I recently uninstalled Anaconda due to a conflict with my pandas packages. I use to have it configured with my ArcGIS Pro Python 3.65 environment. Now I want to reinstall it, but for my ArcGIS Desktop 10.5/ Python 2.7 environment. I need to have an environment that has both the arcpy , pandas, and arcgis libraries/mods in it (which my current 2.7/ArcMap 10.5 does). How can I install Anaconda for 2.7 without overwriting or interfering with my current ArcGIS 10.5/ Python 2.7 environment AND set up my arcpy/arcgis/pandas within that new Anaconda environment? If I wanted to copy my current Arc - Python 2.7 env folder, where would I find it (ex: C:\Python27\ArcGIS10.5)?
Don't mess with the anaconda distribution for Pro
Maybe all you need is a 'pip' install for arcmap to have it go into your 'site_packages' folder with the rest of the modules that were installed there with ArcMap and your python 2.7
Unfortunately, the copy of ArcGIS Pro that I have didn't come with Anaconda. Originally, I had to install it separately for 3.65 and copy the env folder from Pro and past it into the Anaconda env file in order to get arpy to work. I am thinking that I can do something similar for Anaconda with 2.7 if I can figure out where the env for Arc 10.5 is located.
When you install pro, the anaconda distribution of python and all the 'stuff' is installed. You will have to 'conda' installs since the Pro package manager is defunct since version 2.2
C:\ … your ArcGIS pro install folder … \bin\Python\envs\arcgispro-py3
I don't have arcmap installed anymore, but python for 10.5 is in a … c:\python2.. (whatever version) folder. as is arcpy and the rest of the modules, in their own site_packages folder.