Hi all!
I am using the following code to create a new FGDB and a new Feature Class, but none of them are shown in the Catalog pane after creation.
# Create a dedicated FGDB
gdb = "ReplayedRecs.gdb"
arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(arcpy.env.workspace, gdb)
# Temp FCs that will be deleted
PointsFC = arcpy.env.workspace + "\\" + gdb + "\\" + "RecordingPoints"
LinesFC = arcpy.env.workspace + "\\" + gdb + "\\" + "RecordingPaths"
# Creates a FC that stores the replayed recordings
ReplayedPaths = arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(gdb, "ReplayedPaths", "POLYLINE", spatial_reference=spatial_reference)
# Read each csv file, create point features, and then polylines
for csv in csv_files:
csv_path = PATH_TO_CSVS + "\\" + csv
# Convert CSV Rows to Point Features
# Execute PointsToLine
arcpy.Append_management(LinesFC, ReplayedPaths)
# Delete PointsFC and LinesFC
right-click on the gdb and select "refresh"... it should show up
if you want them to show in the map, then you have to make layers out of them and have Pro set to add geoprocessing results to the map (project, options, geoprocessing)
Hi and thanks for your answer.
Refresh doesn't work. The only way to add the gdb is to right-click on Databases --> Add Database
makes sense now. if the gdb isn't part of the project already, then you will have to use makefeaturelayer specifying the full path to the gdb that you created plus the featureclass name (same would apply for tables if you wanted to make a tableview)