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ScannedMapDigitizer smd.create_mask giving black outputs

02-10-2023 10:59 AM
New Contributor

I'm trying to run arcgis.learn code to digitize a scanned map. So far, no matter the parameters I set, the binary mask output is all blank with every pixel having a [0,0,0] RBG value. The zoneColors are the exact values for red that is found in the input image. The other three variables I don't know as much about so I expect the error is in there somewhere.

Here is my code: 

zoneColors = (234, 26, 26)
colorRange = 10
kSize = [3, 3]
kType = "rect"
smd.create_mask(color_list = zoneColors, color_delta = colorRange, kernel_size = kSize, kernel_type = kType, show_result = True)


Here is the output:



When I run the code with similar parameters to create the template image it seems to create a binary raster just fine.



Any idea on what I need to do to actually get a binary mask?

I'm using python 3.7.11 and running the code in Visual Studio.



EDIT: I found that what I needed was to have double brackets around the colors variable.

[[236, 24, 24]]

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