Turn Off Fields with Python

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04-02-2019 09:57 AM
Frequent Contributor

First of all, this is not a duplicate thread as I am not convinced that the one below has been resolved..at least the suggestions and code does not seem to work for me.

Turning fields on and off using arcpy 

Another on stackexchange on this topic addresses this in ArcMap, but since ESRI decided to get rid of the mapping module and create the mp module for Pro, it doesn't solve the problem either.


We have a Pro project that houses our web maps for our organization. Recently we turned on editor tracking fields for layers coming from a specific sde, and now we need to hide those fields so they don't display in the web map pop-ups. To get an idea of the scale of this task, there are over a thousand layers that need these fields turned off. I have been scripting in Python for ArcMap for several years, but am relatively new to Pro and Python 3 and the new arcpy.mp module. The example code in the above threads uses arcpy.mapping and looks fairly straightforward - the arcpy.mapping.UpdateLayer() function does the hard work. Well this does not exist in arcpy.mp and the workaround I have seen (and suggested by esristaff) goes like this:

- create a fieldinfo describe object on the layer of interest

- loop through fieldinfo list and using setVisible hide desired fields

- make feature layer and pass in fieldinfo

- save as layer file

- replace old layer in map with new layer (plus a bunch of steps to preserve order and symbology)

This is all straightforward to me and I am not having issues structuring the code. The issue is that the temp layer created from MakeFeatureLayer is not honoring the new field info. I have tested this interactively in the Python window in Pro:

fieldInfo = arcpy.Describe(lyr).fieldInfo

Printing this shows the fields I need to turn off as visible. Then looping through and turning them off:

for i in range(0, field_info.count):

   if field_info.getFieldName(i) in fields_to_turn_off:

      field_info.setVisible(i, "HIDDEN")

Printing field_info now shows the fields I wanted off to be hidden. Great. But then I make a feature layer passing this field_info into it, it shows up in my TOC, I open the fields window on it and all the fields are still on! 

The example code from the previous threads stops there, but to me it seems like either the field_info object is not being 'saved' or the MakeFeatureLayer function is not honoring it as a parameter. ESRI's documentation on fieldInfo and everything else is minimal at best, and I have not come up with anything else helpful on Google. 

Here is an overly complicated workaround I have gotten to work. 

- Save layer of interest as a layer file

- Then on that layer file create the describe object and turn fields off

- Then make feature layer passing in the new field info 

- Then save as another layer file

Kind of ridiculous.

12 Replies
Frequent Contributor

After lots and lots of testing, I imagine this is a bug and will be opening a case with tech support. If this was built into the design of arcpy, there is no reason I can think of that the FieldInfo properties should not be honored on data coming from a replica database since they are properties of the layer in the map/project and not properties of the data in the database. 


I did, however, manage to figure out a workaround, cobbled together with someone else's workaround for preserving the symbology, and my own hack of the JSON code in the lyrx file to preserve other properties of our maps. The solution is rather ridiculous and overly complex for what should be such a simple task of turning off fields. I hope ESRI and the Python community can see the humor in this code 

# Import modules and set workspace
import arcpy, json, os
workspace = "C:\\...\\WebLayers_COPY"
arcpy.env.workspace = workspace
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

# Set up folder paths and fields to turn off
layer_folder = "C:\\...\\TempLayers"
proj_path = "C:\\...\\webLayersArcGISAPP_COPY2.aprx"
fields_to_turn_off = ['created_user', 'created_date', 
                      'last_edited_user', 'last_edited_date']

# Create project object
project = arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject(proj_path)

# List maps in project and layers in maps
maps = project.listMaps()

# Initiate loop through maps and layers
for map in maps:
    layers = map.listLayers()

    for lyr in layers:
        # Pass over group layers
        if lyr.isGroupLayer:
        # Pass over any data not coming from gjgisprod.sde
        elif 'gjgisprod' not in lyr.dataSource:
        # Pass over any data using Parcels
        elif 'Parcel' in lyr.dataSource:
        # Begin absurd process
            # Get field info, loop through and turn off desired fields
            field_info = arcpy.Describe(lyr).fieldInfo
            for i in range(0, field_info.count):
                if field_info.getFieldName(i) in fields_to_turn_off:
                    field_info.setVisible(i, "HIDDEN")
            # Make feature layer, save to lyr file, make feature layer with new
            # field info, apply symbology, save to lyr file again
            # --dumb workaround: fieldinfo not honored on replica data 
            # --must make feature layer and save as lyr twice for it to work
            # --dumb symbology/naming workarounds
            name = lyr.name        
            out_lyr_path = os.path.join(layer_folder, (name + "_1.lyrx"))        
            arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(lyr, "temp_lyr", "", "", field_info)        
            arcpy.SaveToLayerFile_management("temp_lyr", out_lyr_path)
            arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(out_lyr_path, "temp_lyr2",
                                              "", "", field_info)        
            arcpy.ApplySymbologyFromLayer_management("temp_lyr2", lyr, "", "MAINTAIN")        
            new_lyr_path = os.path.join(layer_folder, (name + ".lyrx"))        
            arcpy.SaveToLayerFile_management("temp_lyr2", new_lyr_path)
            new_lyr_file = arcpy.mp.LayerFile(new_lyr_path)        
            new_lyr = new_lyr_file.listLayers()[0]        
            # Check leyer properties and preserve
            if not lyr.visible:
                new_lyr.visible = False
            if lyr.transparency:
                new_lyr.transparency = lyr.transparency
            if lyr.minThreshold:
                new_lyr.minThreshold = lyr.minThreshold
            if lyr.maxThreshold:
                new_lyr.maxThreshold = lyr.maxThreshold
            new_lyr.name = name
            # Hack into lyrx JSON code and collapse layer and disable popups
            with open(new_lyr_path) as json_lyr:
                data = json.load(json_lyr)
                data['layerDefinitions'][0]['expanded'] = False
                data['layerDefinitions'][0]['showPopups'] = False
            with open(new_lyr_path, "w") as json_lyr:
                json.dump(data, json_lyr, indent=4)

            # Must delete lyr and create another for the JSON changes
            del new_lyr_file
            new_new_lyr = arcpy.mp.LayerFile(new_lyr_path)

            # Finally, switch out layers in map
            map.insertLayer(lyr, new_new_lyr, "AFTER")

# Save project and clean up (still does not remove locks for some reason..) 
del project
del workspace‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍
Occasional Contributor

Thank you so much Dylan! I'm dealing with dozens of layers and Cityworks configuration. You've saved me and I'm sure many others from existential panic!

Thanks again!


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MVP Emeritus

Anyone not amused by your comment lines lives an a bubble... 

That should just about do it....