and commiserate about problems. All the best-
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05:18 AM
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