I am trying to automate packaging of layer and other files to a .zip for sharing. This works fine for layers in the map using arcpy.management.SaveLayerToFile(),However this does not work when passing a table.
Outside of Python I can right click on a standalone table in the content pane, and use Sharing > Save As Layer File. This works as expected and creates a .lyrx with the standalone table. Can I replicate this function using Python?
As an example I have attempted the following which returns the error 'The value is not a layer'
import arcpy
project = arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject(<path to project>)
map = project.listMaps()[0]
table = map.listTables()[0]
arcpy.management.SaveToLayerFile(table,<path to lyrx>)
Is there another function to save a table to a lyrx? or can I reference the table in another way so that .SaveToLayerFile will accept it?
Was there a chance that your table was associated with a featureclass in the past?
There is no mention of pure tables in the documentation.
Save To Layer File (Data Management)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
No, these tables are pure data related to features across multiple feature classes by a common id, no joins or relationships have previously or currently exist.
It does work, as you indicated.... I wasn't expecting this ( I usually share a project package).
I suspect you have to check in the CIM class for specifics for keywords and potential code possibilities.
Open the *.lyrx in notepad++ and you can check the contents.
"type" : "CIMLayerDocument",
"version" : "2.9.0",
"build" : 32739,
"tables" : [
"tableDefinitions" : [
"type" : "CIMStandaloneTable",
"name" : "Spyder",
"uRI" : "CIMPATH=birdondog/spyder.xml",
"sourceModifiedTime" : {
"type" : "TimeInstant"
"useSourceMetadata" : true,
"displayField" : "Spyder_required",
"editable" : true,
"dataConnection" : {
"type" : "CIMStandardDataConnection",
"workspaceConnectionString" : "DATABASE=..\\Arc_projects\\Test_29\\Test_29.gdb",
"workspaceFactory" : "FileGDB",
"dataset" : "Spyder",
"datasetType" : "esriDTTable"
"autoGenerateRowTemplates" : true,
"serviceTableID" : -1,
"showPopups" : true
"rGBColorProfile" : "sRGB IEC61966-2.1",
"cMYKColorProfile" : "U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2"
Note, it doesn't contain the data, just a reference to the location of the table (line 21) and the map frame where the standalone table was located.
Thanks for the details, I am only after a reference to the tables. I will look at the details and see if I can work something out. Cheers.