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Live Blog: 2016 Esri UC Plenary (Afternoon Session)

06-27-2016 02:09 PM
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We are back in session at the Esri User Conference Plenary. Check out the morning session: Live Blog: 2016 Esri UC Plenary (Morning Session)


GIS Enabling a Smarter World


2:00 - Andrea Wulf - The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt’s New World


Andrea is taking us back 200 years to look at scientist Alexander von Humboldt. Many things were named after Humboldt:

    • Humbodlt Current
    • Humboldt Penguin
    • Humboldt, CA
    • Humboldt, Squid
    • Humboldt Isotherms (weather maps)


In writing her book, Andrea focused on brining Humboldt back to his rightful place. She studied his notes, passport, and Darwin's copies of Humboldt's Books. She visited locations that were significant to Humboldt's life such as Antisana, Ecuador - Humboldt's Hut, Orinoco, Venezuela, and Chimborazo, Ecuador.


From his exploration he created complex plant information on a map. This is one of the first examples of GIS.

His map of the Orinoco showed techniques of shading map to show detail of mountain ranges. He employed artists to turn his fields sketches into magnificent maps.


The work that you do is a living atlas. Humboldt would have dreamt of this.


Jack - We are moved by the story that you tell, but we are moved by you.



2:48 - Observing & Analyzing America’s Forests – USDA Forest Service

CharlesHobie Perry , Ph.D., Project Manager – Forest Atlas

Christopher Oswalt , Ph.D., Research Forester


How do we see forests?


They are logging forestry data in ArcGIS Online and The Living Atlas so the GIS professional have access.


They are collecting staggering amounts of data and building applications for our use, our partner's user, and your use.


3:00 - Kaitlin Yarnall, National Geographic Society


National Geographic is creating mapping tools for looking at greens spaces in the US. These tools are for everyone. This is the next generation of parks and protecting wildlife. Placing the environment at the heart of planning.


Esri has partnered with National Geographic for Education and Conservation, but now we are not just focused on national parks but green infrastructure everywhere.


3:06 - Designing and Creating a Green Infrastructure

Arancha Muñoz Criado, City and Strategic Planner


Green infrastructure is about transparency; everyone knows, everyone benefits.


This project will be release in ArcGIS Online and shared for everyone.


3:15 - Designing and Creating Green Infrastructure - Hugh Keegan

We took the national land cover dataset from 2000. Get rid of anything developed and agriculture. Looking mainly for intact natural areas.


Tools and Apps to Model and Map Green Infrastructure

This project is all open data.


3:29 - Making a Difference Award

AmazonGISnet - Richard Resl, Domingo Ankuash


Statements from Domingo

  • We do not live in the forest, we are part of the forest.
  • We do not think in disciplines, we naturally wish to understand the whole.


  • We need your attention and concern before be become poor.
  • Becoming poor for us means we have to leave our lands.


  • We can turn history around now.
  • We can learn for the signs in the sky.


  • We can start saving our own little forest everywhere.
  • We need you to be equally mindful toward us protecting the rainforests.


  • We want to keep up recors for the next generations to come.


GIS and Maps have given us a new language for under


Domingo passed the spear to Jack.


3:38 - GIS in Schools

Charlie Fitzpatrick, Joseph Kerski


San Andreas High School - Highland, CA

  • Teens and Alcohol Abuse - Story Map
  • 2016 Presidential Election - Story Map


  • City of Highland Data Collection - Story MapIMG_0189.JPG

Charlie and Joseph call for GeoMentors to partner with school to help with GIS instruction and data.


3:52 - Understanding Understanding

Jack Dangermond & Richard Saul Wurman (TED founder)


Richard joins Jack on stage joke around a bit (they are clearly close friends).


Richard says that he has made changes in Jack's life, and Jack has made enormous changes in my life.


Richard tells story of bringing Billy Graham to do a TED talk because of his influence on people. Grapham told about how he wished he had come to more of these conferences because he realized that there must be more. The same can be said of GIS technology, there must be more.


4:06 - Jack closes out the plenary and invite us to join him in the map gallery.

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About the Author
Timothy Hales is a Senior Education Specialist for Esri Training Services developing instructor-led and web courses. Before developing training content for Training Services, he was the Enterprise Community Manager for Esri Community (GeoNet).