Hello there. I am using arcpy to develop a toolbox. And I got a confusing problem.
I have a loop that calculates to get one raster file at a time. For example, in the ith loop I get raster_i. I need to add the value of raster_i to my original raster. Therefore, I write the code like this,
arcpy.management.Mosaic(raster_i, original_raster, "SUM")
But the pixels of raster_i and original_raster do not always line up exactly. I want to make sure that the pixels of original_raster are fixed, and that each time raster_i is added, it is resampled based on the position of the pixel points of the original raster. How do I implement that functionality? I tried parameter mosaicking_tolerance, but I changed the value of this parameter from 0 to 0.5 and the results don't seem to change for me.