Hi Allison,Craig had a great solution; here are a few more of the details that you were seeking.In default.htm, add the second set of code that he listed. I changed it a little by adding the CSS that you'll need and by removing the onClick specification--it's still needed, but for me, it was easier to link the click handler to the initial extent by setting the handler in the JavaScript.<body onorientationchange="orientationChanged();">
<div id="divMainContainer" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;" dojotype="dojox.mobile.View"
<div id="map" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;">
<!--Zoom to Extent-->
<div id="zoom" title="Zoom to Full Extent" class="esriSimpleSlider" style="top:155px!important">
<img src="images/zoom.png">
<div id="divSplashScreenContainer" class="divSplashScreenContainer" style="display: none;">
In js/homePage.js, we'll insert the click handler:dojo.connect(map, "onLoad", function () {
var zoomExtent;
var extent = GetQuerystring('extent');
if (extent != "") {
zoomExtent = extent.split(',');
else {
zoomExtent = responseObject.DefaultExtent.split(",");
var startExtent = new esri.geometry.Extent(parseFloat(zoomExtent[0]), parseFloat(zoomExtent[1]), parseFloat(zoomExtent[2]), parseFloat(zoomExtent[3]), map.spatialReference);
dojo.connect(dojo.byId("zoom"), "onclick", function () {
map.setExtent(startExtent); //here set your extent you wish to zoom back to, either calling the xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax or by calling the original extent variable
You can find these changes in the app's GitHub site; it's on a branch that's based on the version that you're using. The changed files are default.htm and homePage.js, and zoom.png icon was added. (It's just a 30x30 image; a sample is attached. The border comes from the +/- zoom control.)Thanks, Craig!As far as resources, I personally use (i.e., these are my recommendations and do not represent Esri)
- Esri's ArcGIS API for JavaScript Sandbox. Many of the JavaScript API samples have an "Explore in the sandbox" option, which not only gives you a working sample, but a try-it environment in which you can make changes and see what happens.
- The Dojo Toolkit online documentation. The tutorials get you started using Dojo, which, as you can see in the apps, we use heavily.
- w3schools. Good summary info for HTML, JavaScript, and CSS (sometimes you have to search for it--there's more on the site than meets the eye).