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A simpler way to use arcpy.List* functions


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MVP Esteemed Contributor

lists of lists and nothing is equal in size.  how to flatten things down


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Esri Regular Contributor

These days, it is quite common for people to use the rasterio, rasterstats, numpy, or geopandas Python packages in their Raster processing/analysis workflows. This post aims to illustrate how some of these packages might be used to perform zonal statistics:

  • rasterio
  • rasterstats
  • geopandas
  • fiona

If you're ever used the Summarize Raster Within or Zonal Statistics tools and you've wondered a bit about what goes on behind the scenes his article will help break down a few of the processes.

A number of packages are required for the below script to work - some of these packages are dependent on gdal.

The easiest way to get started is to use Anaconda to create a new environment:

conda create -n raster python=3.7

conda install -n raster gdal

From there, you can use conda/pip to install the remainder of the packages:

  • rasterio
  • rasterstats
  • descartes
  • mapclassify
  • geopandas
  • fiona
  • shapely
  • matplotlib

When you run a tool like Zonal Statistics or Summarize Raster Within, you are asked for a few things:

  1. Input Zone Layer
  2. Zone Field
  3. Input Raster Layer to Summarize
  4. Statistic Type

As an example, let's say you're working with this then:

  1. A polygon feature class of parcels
  2. Owner Name field
  3. DEM
  4. Average

In the equivalent workflow presented here, the following occurs: The polygon feature class is loaded into data frame > dissolved by the zone field >  > statistics are calculated using the zones > the result is rasterized.

Begin by importing the required packages:

import fiona, rasterio
import geopandas as gpd
from rasterio.plot import show
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import rasterio.plot as rplt
from rasterio.features import rasterize
from rasterstats import zonal_stats‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

In order to run the required tools, it helps to view the data - the below help with adding a bit of interactivity:

def enum_items(source):
    for ele in enumerate(source): 
def list_columns(df):
    field_list = list(df)
    return field_list‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

These functions are used to load data into a geopandas dataframe for easy manipulation. Either an .shp or a File Geodatabase Feature class (the input vector layer).

# For loading feature classes into geopandas dataframe
def loadfc_as_gpd(fgdb):
    layers = fiona.listlayers(fgdb)
    index = int(input("Which index to load? "))
    fcgpd = gpd.read_file(fgdb,layer=layers[index])
    return fcgpd
# For loading shapefiles into geopandas dataframe
def loadshp_as_gpd(shp):
    data = gpd.read_file(shp)
    return data‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

If you want to filter the data before processing (e.g., maybe you only want to use parcels within a certain county):

# For optional filtering of data
def filter_gpd(fcgpd):
    field_list = list_columns(fcgpd)
    index = int(input("Filter by which field (index)? "))
    field = field_list[index]
    value = input("Enter value: ")
    result = fcgpd[fcgpd[field] == value]
    return result‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

Ideally, the input vector layer is in the same projection as the input raster layer. If it's not, this function can be used to re-project the vector layer to the raster's projection. The re-projected vector layer is plotted along with the raster data for visual inspection:

# For re-projecting input vector layer to raster projection
def reproject(fcgpd, raster):
    proj =
    print("Original vector layer projection: ",
    reproj = fcgpd.to_crs(proj)
    print("New vector layer projection (PROJ4): ",
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 15)), ax=ax)
    reproj.plot(ax=ax, facecolor='none', edgecolor='red')
    return reproj‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍
  • Note: the to_proj4 method is introduced in later versions of rasterio (e.g. 1.0.22).

This is used to perform a dissolve on the selected zone field:

# For dissolving geopandas dataframe by selected field
def dissolve_gpd(df):
    field_list = list_columns(df)
    index = int(input("Dissolve by which field (index)? "))
    dgpd = df.dissolve(by=field_list[index])
    return dgpd‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

Here desired statistics are selected - I've included a list of common statistics but rasterstats offers additional options. You can actually select multiple statistics to calculate and this may be one reason why someone would choose to incorporate a tool like rasterstats in their workflow (Zonal Statistics as Table will let you get multiple statistics, but not Zonal Statistics/Summarize Raster Within😞

# For selecting which raster statistics to calculate
def stats_select():
    stats_list = ['min', 'max', 'mean', 'count', 
              'sum', 'std', 'median', 'majority', 
              'minority', 'unique', 'range']
    indices = input("Enter raster statistics selections separated by space: ")
    stats  = list(indices.split())
    out_stats = list()
    for i in stats:
    return out_stats
# For calculating zonal statistics
def get_zonal_stats(vector, raster, stats):
    # Run zonal statistics, store result in geopandas dataframe
    result = zonal_stats(vector, raster, stats=stats, geojson_out=True)
    geostats = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(result)
    return geostats‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

The result of rasterstats' zonal_stats function is not a raster (e.g. .tif) by default so you must rasterize the result. In the previous function, the result is stored as GeoJSON in a geopandas dataframe and this is what gets rasterized to a .tif.

