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Python Sequential Requests: Data Processing Automation within ArcMap

03-05-2019 09:12 AM
New Contributor

Hello, my python skills are very limited (to none) and I've never created an automated, sequential request for ArcMap. Below are the steps I'd like to code, any advice would be appreciated.

Step 1: Locate File folder 

Step 2: Import “first” file (table csv) (there are over 500 cvs, the naming convention is not sequential)

Step 3: Join csv to HUC08 shapefile

Step 4: Select data without Null values within under the field name “Name”

Step 5: Save selected data as a layer file within my FoTX.gdb

Step 6: Move to the next file within the folder and complete the same action until all actions are complete

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1 Reply
MVP Esteemed Contributor

You have broken down the process into steps, which is a good start.  Now you just need to take one step at a time and then eventually connect all the steps into a functioning script/process.

In terms of Step 1, what do you mean by "Locate File folder," i.e., how will the script look for the file folder?  Does the user pass a full path of a file folder to the script?  If so, how?  Or, do you know the name and need to search a file system?

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