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PMF properties documentation

01-20-2023 01:01 PM
MVP Regular Contributor

I was running a script today looking for datasets of all types, then filtering those that were feature datasets.

It failed because it hit a PMF file, which does not include the property "datasetType", but instead has "dataType". 

Could anyone point me to any documentation for PMFs? I'm unfamiliar with them and so far my google searches are not giving me a lot of help.


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2 Replies
MVP Notable Contributor


pmf file is an ArcReader map document, which is a view only map consumed with ArcReader and created with the Publisher extention in desktop.

How are you listing them that shows pmf files?  If you are just looking for feature datasets, could use the ListDatasets arcpy command.


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MVP Regular Contributor

I'm looking for other dataset types as well, and changing what I do depending on the type.

I've gotten around it by just checking to see if it has datasetType in the describe object, but I was thrown because 1) I didn't realize a map document would be treated as a dataset and 2) it has a different set of properties from every other dataset.

Still really haven't found any documentation on it though, beyond this How To: Configure a PMF to open in ArcMap (

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