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SHAPE@XY value are not centroids, instead they are truecentroids.

11-29-2018 08:08 AM
Occasional Contributor

I am trying to calculate the centroids of polygons and found SHAPE@XY value are not centroids, instead they are truecentroids.

Script which I have used is.



lstFieldsList =  ["ID", "SHAPE@XY", "SHAPE@TRUECENTROID"]

with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, lstFieldsList) as searchRows:

    for searchRow in searchRows:

        print searchRow[0],searchRow[1],searchRow[2


120 (13.397784197052292, 52.472906875319225) (13.397784197052292, 52.472906875319225)

I have found the workaround to extract centriods by using SHAPE@centroid.X, SHAPE@centroid.Y.

Shape file is attached for your test.

Is this a bug or I am doing something wrong?

I am using ArcGIS on Windows Server 2008_DE with service pack 1

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4 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Definitely a bug, I am seeing the same thing in Pro, but I am also seeing SHAPE@X and SHAPE@Y returning true centroid coordinates.

>>> import arcpy
>>> shape = arcpy.FromWKT(
...     'POLYGON((0 0, 100 0, 100 20, 20 20, 20 80, 100 80, 100 100, 0 100, 0 0))',
...     arcpy.SpatialReference(3857)
... )
>>> shape.centroid
<Point (50.0, 10.0, #, #)>
>>> shape.trueCentroid
<Point (40.76923076923077, 50.0, #, #)>
>>> fc = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(shape, "in_memory/fc")
>>> with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, flds) as cur:
...     for shape, shape_xy, shape_x, shape_y, shape_true in cur:
...         print("From shape:")
...         print("Geometry centroid: {}".format(shape.centroid))
...         print("Geometry true centroid: {}".format(shape.trueCentroid))
...         print("\nFrom Cursor:")
...         print("SHAPE@XY: {}".format(shape_xy))
...         print("SHAPE@TRUECENTROID: {}".format(shape_true))
...         print("SHAPE@X,SHAPE@Y: {}, {}".format(shape_x,shape_y))
From shape:
Geometry centroid: 50 10 NaN NaN
Geometry true centroid: 40.7692307692308 50 NaN NaN

From Cursor:
SHAPE@XY: (40.76923076923077, 50.0)
SHAPE@TRUECENTROID: (40.76923076923077, 50.0)
SHAPE@X,SHAPE@Y: 40.76923076923077, 50.0
MVP Emeritus

Joshua... assuming those values are planar coordinates and not decimal degrees...

numpy/solution for the capital 'C'

array([55., 50.])
_centroid(cw)  # uses the Shoelace formula to determine area first
array([40.77, 50.  ])
both as expected, of course non are expected to be in the C itself. (I had to clockwise the coordinates first)
Deactivated User
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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Good catch, I missed that 2014 GeoNet thread.  I wonder if the OP in 2014 opened a Support case.  In my mind, this is clearly a defect, the question is whether the software isn't working (my view) or the documentation is misleading to the point of being wrong.

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