I have around 30 tables like this:
Now I have to get one big table out of them, but only for the first four lines of each table.
First I tried it with this code:
resulttxt = newpath + "\\" + "resultSUM.txt"
f = open (resulttxt, 'w')
- f.close ()
f = open (resulttxt, 'a')
fc_tables = arcpy.ListTables("*sort_sort*")
for tableR in fc_tables:
fieldsSe= ["Combi","FREQUENCY" ,"SUM_PERCEN" ,"SUM_SUM_ar", "NAME", "CODE"]
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(tableR, fieldsSe, """"OID" < 4""") as sCursor:
for row in sCursor:
print row [0], row [1],row [2],row [3],row [4],row [5]
f.write(str(row[0]) + "," + str(row[1])+ "," +str(row[2]) + "," + str(row[3])+ "," +str(row[4])+ "," +str(row[5]) + "\n")
- f.close()
The problem with this code is that the field “Combi” of the “resulttxt” has the type “double” therefore it does not fill the combinations in the right way, because the combinations are originally in a “text “-field (see the first table).
This is the result from the code with open():
Because of this I tried the tool "merge" with the following code:
import arcpy
import os, sys
from arcpy import env
- env.overwriteOutput = True
- env.workspace = r"D:\Users\julia\erste_aufg\cities_UA"
- env.qualifiedFieldNames = False
resulttxt = r"D:\Users\julia\erste_aufg\cities_UA\resultfolder"+ "\\" +"4resultSUM.txt"
fc_tables = arcpy.ListTables("*sort_sort*")
for tableR in fc_tables:
tableresultName = os.path.splitext (tableR) [0]
print tableresultName
arcpy.Merge_management(fc_tables, resulttxt)
The new table looks like this:
This is exactly what I need, but how can I do this for the selection of just the first four lines? Now it gives me all (10) back. Does someone has an idea?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi Jutta,
Create an empty table with your target schema.
In your for loop,
If creating an empty table is not an option where you don't know the schema before hand. Instead of step 2 above, follow below:
Hi Jutta,
Create an empty table with your target schema.
In your for loop,
If creating an empty table is not an option where you don't know the schema before hand. Instead of step 2 above, follow below:
Hi Riyas Deen,
Thank you for your answer. It tried it but the huge problem is that the combi is still getting lost. To test is I just copied the selection of one table to the new table. I’m really desperate because I don’t know the way to select the first lines and fill them to one big table without losing the combi. And the Combi-field is now a string why is the combi lost?
fc_tables = arcpy.ListTables("*sort_sort*")
for tableR in fc_tables:
tableresultName = os.path.splitext (tableR) [0]
print tableresultName
arcpy.MakeTableView_management(env.workspace+ "\\" +tableR, "tableR_ly")
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management("tableR_ly", "NEW_SELECTION",""""OID" < 4""")
tablename = tableresultName + "selc.dbf"
arcpy.CreateTable_management (env.workspace, tablename, tableR)
arcpy.CopyRows_management("tableR_ly", tablename)
Hi Jutta,
try below script. This selects rows in a table and uses the selection to perform merge.
import arcpy
import os, sys
from arcpy import env
env.overwriteOutput = True
env.workspace = r"C:\tempdelete\PL_TO_LINE.gdb" # Set your workspace
env.qualifiedFieldNames = False
resulttxt = r"C:\tempdelete\4resultSUM.dbf" # Set your output
fc_tables = arcpy.ListTables("") # Set your filter here
tableViews = []
for tableR in fc_tables:
#tableresultName = os.path.splitext (tableR) [0]
tableView = tableR + "_View"
arcpy.MakeTableView_management(tableR, tableView)
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(tableView, "NEW_SELECTION","OBJECTID < 4") # Set your where clause here
arcpy.Merge_management(tableViews, resulttxt)
I’m so sorry but it is still the same problem but thanks for your help. This is what I was running:
import arcpy
import os, sys
from arcpy import env
env.overwriteOutput = True
env.workspace = r"D:\Users\julia\erste_aufg\cities_UA"
env.qualifiedFieldNames = False
resulttxt = env.workspace + "\\" + "outFINAL.dbf"# Set your output
fc_tables = arcpy.ListTables("*sort_sorted3.dbf") # Set your filter here
tableViews = []
for tableR in fc_tables:
#tableresultName = os.path.splitext (tableR) [0]
tableView = tableR + "_View"
arcpy.MakeTableView_management(tableR, tableView)
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(tableView, "NEW_SELECTION",""""OID" < 4""") # Set your where clause here
arcpy.Merge_management(tableViews, resulttxt)
Hi Jutta,
My understanding was, you wanted to select first 4 rows in all the tables listed from your workspace and merge these rows into a separate table right? I tested the code and it does exactly that.
I can't access my ArcGIS box now to double check, my suspicion is on your where clause, can you change it to just arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(tableView, "NEW_SELECTION","OID < 4") removing the extra double quotes.
Ok, I did a very stupid mistake: If I only select 4 lines it is not possible to get a combi with more than one number, because there is no combination. Doing the selection for more lines it works perfectly. I’m so sorry. And thanks a lot for your help!