In my ArcGIS Runtime v100.0 QML app, I'm experiencing a seemingly UI-caused crash which I am attempting to debug. When I run in debug mode, the app crashes with exceptions before ever reaching that UI crash. I am having difficulty debugging it due to my inexperience both with C++ and with the Qt/ArcGIS Runtime SDK architecture.
The exception I receive is:
Exception at 0x7ffca7841f28, code: 0xe06d7363: C++ exception, flags=0x1 (execution cannot be continued) (first chance) in runtimecore!kdu_tile::get_mct_dwt_info
I am dynamically creating/deleting feature layers and tables with this function:
function changeLayer(layerId){if(featureLayer!==null){if(featureTable!==null){featureLayer.featureTable.destroy();}
var layerToRemove = null;map.operationalLayers.forEach(function(layer,layerIndex){if(layer === featureLayer){layerToRemove = layerIndex;}
if(layerToRemove !== null){map.operationalLayers.remove(layerToRemove);console.log("removed",layerToRemove);}
featureLayer = ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment.createObject("FeatureLayer",{},map);featureLayer.selectFeaturesStatusChanged.connect(selectFeaturesStatusChanged);var featureTableConfig = {url: featureServerUrl+layerId,featureRequestMode: Enums.FeatureRequestModeOnInteractionCache,credential: userCred};
featureTable = ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment.createObject("ServiceFeatureTable",featureTableConfig,featureLayer);featureLayer.featureTable = featureTable;featureLayer.featureTable.loadStatusChanged.connect(function(){if(featureLayer.featureTable.loadStatus==Enums.LoadStatusLoaded){actionBar.title = featureLayer.featureTable.tableName;var tempArr =[];for(var i=0,l=featureLayer.featureTable.fields.length;i<l;i++){if(featureLayer.featureTable.fields[i].editable){tempArr.push(featureLayer.featureTable.fields[i]);}
featureFields = tempArr;}
And this is the qml structure of the map on component load:
MapView {
anchors.fill: parent
wrapAroundMode: Enums.WrapAroundModeDisabled
attributionTextVisible : false
Map {
id: map
// add the BasemapImagery basemap to the map
ArcGISTiledLayer {
url: baseMapUrl
onMouseClicked: {
mapView.identifyLayerWithMaxResults (featureLayer, mouse.x, mouse.y, 22, false, 1000);
onIdentifyLayerStatusChanged: {
if (identifyLayerStatus === Enums.TaskStatusCompleted) {
if (identifyLayerResult.geoElements.length >0){
var geoElem = identifyLayerResult.geoElements[0];
params.objectIds = [geoElem.attributes.attributeValue("objectid")];
featureLayer.selectFeaturesWithQuery(params, Enums.SelectionModeNew);
QueryParameters {
id: params
maxFeatures: 1
This is the part of the changeLayerId function where the crash seems to be occurring:
featureTable = ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment.createObject("ServiceFeatureTable",featureTableConfig,featureLayer);
I'm not sure why it is crashing, but can you take that line of code and break it out into a simple reproducible test app?
Unfortunately I have not been able to reproduce this with stripped down code and the public arcgis example services.
Maybe you can log a support ticket and give them your app that can reproduce the crash. They can help troubleshoot, and if it seems like a bug, then log a bug for us to debug it. Otherwise, it is difficult to say why it is crashing. The only other hope would be if you can get a stack trace