Hi Everyone,
I've made a script to add fields to all my feature classes inside a gdb. My issue is that I'm trying set my Parameters in my Script Tool so that a user can run the script on any gdb they input by setting the workspace with arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
fcList = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
for fc in fcList:
Am I missing a step?
Defining parameters in a Python toolbox—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
way down towards the bottom
The workspace filter specifies the types of input workspaces that are permissible. There are three values:
If you want to work with the custom toolboxes, they allow you to just pick the workspace parameter from a list
Setting script tool parameters—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
same workspace parameter is also towards the bottom