Is there a parameter type that can be used to navigate to a deployed Solution in a python toolbox? I have the user entering the item ID currently as a text string. Clunky. Would prefer navigating it to in portal contents like GPFeatureLayer for feature layers, etc.
I suspect if it isn't on the list
Defining parameter data types in a Python toolbox—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
then it currently isn't possible
I was hoping the documentation was lagging/lacking. Saw another post where they guessed a undocumented name by adding the 'DE' prefix and it worked. Have seen a handful of similar missing items mentioned in posts at times.
Have tried Solution, GPSolution, and DESolution just to take shots at it. 🙂
If you check the parameter types in a Custom toolbox, it is much longer than the link I sent you but they obscure the DE stuff in their names, and I didn't see anything there unless Portal or Server would help... worth a look if you have a custom toolbox vs a python toolbox