# For generating raster from zonal statistics result
def stats_to_raster(zdf, raster, stats, out_raster, no_data='y'):
    meta = raster.meta.copy()
    out_shape = raster.shape
    transform = raster.transform
    dtype = raster.dtypes[0]
    field_list = list_columns(stats)
    index = int(input("Rasterize by which field? "))
    zone = zdf[field_list[index]]
    shapes = ((geom,value) for geom, value in zip(zdf.geometry, zone))
    burned = rasterize(shapes=shapes, fill=0, out_shape=out_shape, transform=transform)
    meta.update(dtype=rasterio.float32, nodata=0)
    # Optional to set nodata values to min of stat
    if no_data == 'y':
        cutoff = min(zone.values)
        print("Setting nodata cutoff to: ", cutoff)
        burned[burned < cutoff] = 0 
    with, 'w', **meta) as out:
        out.write_band(1, burned)
    print("Zonal Statistics Raster generated")‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

Altogether the script is:

import fiona, rasterio
import geopandas as gpd
from rasterio.plot import show
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import rasterio.plot as rplt
from rasterio.features import rasterize
from rasterstats import zonal_stats

def enum_items(source):
    for ele in enumerate(source): 

def list_columns(df):
    field_list = list(df)
    return field_list

# For loading feature classes into geopandas dataframe
def loadfc_as_gpd(fgdb):
    layers = fiona.listlayers(fgdb)
    index = int(input("Which index to load? "))
    fcgpd = gpd.read_file(fgdb,layer=layers[index])
    return fcgpd

# For loading shapefiles into geopandas dataframe
def loadshp_as_gpd(shp):
    data = gpd.read_file(shp)
    return data

# For optional filtering of data
def filter_gpd(fcgpd):
    field_list = list_columns(fcgpd)
    index = int(input("Filter by which field (index)? "))
    field = field_list[index]
    value = input("Enter value: ")
    result = fcgpd[fcgpd[field] == value]
    return result

# For re-projecting input vector layer to raster projection (Rasterio v. 1.0.22)
def reproject(fcgpd, raster):
    proj =
    print("Original vector layer projection: ",
    reproj = fcgpd.to_crs(proj)
    print("New vector layer projection (PROJ4): ",
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 15)), ax=ax)
    reproj.plot(ax=ax, facecolor='none', edgecolor='red')
    return reproj

# For dissolving geopandas dataframe by selected field
def dissolve_gpd(df):
    field_list = list_columns(df)
    index = int(input("Dissolve by which field (index)? "))
    dgpd = df.dissolve(by=field_list[index])
    return dgpd

# For selecting which raster statistics to calculate
def stats_select():
    stats_list = ['min', 'max', 'mean', 'count', 
              'sum', 'std', 'median', 'majority', 
              'minority', 'unique', 'range']
    indices = input("Enter raster statistics selections separated by space: ")
    stats  = list(indices.split())
    out_stats = list()
    for i in stats:
    return out_stats

# For calculating zonal statistics
def get_zonal_stats(vector, raster, stats):
    # Run zonal statistics, store result in geopandas dataframe
    result = zonal_stats(vector, raster, stats=stats, geojson_out=True)
    geostats = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(result)
    return geostats

# For generating raster from zonal statistics result
def stats_to_raster(zdf, raster, stats, out_raster, no_data='y'):
    meta = raster.meta.copy()
    out_shape = raster.shape
    transform = raster.transform
    dtype = raster.dtypes[0]
    field_list = list_columns(stats)
    index = int(input("Rasterize by which field? "))
    zone = zdf[field_list[index]]
    shapes = ((geom,value) for geom, value in zip(zdf.geometry, zone))
    burned = rasterize(shapes=shapes, fill=0, out_shape=out_shape, transform=transform)
    meta.update(dtype=rasterio.float32, nodata=0)
    # Optional to set nodata values to min of stat
    if no_data == 'y':
        cutoff = min(zone.values)
        print("Setting nodata cutoff to: ", cutoff)
        burned[burned < cutoff] = 0 
    with, 'w', **meta) as out:
        out.write_band(1, burned)
    print("Zonal Statistics Raster generated")

def main():
    rst = '/path/to.raster.tif'
    raster =

    fgdb = '/path/to/fgdb.gdb'
    vector = loadfc_as_gpd(fgdb)
    p_vector = reproject(vector, raster)
    d_vector = dissolve_gpd(p_vector)
    out_rst = '/path/to/out.tif'
    stats_to_get = stats_select()

    zs = get_zonal_stats(d_vector, rst, stats_to_get)
    stats_to_raster(zs, raster, stats_to_get, out_rst)

if __name__ == '__main__':


As an example, suppose we have the following data where the vector layer is a feature class of of urban areas and the raster layer is a DEM:

Start by setting the paths in the main function of the final script then run either in a terminal or a notebook (I ran it in a notebook). The first prompt will ask you which Feature Class in the File Geodatabase you would like to load. Enter the index:

From review of the data, I know the vector layer needs to be projected so I included the reproject function in main. Here you can see that the data was re-projected to North America Albers Equal Area Conic (the proj4 representation of this projection is shown):

The result is plotted for visual inspection:

Next, a prompt to choose which field to dissolve on:

Here I select the statistics I want to calculate, separating the selections by space:

Finally, the statistic to use for rasterization is selected:

The result is plotted:

This compares well with the result you would get from the Zonal Statistics tool:

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