I see similar 'exception ignored.....' output , then a message "Results....No issues were found." I opened the XLS Form.....Version tab, and see this. There is no function statement to change. I am not sure what to try next? Also, this is the message I am seeing:
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Hi Doug, Thanks for the quick reply. Let me check, I haven't looked at the XLS code in awhile as things were working. I never sure what to share and to what depth. I can send you the form via secure email if you want to take a look. Regards, Jay
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Hello, I am using Survey123 Connect in a Dashboard to record refuse cart transactions. We employ this GIS approach on several other programs. The Connect form uses the 'pulldata' function against a feature service that has the cart location information. This is quite convenient, and we don't have to rely on .csv files. We enter an address in a drop-down question in the Survey form and select the address as the choices narrow. This triggers an autocomplete of the parcel number which provides our location. If the parcel number does not appear in the form, the cart record is still created, but no parcel number or related globalid are written to the table, and the point is not plotted on the map. When the address is selected but no parcel number appears. Results in no parcel number or rel global id in survey table, and no point on the map. What we usually see when entering an address, parcel number is populated in the form and in the table, along with the rel globalid. Generally, we can delete the 123 record, try again, and we have success. I don't know why this happens occasionally. Overall, the solution has worked fine for well over a year with these occasional glitches. Back in December, and now today, this "missing" point issue instead persisted. Deleting the record and trying again isn't working. I have cleared my browser cache, stopped and restarted our portal, server and data store services twice. Rebooted my laptop. I am going to republish the 123 service again and see if this corrects the issue. Unfortunately, we don't recall how the issue was resolved back in December, we did not document the resolution well or maybe it simply went away. Any insight/help would be greatly appreciated. Kind regards, Jay
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Hello. We have deployed the current versions of the Utility Network Foundation Solutions (water, sewer, stormwater) to our organization. In snooping the Tasks for the stormwater foundation, I noticed an Experience Builder link in the "Step 6. What's Included" task list, for an experience called Stormwater Service Explorer. The link goes to Esri's Experience Builder homepage. Where can I find this named experience? Thanks, Jay
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2 weeks ago
Robert, Thank you for this resource! Aside from the 'where to start' suggestions in the opening paragraphs, is there an order to which one should follow in reviewing this content? We are in the early stages of migrating to the utility network. Any directional advice would be most appreciated. Regards, Jay
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3 weeks ago
Hello, a couple of general questions.... 1) I have Connect 3.19.116 installed on my laptop (March 2024 installation time frame). When I look at the version tab of the XLSForm is shows 3.21, 12 November 2024. I was having trouble publishing a very simply survey yesterday, so I tried the Tools. Analyze Survey, which I have used in the past (and is quite useful), returned a screen of errors I did not understand, though the XLSForm was closed. I decided to run the Update XLSForm Template to see if this helped. At some point in the 'run around,' I got the survey to publish. I then noticed the version of the XLSForm was 3.21. If I create a new survey, it too has a template version of 3.21. Is it safe to assume, that future surveys will use 3.21, thought the version of Connect remains 3.19? And if I open an older Survey, I can update to the new XLSForm if I choose too, while remaining with Connect 3.19? And there is no longer a 3.19 template? 2) What happens to my local C:\Users\....\ArcGIS folder of My Survey Designs and the other folders if I uninstall Survey 123 Connect? Will these folders be deleted, and my survey work erased? Or do the folders remain and an installation of a newer version of Connect will recognize their presence and not overwrite them? 3) Is there a resource(s) that explains what goes when Connect versions are updated on one's computer? Thanks in advance, Jay
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06:24 AM
Hello! I am an Experience Builder newbie. I have managed to create an "information lookup" experience to serve basic address, parcel, zoning, and FEMA information. I have a simple pop-up on each operational layer. I have Views(?) in the left side bar list for the four layers (and legend, basemaps, etc.), which can be scrolled, and shows the same information as in the pop-ups. I noticed that I have to scroll through the pop-up to update the information in the side bar views, when I click on a different map location. I fear this will cause confusion by the user. What I am doing wrong in the settings that would cause this issue, and how do I resolve it? Many thanks.
