You could use a list comprehension on line 8 to create a full path to each of the rasters:
rasterList.append([os.path.join(arcpy.env.workspace, A) for A in arcpy.ListRasters("*", "GRID")])
That produces an error "TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable" What does that mean? Is the "*" the 'NoneType'?
I'm about ready to tell the client that we're going to run this in ArcGIS 10.2. da.Walk makes this so easy. This script uses da.walk and handles the tifs and grids in the tree, except I hit one grid that had a file name so long I couldn't add any extra letters.
#test trying to walk a directory tree, find rasters and shapefiles, and clip to a area of Interest (AOI)
# using da.walk first available at ArcGIS 10.1
# Paul Huffman, Yakama Fisheries, 7/7/2014
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
import os
# Set Geoprocessing environments
arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = "c:\\avdata\\PythonTest\\ClipLidar\\Scratch"
#arcpy.env.workspace = "c:\\avdata\\PythonTest\\ClipLidar\TestData"
arcpy.env.workspace = "c:\\avdata\\PythonTest\\ClipLidar\\TestData\\Input\\Highest_Hit"
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
clipshape = "c:\\avdata\\PythonTest\\ClipLidar\\AOIPoly_SP.shp"
InputFolder = "c:\\avdata\\PythonTest\\ClipLidar\\TestData\\Input"
#InputFolder = "c:\\avdata\\PythonTest\\ClipLidar\\TestData\\Input\\Highest_Hit"
#OutputFolder = "c:\\avdata\\PythonTest\\ClipLidar\\TestData\\Output"
#Find AOI extent
AOI = arcpy.mapping.Layer(clipshape)
#Find the input feature classes
#for root, dirs, files in os.walk(InputFolder):
#walk = arcpy.da.Walk(InputFolder, topdown=True, datatype="RasterDataset")
for root, dirs, files in arcpy.da.Walk(InputFolder, topdown=True, datatype="RasterDataset"):
for name in files:
FileObj = arcpy.mapping.Layer(os.path.join(root, name))
FileExtent = FileObj.getExtent()
print "Processing: " + name
#if image overlap or touches AOI polygon, then clip image, write to output
Extent_Disjoint = str(FileExtent.disjoint(AOIextent))
if Extent_Disjoint == 'False':
print "Clipping: " + name
OutputPath = root.replace("Input","Output")
if not os.path.exists(OutputPath):
#Handle tifs
if os.path.splitext(name)[1] == ".tif":
Clipname = os.path.splitext(name)[0] + "cp.tif"
#Clipname = os.path.splitext(name)[0] + "c"
Clipname = os.path.splitext(name)[0]
print "Writing " + (os.path.join(OutputPath,Clipname))
arcpy.Clip_management((os.path.join(root, name)),"#",(os.path.join(OutputPath,Clipname)),clipshape,"#","ClippingGeometry")
What that probably means is that the list was empty; no GRIDs in the folder. You may need to make it a little smarter:
rasterInDir = arcpy.ListRasters("*", "GRID")
if len(rasterInDir) > 0:
rasterList.append([os.path.join(arcpy.env.workspace, A) for A in rasterInDir])
I'm starting to get confused. Using Bruce's last code, now I'm getting subdirectories to my InputFolder added to my rasterList. And I'm missing the last slash in the path name on all of them. Grids are only found in C:\avdata\PythonTest\ClipLidar\TestData\Input\Highest_Hit
>>> ================================ RESTART ================================
Less confused now. What I was seeing was the output of the first print statement, unnoticed at first, now commented out, but it showed me that I needed to add '\\" into the string. Now I'm getting a rastList that I can work with:
InputFolder = "c:\\avdata\\PythonTest\\ClipLidar\\TestData\\Input"
#Find the input feature classes
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(InputFolder):
for targetdir in dirs:
#print root + "\\" + targetdir
targetworkspace = root + "\\" + targetdir
arcpy.env.workspace = targetworkspace
#rasterList.append (arcpy.ListRasters("*", "GRID"))
rasterInDir = arcpy.ListRasters("*", "GRID")
if rasterInDir > 0:
rasterList.append([os.path.join(arcpy.env.workspace, A) for A in arcpy.ListRasters("*", "GRID")])
for raster in rasterList:
print raster, "\n"
I'm still confused. It looks like my full path rasters are in the list twice, along with some [] elements.
