I encountered an issue regarding creating a relationship feature class in a test sde database. The issue that I encountered is the script will create the relationship class, but for some reason none of the data relates for some reason. At first, I thought it might be due to none of the related features having data in them as a possibility. I ran the same script with data in both of the features and it worked. I don't know why this would be an issue or if anyone else has had similar issues, but I would like to know if there is a way to make certain that this won't happen again next time the script runs.
# Import arcpy da modules
from arcpy.da import (
# Import functions/classes pertaining to editing features in databases
Editor as Editing, SearchCursor as Searching, InsertCursor as Inserting, UpdateCursor as Updating,
# Import functions/classes pertaining to looping or creating item lists
ListDomains, Walk, ListVersions, ListContingentValues
# Import arcpy management modules
from arcpy.management import (
# Creating features
CreateFeatureDataset as MakeDataset, CreateFeatureclass, CreateTable ,
# Feature field modifications
AddField, AlterField as ModifyField , DeleteField ,
# Creating, deleting, or modifying domains
CreateDomain, AlterDomain, AddCodedValueToDomain as AddCode, DeleteCodedValueFromDomain as DeleteCode, SetValueForRangeDomain as SetRange, DeleteDomain, AssignDomainToField, RemoveDomainFromField ,
# Attribute rules
EnableAttributeRules, DisableAttributeRules, AddAttributeRule, AlterAttributeRule, DeleteAttributeRule ,
# Creating feature relations
CreateRelationshipClass as MakeRelation, AddRelate, RemoveRelate ,
# Establishing roles and users
CreateRole, ChangePrivileges, CreateDatabaseUser, ChangePrivileges, UpdatePortalDatasetOwner ,
# Updating licensing information
UpdateEnterpriseGeodatabaseLicense as LicenseUpdate ,
# Enabling or disabeling editor tracking on features
EnableEditorTracking as TrackEdits, DisableEditorTracking as StopTrackEdits ,
# Managing versions
CreateVersion, ChangeVersion, AlterVersion, DeleteVersion , RegisterAsVersioned , UnregisterAsVersioned ,
# Creating contingent values
CreateFieldGroup , AlterFieldGroup , DeleteFieldGroup , AddContingentValue , RemoveContingentValue ,
# Add global ids
AddGlobalIDs ,
# Create database connections
CreateDatabaseConnection ,
# Manage layer symbology from existing layer
ApplySymbologyFromLayer ,
# Make a feature layer
MakeFeatureLayer , SaveToLayerFile
# Create relationship table between certain feature classes
def RelateFeatures( InputDatabase, RelateFeaturesDictionary ):
Tab = ' ' * 4
print ( f'Creating relationship classes for relations in { list( RelateFeaturesDictionary ) }' )
# Important variables
Relationships = 'Relationships'
Origin, Destination, ToLabel, FromLabel, Field = 'Origin', 'Destination', 'ToLabel', 'FromLabel', 'Field'
To, From, Both, Neither = 'FORWARD', 'BACKWARD', 'BOTH', 'NONE'
Attributed, NotAttributed = 'ATTRIBUTED', 'NONE'
Simple, Composite = 'SIMPLE', 'COMPOSITE'
OneCardinality, OneManyCardinality, ManyCardinality = 'ONE_TO_ONE', 'ONE_TO_MANY', 'MANY_TO_MANY'
# Important feature classes and tables
FeatureClasses = { filename : Combine( InputDatabase, filename ) for root, directory, filenames in Walk( InputDatabase, datatype='FeatureClass' ) for filename in filenames }
Tables = { filename : Combine( InputDatabase, filename ) for root, directory, filenames in Walk( InputDatabase, datatype='Table' ) for filename in filenames }
# Get all relationship feature classes
Relationships = { filename : Combine( InputDatabase, filename ) for root, directory, filenames in Walk(InputDatabase, datatype='RelationshipClass') for filename in filenames }
ValidateExistingRelationships = [ RelateName for RelateName in RelateFeaturesDictionary for ExistingRelation in Relationships if RelateName in ExistingRelation ]
# Create the relationships for each named relation in the dictionary
for Relation in RelateFeaturesDictionary:
OriginName = RelateFeaturesDictionary[ Relation ][ Origin ]
DestinationName = RelateFeaturesDictionary[ Relation ][ Destination ]
RelationshipClass = Combine( InputDatabase, Relation )
OriginFeature = None
DestinationFeature = None
OriginLabel = RelateFeaturesDictionary[ Relation ][ ToLabel ]
DestinationLabel = RelateFeaturesDictionary[ Relation ][ FromLabel ]
KeyField = RelateFeaturesDictionary[ Relation ][ Field ]
# Get the origin feature from either feature classes or tables
for Name in FeatureClasses:
Fullname = None
if '.' in Name:
Fullname = Name.split( '.' )[ -1 ]
if Fullname == OriginName:
OriginFeature = FeatureClasses[ Name ]
# Get the destination feature from either feature classes or tables
for Name in Tables:
Fullname = None
if '.' in Name:
Fullname = Name.split( '.' )[ -1 ]
if Fullname == DestinationName:
DestinationFeature = Tables[ Name ]
# Create the relationship class if the relationship class does not exist
if Relation not in ValidateExistingRelationships:
NewRelation = MakeRelation( OriginFeature, DestinationFeature, RelationshipClass, Simple, OriginLabel, DestinationLabel, To, OneManyCardinality, NotAttributed, KeyField, KeyField )
print ( f'{ Tab }{ NewRelation } has been created between { RootName( OriginFeature ) } as the origin and { RootName( DestinationFeature ) } as the destination' )
print ( '\n' )
# Core relationship features
Relationships = {
'Relationship Name' : {
Origin : FeatureA,
Destination : TableA,
ToLabel : 'To Message',
FromLabel : 'From Message',
Field : 'Selected Field Name'
# Create relationships
RelateFeatures( MainDatabase, Relationships )
Solved! Go to Solution.
Why all these crazy import renames and such? All you should need is this I think.
import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/data/Habitat_Analysis.gdb"
arcpy.CreateRelationshipClass_management("vegtype", "vegtable", "veg_RelClass", "SIMPLE",
"Attributes from vegtable", "Attributes and Features from vegtype",
Hope that works
Could you rephrase the question? It seems you're saying the script works, but only when the tables contain data. I'm sure you meant something else.
Why all these crazy import renames and such? All you should need is this I think.
import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/data/Habitat_Analysis.gdb"
arcpy.CreateRelationshipClass_management("vegtype", "vegtable", "veg_RelClass", "SIMPLE",
"Attributes from vegtable", "Attributes and Features from vegtype",
Hope that works
I managed to get it to work after debugging it for quite some time. I know it is typically not suitable to rename imports but I was merely doing so to simplify copying and pasting as well as reducing the length of the module name since some modules have ridiculously long names.