Hello all!
I am trying to find recommendations on the best IDE to use multiple languages: Python (w Arcpy), JavaScript, and HTML at minimum. I have tried Komodo but am having a hard time loading the Arcpy Library. I would love to know what IDE's others have used recently and if there is one as close to a one stop shop as possible. Thank you!
I don't know about Java, but have found Pycharm to be very good at working with Python, and Webstorm is good for Javascript and HTML. Any of the JetBrains family should work as they all share the same functionality. They contain a lot of features that I take for granted (e.g. duplicate line, CSS lookup) and are not available as standard in other IDEs (*cough* Visual Studio *cough*).
The professional licence is very reasonable if you can persuade your company to pay for it. If not, the community edition seems to be just as good.
Thank you, I will check them out
Check out Although the poll is focused on Python IDEs, there is some good discussion of IDEs, and not all of the IDEs are limited to only Python. Also, there is some Python IDE information over at https://community.esri.com/message/549104?sr=search&searchId=9bab9fe2-cd11-4996-9171-0a0d320e6c93&se....