>>> for raster in rasterList:
print raster
[u'c:\\avdata\\PythonTest\\ClipLidar\\TestData\\Input\\Highest_Hit\\ellen_n_hh', u'c:\\avdata\\PythonTest\\ClipLidar\\TestData\\Input\\Highest_Hit\\hillsha_elle1', u'c:\\avdata\\PythonTest\\ClipLidar\\TestData\\Input\\Highest_Hit\\mt_clifty_hh', u'c:\\avdata\\PythonTest\\ClipLidar\\TestData\\Input\\Highest_Hit\\raven_hh', u'c:\\avdata\\PythonTest\\ClipLidar\\TestData\\Input\\Highest_Hit\\taneum_hh', u'c:\\avdata\\PythonTest\\ClipLidar\\TestData\\Input\\Highest_Hit\\teanaway_hh', u'c:\\avdata\\PythonTest\\ClipLidar\\TestData\\Input\\Highest_Hit\\y5012010-2000']
I got this version that is working for Grids. But it will bomb if it finds a second folder under the input starting point containing grids. I'm detecting grids with by looping through workspaces and adding grids to the list if the number of grids counted is > 0, lines 28 to 34. But the folder above the Grids is always included in this list, so I delete it out again with line 38. Very crude!
#test trying to walk a directory tree, find grids, and clip to a area of Interest (AOI)
# and make it run in 10.0 so without da.walk.
# Paul Huffman, Yakama Fisheries, 7/14/2014
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
import os
# Set Geoprocessing environments
arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = "c:\\avdata\\PythonTest\\ClipLidar\\Scratch"
#arcpy.env.workspace = "c:\\avdata\\PythonTest\\ClipLidar\TestData"
#arcpy.env.workspace = "c:\\avdata\\PythonTest\\ClipLidar\\TestData\\Input\\Highest_Hit"
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
clipshape = "c:\\avdata\\PythonTest\\ClipLidar\\AOIPoly_SP.shp"
InputFolder = "c:\\avdata\\PythonTest\\ClipLidar\\TestData\\Input"
#Find AOI extent
AOI = arcpy.mapping.Layer(clipshape)
#Intialize empty lists
#Find the input feature classes
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(InputFolder):
for targetdir in dirs:
targetworkspace = root + "\\" + targetdir
arcpy.env.workspace = targetworkspace
rasterInDir = arcpy.ListRasters("*", "GRID")
if len(rasterInDir) > 0:
for raster in rasterList:
print raster
del rasterList[0]
#start comparing extents and clipping
for name in rasterList:
FileObj = arcpy.mapping.Layer(name)
FileExtent = FileObj.getExtent()
print "Processing: " + name
#if image overlap or touches AOI polygon, then clip image, write to output
Extent_Disjoint = str(FileExtent.disjoint(AOIextent))
if Extent_Disjoint == 'False':
print "Clipping: " + name
foldername = os.path.dirname(name)
OutputPath = foldername.replace("Input","Output")
#print "name = " +name
#print "OutputPath =" + OutputPath
if not os.path.exists(OutputPath):
Clipname = os.path.splitext(name)[0]
Clipbasename = os.path.basename(Clipname)
#print "Clipname = " + Clipname
print "Writing " + (os.path.join(OutputPath,Clipbasename))
There is still something wrong with the way arcpy.ListRasters works to detect grids. Maybe not wrong, but unexpected. Line 12's output shows that ListRasters still finds my grids in their parent workspace and also the subdirectory for the grid that contains the info external files.
The code segment:
#Find the input Grid feature classes
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(InputFolder):
for targetdir in dirs:
targetworkspace = root + "\\" + targetdir
arcpy.env.workspace = targetworkspace
rasterInDir = arcpy.ListRasters("*", "GRID")
if len(rasterInDir) > 0:
for raster in rasterInDir:
rasterList.append(targetworkspace + "\\" + raster)
for raster in rasterList:
print raster
The output of the print statement, in part:
Fixed it. This is what satisfied the colleague, and was put into production. Lines 30-34 is how I check to see if the current worksheet is a Grid or a workspace containing grids. Had to go through this extra BS because I couldn't use da.walk.
