Splitting a line  where it crosses polygon boundary

12-10-2014 04:37 AM
New Contributor II

Hi everyone,


I have a simple railway line, linking two rail stations, which is defined by a polyline array and a polygon feature class representing land value. I need to be able to attribute each railway segment with the land value that it falls within. The tricky part is that the railway crosses different land value boundaries and I need to be able to split it at the boundary so each segment will only fall within one land value. Does anyone have accomplished problem like this using Python? Or is there any way to do it using geometry objects? Or might there be a different solution I'm missing?

Any help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Many thanks,

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6 Replies
MVP Emeritus

There is the cutter method in the Polyline class, but I haven't tried it yet so I don't know if it is what you need

New Contributor II

Dear Dan

Thank you very much for your quick response and suggestion.The cutter method in the polyline class is only available form ArcGIS 10.2 and later versions , and I got ArcGIS 10.1.  So, I wonder to know if there is any other possible alternative to try .

Many thanks,

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MVP Emeritus

Sorry I don't...I wish they would add a "...added in version xx.x..." to new functions, methods and properties

MVP Alum

One possible solution to split the lines would be to use XTools Pro (http://www.xtoolspro.com/ ), a third-party add-in for ArcGIS. They have a function called "Split Polylines" that includes the option to split lines based on a second line layer.  Their is a free version of XTools so one can try it out.

Feature Conversions, Split Polylines, Split Polylines by another layer.

Once you have your roadwork split, I believe you then could then do a spatial join to add the land value to the roads.

Chris Donohue, GISP

New Contributor II

Dear Chris

Many thanks for your suggestion. I will try it.

Best regards,

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New Contributor II

I have done things like this in the past. You can use the tool box and the spatial analysis tools see this


Then spatial join the splitted line with the polygon features so the splitted lines will get the values of the polygons.

Also you may build a model in model builder with this and automate this procedure for future use