I do have a question and not sure how do I say this but I recalled two years ago that I did had Pyscripter to write code that go with ArcGIS python. This is much easier than doing it in ArcGIS python window. What do you call that ? AND what kind of software do you recommend me to use to go with it ?
Two years ago I used Pyscripter to work with codes and it was very helpful. Now, it has been two years since I last used and wanted to know if there are one that is much improved or recommend or should I stay with Psycripter ?
Thank you,
Have you tried a web search? Sorry, but it doesn't take long to figure out that it's called an IDE (integrated development environment).
I still use PyScripter; there's not a whole lot more that I'm looking for.
Thank you Darren. I'll go ahead and google. I remember some people have mention some other IDE software that works better than Psycripter. I think Psycripter still good. Will need to see if they have update their new version or not..
Thanks again.
last update May 23 2005, I think it has stagnated
If you plan to use PRO any time soon, you might want to look at
Pycharm and Spyder, apparently Pyscripter doesn't play nice any more. To go old school with one of the best, there is still Pythonwin which I use in the conda distribution with ArcGIS PRO 1.4 along with Spyder and IPython. If you want separate IDE's for use outside of ArcMap, just go with Continuum's Anaconda distribution of python and related modules and IDE's
This is what I was trying to hear from others about what is best/ or bad to have with an IDE and ArcGIS. Will they work the latest ArcGIS versions such as 10.4 or later ?
Pythonwin (old school) works with arcmap 10.4.1 and ArcGIS Pro 1.4.1
Pycharm, pyscripter work with 10.4.1 as does
If you want to future-proof yourself (aka plan to move to PRO anytime in the next few years) I use PythonWin, Spyder within the ArcGIS PRo environment. This also includes the ability to work with IPython and Jupyter notebooks all at once.
I have a separate Anaconda distribution of python and all the bells and whistles that aren't in the conda distribution of ArcGIS PRO which works with any IDE that I have installed... but ... this is for pure python and brethren development work.
So in short... if you aren't going to go with PRO any time soon stick with what you know (ie pythonwin or pyscripter)
If you are going to move forward, look at the others... of just stick with pythonwin until you feel adventurous.
Each offers something different and it is not uncommon for me to use several IDE's on the same development project... it is like owning a car and a truck, both perform similar tasks, but one may be more suited to a task than another. The principles are the same
A useful blog post from Esri on this topic:
Choosing the right Python Integrated Development Environment | ArcGIS Blog
Also right here on GeoNet:
I still like Wing Wingware - Wing Python IDE which has a free, personal and Pro version. It is maintained and has regular updates and has a very responsive tech support/developer team. I have the Pro version at work. But much has to do with your preference and what you are used to.
check out my recent blog post, or look to see if this provides all you need