#test trying to walk a directory tree, find grids, and clip to a area of Interest (AOI)
# and make it run in 10.0 so without da.walk.
# Paul Huffman, Yakama Fisheries, 7/21/2014
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
import os
# Set Geoprocessing environments
#arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = "c:\\avdata\\PythonTest\\ClipLidar\\Scratch"
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
clipshape = "c:\\avdata\\PythonTest\\ClipLidar\\AOIPoly_SP.shp"
InputFolder = "c:\\avdata\\PythonTest\\ClipLidar\\TestData\\Input"
#find input folder bottom folder
InputString = InputFolder.split("\\")[-1]
#Find AOI extent
AOI = arcpy.mapping.Layer(clipshape)
#Intialize empty lists
#Find the input Grid feature classes
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(InputFolder):
for targetdir in dirs:
targetworkspace = root + "\\" + targetdir
#if the targetworkspace can be initialized as a Raster object, do nothing else
#if the targetworkspace fails when an attempt is made to initialize it as a raster object, search for rasters within it
arcpy.env.workspace = targetworkspace
rasterInDir = arcpy.ListRasters("*", "GRID")
if len(rasterInDir) > 0:
for raster in rasterInDir:
rasterList.append(targetworkspace + "\\" + raster)
##for raster in rasterList:
## print raster
#start comparing extents and clipping
for name in rasterList:
FileObj = arcpy.mapping.Layer(name)
FileExtent = FileObj.getExtent()
#print "Processing: " + name
#if image overlap or touches AOI polygon, then clip image, write to output
Extent_Disjoint = str(FileExtent.disjoint(AOIextent))
if Extent_Disjoint == 'False':
print "Clipping: " + name
foldername = os.path.dirname(name)
OutputPath = foldername.replace(InputString,"Output")
if not os.path.exists(OutputPath):
if len(os.path.basename(name)) > 10:
Shortname = (os.path.basename(name))[0:11]
print "Grid name shortened to " + Shortname
Clipname = os.path.splitext(Shortname)[0] + "cp"
Clipname = os.path.splitext(name)[0] + "cp"
Clipbasename = os.path.basename(Clipname)
print "Writing " + (os.path.join(OutputPath,Clipbasename))
#Find the input tifs and shapefiles
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(InputFolder):
for name in files:
if os.path.splitext(name)[1] == ".tif":
FileObj = arcpy.mapping.Layer(os.path.join(root, name))
FileExtent = FileObj.getExtent()
#print "Processing: " + name
#if image overlap or touches AOI polygon, then clip image, write to output
Extent_Disjoint = str(FileExtent.disjoint(AOIextent))
if Extent_Disjoint == 'False':
print "Clipping: " + name
OutputPath = root.replace(InputString,"Output")
if not os.path.exists(OutputPath):
Clipname = os.path.splitext(name)[0] + "cp.tif"
print "Writing " + (os.path.join(OutputPath,Clipname))
arcpy.Clip_management((os.path.join(root, name)),"#",(os.path.join(OutputPath,Clipname)),clipshape,"#","ClippingGeometry")
#for shapefiles, use a different clip, write to output.
if os.path.splitext(name)[1] == ".shp":
print(os.path.join(root, name))
FileObj = arcpy.mapping.Layer(os.path.join(root, name))
FileExtent = FileObj.getExtent()
Extent_Disjoint = str(FileExtent.disjoint(AOIextent))
if Extent_Disjoint == 'False':
print "Clipping: " + name
OutputPath = root.replace(InputString,"Output")
if not os.path.exists(OutputPath):
Clipname = os.path.splitext(name)[0] + "cp"
print "Writing " + (os.path.join(OutputPath,Clipname))
arcpy.Clip_analysis((os.path.join(root, name)),clipshape,(os.path.join(OutputPath,Clipname)))