I realize this is probably not the answer you want to hear, but your scenario (non-GIS users needing to access combined GIS/non spatial data, multiple interrelated tables and complex query demands), all sound like the archetypical ArcGIS Server custom build application as the way to go. This would allow you to hide all the complexities for the non-GIS user, allow them to work with a dedicated simple web interface, instead of overloaded and overly complex ArcGIS Desktop interface etc. In addition, the web application development environment will probably give you greater flexibility in defining the necessary queries and relationships, and allow for the editing requirements and special constraints.
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02:55 AM
Is there a way to have these Oracle views in a relationship class with my features so I can eliminate my data duplication and daily updates? Using the Database Connection or OLEDB / ODBC should allow you to view your data directly and use it in a relationship class if properly registered with an ArcSDE geodatabase. See these Help topics: Connecting to an enterprise geodatabase or database from the Catalog tree Adding OLE DB connections to databases Also see this, albeit slightly outdated, whitepaper concerning administering ArcSDE for Oracle, and especially the table on page 141, topic "Registering tables to be used by ArcGIS Desktop": Administering ArcSDE for Oracle
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12:07 PM
See this related forum thread for a more detailed discussion: Why would I install ArcSDE with 10.1? Marco
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10:26 AM
This still leaves the question where the language "bug" is. Either ESRI or Oracle is not taking into account regional language settings during the insertion of the XML SDO_GEORASTER "metadata", it's starting to look like ESRI, but the call is still out... Interestingly, the OCI referred in the function call name causing the issues, relates to the Oracle Call Interface (OCI), as stated here: As Oracle writes: "Oracle Call Interface (OCI) is the most comprehensive, high performance, native 'C' language based interface to the Oracle Database that exposes the full power of the Oracle Database. OCI provides the foundation on which various language specific interfaces such as Oracle JDBC-OCI, ODP.Net, Oracle Precompilers, Oracle ODBC and Oracle C++ Call Interface (OCCI) drivers are built." Reading that page, it seems almost certain that ESRI is using the OCI to support all of ArcSDE's functions related to storage in Oracle. Ah, well, Vince Angelo will chime in I guess... and beat me to death with the true technical details if I have it wrong 😉
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10:21 AM
Second, the regional settings of my ArcGIS Desktop computer was French Canadian. So ArcGIS was inserting comas as decimal separators in the raster metadata. I've found this by using the following to SQL commands: SDO_GEOR.validateGeoRaster() SDO_GEOR.schemaValidate() We are now able to insert data into SDO_GEORASTER using the following geoprocessing tool: Data Management Tools => Raster => Raster Dataset => Copy Raster Sounds like an issue / bug that may be worth reporting to ESRI, if you haven't done so, nor some ESRI folks have read this. That is, assuming SDO_GEORASTER always need decimal point. (IDK) I am sure you read it all, but this Oracle link may be useful to some concerning SDO_GEORASTER: GeoRaster Overview and Concepts And this link concerning the georeferencing and SRID (Oracle speaks of SRS): Georeferencing GeoRaster Objects Now we're having other issues bulding the pyramids using the SQL statement SDO_GEOR.generatePyramid() because ArcGIS doesn't assign any SRID to the raster 😕 I will start a new thread for this bug soon as I trouble shoot a bit more. Seems you should be able to read in a simple ESRI worldfile to correct the issue you describe of a non-defined SRID/SRS using the "SDO_GEOR.importFrom" command in combination with setting the SRID via the "SDO_GEOR.setModelSRID" command, see link above.
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12:05 PM
Good to hear you made some head way solving the problems. These issues can be tire-some to the point of wanting to give up when debugging / solving (which isn't an option in a professional working environment...).
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11:32 AM
And the clients want the measurements to match with what they see in ArcMap. Is there any setting that can be set to calculate measurements in planar. Or do we need to implement a custom tool using the geometry service to calculate areas and lengths. Thanks. Manoj If the client is doing planar calculations on this type of data/projection, the better practice might be to teach them to do geodesic calculations in ArcMap instead of trying to do inappropriate planar calculations on the Web Mercator web service. As John said, the measurements may be way off their true values if they client doesn't account for specific limitations of certain projection types. The only other alternative is as John says reprojecting the data to some sort of (local) projection that preserves distance relationships.
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10:47 AM
Heather, Thanks for the information. Actually I read this classic article you cited before doing the tests, but I don't see anything that can help explain the behavior that I see which can be summarized in short - if one SDE1 that has two-way replications to two other SDEs, say, SDE2 and SDE3, sync changes from SDE1 to SDE2 will immediately see the same changes in SDE2, but then sync from SDE1 to SDE3 will not show the same changes in SDE3. All are in default session and are in the same arcmap session. Allen One interesting aspect you don't mention but probably have checked: does ArcGIS report any conflicts between SDE1 and SDE3? To synchronize, potential conflicts need reconciling, either automatically, or manually. Knowing if there are any conflicts, may help explain the behaviour (if you haven't run into some sort of bug). This Help topic may be of use: Resolving synchronization conflicts manually
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11:01 AM
Hi, found the solution to my issue! The problem was the database name. Your are not allowed to use mixed capital and lower letters or underscores in the name of your database. For example it is not allowed to call the database "myTestDb". ... Hope this issue will be resolved with the next service pack for ArcGIS 10.1. Regards Martin Martin, this really sounds like a database issue, not an ArcGIS issue. This also seems to be confirmed by for example the discussion thread below, that talks about the need to "Quote" database and field names in PostgreSQL in case of using mixed upper and lower case letters:
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03:41 AM
hi ive try this ArcGIS 10.1 for Desktop Free Trial how can i translate it in italian language ive read that its possible but i haven't find it best regards M. Forse c'è nel sito di ESRI Italia. Almeno questo pagina parla di una versione in Italiano: E c'è l'email o telefono...
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01:36 PM
Can't help you in detail with this, but I did notice you didn't mention reconciling and posting during synchronization, and whether you do a manual or automatic conflict resolution. If the changes aren't reconciled and posted, the synchronization version will persist next to the actual replication version, see: Synchronization and versioning I really also recommend reading and printing out any other Help pages regarding replication and synchronization, it simply can be a mind boggling subject as soon as you start using more than two databases in a replication setup, like you do.
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09:29 AM
From further investigation I believe the client connects using a DLL and then goes into the SQL database through the DBMS OLE. Is bottlenecking still going to occur when hundreds, possibly thousands of clients are accessing the databases through this OLE? Apologies if the question seems ill-informed, I am not a DB administrator so just trying to get my head around all the jargon! Dale, you may find these Help articles a useful read. It is in the 9.3 Help system, but nothing much has changed in terms of the application server / direct connect difference, so mostly still a valid read: "Properties of a direct connection to an ArcSDE geodatabase" and you may find this 10.1 Help topic useful: "Database connections in ArcGIS for Desktop"
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10:41 AM