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10:44 AM
Jamie, Sorry to hear of your struggles. It's been a while, but I recall "going off script," and using the copy of the original solution's 123 form and modifying it as we needed. While the Survey123 form worked well and was used by the residents in Newark (Delaware), we were disappointed in the number of surveys returned/submitted. The only part of the Esri LSL Inventory solution we use, is the original solution feature service, ServiceLine. I either modified the solution's web map (s) or created new ones. We created our own Dashboards too. Eventually, we created a feature class in our enterprise sde GDB, which we consider the "source of truth" for all things water service line related. Any water material line data present in our other water distribution sde feature classes (e.g., curb stops), were added to this feature class, and updating those fields elsewhere has been suspended. Thus, we have, for now, stopped using the Survery123 form to collect service line material. Apologies for the rambling. We are now moving into next steps to add to the inventory. Regards, Jay
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10:23 AM
Laura, Many thanks! I usually forget about that one important detail. Regards, Jay
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06:26 AM
Hello! I have updated content and republished several feature service layers (Sharing......Overwrite Web Layer) from ArcGIS Pro. These are service layers that have been in use in various web maps for several years now. When opening the web map in the ArcGIS Online (new) map viewer, the existing layers show an error in the TofC and do not load. I have to re-add each (now republished) layer, rename the layer, and reconfigure the layer pop-up - a real chore. I read somewhere that this is the expected behavior in the web map when updating a service? I am using a configurable application, Information Lookup. When I open the app, two of five layers I have updated, show the following message: Layer is not in the webmap:service_name_####, where the service_name_ is the name of my service followed by some four digit number. However, the service layers are in the webmap. Interestingly, the two layers show in the application map but are not honoring the symbology. Instead, some default(?) symbology is used. I went back to the web map, and changed the symbology slightly on the two layers, and saved the changes/map. While the symbology has improved, I still get the errors on those two layers when I open the application. I cannot figure out why this is happening in general and happening with these two layers. Any help would be appreciated. Many thanks, Jay
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09:04 AM
I think I have this figured out. In this example, I have a starting inventory of 188 95 gallon recycle carts. I pulled seven carts from inventory and the result is 181 remaining. The Indicator element is filtering the cart type, cart size and cart transaction where carts are pulled from inventory and delivered to residents. var difference = 188 - $datapoint["count"] return { middleText: difference }
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08:28 AM
Howdy! I am trying to create a series of inventory counters in ArcGIS Dashboards on ArcGIS for Enterprise 10.9.1. The inventory is of refuse carts of three types recycle, trash and yard waste, each having up to three sizes (35, 45, and 95 gallons). I was considering starting with a supply of carts, a number, then subtract from it each time a cart of that type and size is pulled from inventory and the delivery is completed. For example, I have 100 95 gallon recycle carts (R95). I pull three from inventory and deliver them. I would like a counter that shows 97 R95 carts remain. Each time I pull a R95 cart(s) from inventory, the count decreases. We use Survey123 Connect to record and manage the various cart transactions. I have a Delivery Complete field (yes, no) in the Survey form. My thought process was to use Arcade, sum the number records for Delivery Complete (=Yes), filtered by cart type and size, and subtract that count from the starting inventory value for that cart type and size. As the Delivery Complete value increases, the remaining cart count decreases. Does this approach make sense? If yes, I am struggling with coding the idea in Arcade. Or is there another way to achieve a dynamic inventory count?
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01:12 PM
I was comparing the 'Trees' feature service with 'Trees_public' service after I deployed the solution. If I am not mistaken, the _public service does not have a field called "adoptedby." Just curious as to why.
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08:55 AM
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