Using field lists in arcpy.da update cursor to calculate percentage

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02-23-2021 01:21 PM
Occasional Contributor

I'm trying to make some calculations using lists of fields. I need to make a list of the fields in a table, and then add them together as part of a percentage calculation. Here's my script, but I think my syntax is wrong. Help is appreciated!

# too many cropscape value fields. Use table field list to calculate percentages (hopefully).
crop_table_all = r'E:\FATHOM\2020FATHOM\Analysis\MR_cropscape_2016_FPstats_02062021.gdb\Cropscape_MR_floodplain_statsALL'     
# List of all fields in the table   
cropfieldlist = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(crop_table_all,"VALUE_*","")]
#list of only the fields representing developed landcover.
developedfieldlist =['Value_121','Value_122','Value_123!', '!Value_124!']
# add result field
fieldName4 = "Pct_Disturbed_FATHOM"
arcpy.AddField_management(crop_table_all, fieldName4, "DOUBLE")
#Calculate percent developed
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(crop_table_all, developedfieldlist, cropfieldlist,fieldName4) as cursor:
    for row in cursor:
        # Update the Pct_Area field to be the (Area_Sqm field / Shape_Area) *100
        # ROAD_TYPE field.
        if row[1] != 0:
            row[3] = (sum[row [1]] / sum[row[2]]) * 100
                print (0)


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14 Replies
Occasional Contributor

When I attempt it in field calculator, here's the error I get....

crop_table_all = r'E:\FATHOM\2020FATHOM\Analysis\MR_cropscape_2016_FPstats_02062021.gdb\Cropscape_MR_floodplain_statsALL'        
cropfieldlist = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(crop_table_all,"VALUE_*","")]
developedfieldlist =['VALUE_121','VALUE_122','VALUE_123', 'VALUE_124']
fieldName4 = "Pct_Disturbed_FATHOM"
arcpy.AddField_management(crop_table_all, fieldName4, "DOUBLE")
expression4 = """sum(developedfieldlist) / sum(cropfieldlist) *100"""
arcpy.CalculateField_management(crop_table_all, fieldName4, expression4, "PYTHON_9.3")


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\ArcPy\arcpy\", line 5209, in CalculateField
raise e
File "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\ArcPy\arcpy\", line 5206, in CalculateField
retval = convertArcObjectToPythonObject(gp.CalculateField_management(*gp_fixargs((in_table, field, expression, expression_type, code_block, field_type), True)))
File "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\ArcPy\arcpy\geoprocessing\", line 511, in <lambda>
return lambda *args: val(*gp_fixargs(args, True))
arcgisscripting.ExecuteError: ERROR 000539: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<expression>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

Failed to execute (CalculateField).

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

The error message is saying there is a TypeError and that it cannot add ints and strings.  You may have some fields that are strings so you will have to figure a way to convert them to ints in order to perform the sum operation.

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Occasional Contributor

Thank you, I think I fixed that by removing the one text field from the list. I now get the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\ArcPy\arcpy\", line 5209, in CalculateField
raise e
File "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\ArcPy\arcpy\", line 5206, in CalculateField
retval = convertArcObjectToPythonObject(gp.CalculateField_management(*gp_fixargs((in_table, field, expression, expression_type, code_block, field_type), True)))
File "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\ArcPy\arcpy\geoprocessing\", line 511, in <lambda>
return lambda *args: val(*gp_fixargs(args, True))
RuntimeError: Object: Error in executing tool

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Reading through the documentation for the calculatefield, it says that if you are using python as the expression type you need to denote the fields as '!fieldname!'.  I also think the 'Python_9.3' should just be 'PYTHON3'.

To get your fields formatted correctly, you can add the ! to the list of fields that you typed out, and you can do

[f'!{}!' for f in arcpy.ListFields(crop_table_all,"VALUE_*","")]

for the dynamically created list.

Occasional Contributor

Thank you! I ended up doing something a little different because even when I changed my fieldnames to be the appropriate format, it was throwing an error.

Here's what I came up with:




# Calculate sum field for sum of all values 
crop_table_all = r'E:\FATHOM\2020FATHOM\Analysis\MR_cropscape_2016_FPstats_02062021.gdb\Cropscape_MR_floodplain_statsALL'
cropfieldlist = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(crop_table_all,"VALUE_*","")]
print (cropfieldlist)

fieldName1 = "VALUE_SUM"
arcpy.AddField_management(crop_table_all, fieldName1, "DOUBLE","", "", "", "", "")

with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(crop_table_all, cropfieldlist) as cursor:
    for row in cursor:
        row[-1] = sum(row[:-2])
fieldName5 = "Pct_Ag_Cropscape_FATHOM"
fieldName2 = "Pct_AgPlus_FATHOM"
fieldName3 = "Pct_Natural_FATHOM"
fieldName4 = "Pct_Developed_FATHOM"
fieldName6 = "Pct_Disturbed_FATHOM"
arcpy.AddField_management(crop_table_all, fieldName5, "DOUBLE","", "", "", "", "")
arcpy.AddField_management(crop_table_all, fieldName2, "DOUBLE","", "", "", "", "")
arcpy.AddField_management(crop_table_all, fieldName3, "DOUBLE","", "", "", "", "")
arcpy.AddField_management(crop_table_all, fieldName4, "DOUBLE","", "", "", "", "")
arcpy.AddField_management(crop_table_all, fieldName6, "DOUBLE","", "", "", "", "")
expression2 = "((!Value_1! + !Value_2! + !Value_3! + !Value_5! + !Value_12! + !Value_13! + !Value_42! + !Value_26! + !Value_52! + !Value_225! + !Value_226! + !Value_228! + !Value_232! + !Value_237! + !Value_238! + !Value_239! + !Value_240! +!Value_241! + !Value_254!) / (!VALUE_sum!)) *100"
expression3 = "(( !Value_111!+ !Value_131!+ !Value_141!+ !Value_142!+ !Value_143!+ !Value_152!+ !Value_190!+ !Value_195!) / (!VALUE_sum!)) *100"
expression4 = "((!VALUE_121!+!VALUE_122!+!VALUE_123!+ !VALUE_124!) / (!VALUE_sum!)) *100"
expression5 = "100 - (!Pct_Natural_FATHOM! + !Pct_Disturbed_FATHOM!)"
expression6 = "(!Pct_Ag_Cropscape_FATHOM! + !Pct_Developed_FATHOM!)"
arcpy.CalculateField_management(crop_table_all, fieldName5, expression5, "PYTHON_9.3") 
arcpy.CalculateField_management(crop_table_all, fieldName2, expression2, "PYTHON_9.3")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(crop_table_all, fieldName3, expression3, "PYTHON_9.3")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(crop_table_all, fieldName4, expression4, "PYTHON_9.3")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(crop_table_all, fieldName6, expression6, "PYTHON_9.3")   



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